Thanks. I actually joined meso in 2001. This board crashed for a couple weeks and we lost all the data back in 2003. When that happened, everyone's join date got reset to 2003. The Test Enan raws have been pippy for a long time. I first experienced the painful TE (dosed at 300mg/cc) back in 2016 from a very established, respected source, Defiant Labs. I had been buying his TE since about 2013 with zero PIP. But boom, suddenly in 2016 he starts selling incredibly painful TE 300. I had to resort to cutting it with sterile oil I bought from Medlabsupply at a 2:1 ratio of sterile oil : TE 300. Even cutting it with sterile oil at a 1:1 ratio was not enough to reduce the pain, I had to actually cut it at a 2:1 ratio. Defiant's best guess as to the culprit for the TE PIP : Carbolic Acid (ie phenol). So the painful TE raws have been an issue going back to at least 2016, a very very long time. Make your life simple....just use Test Cyp.