HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

Yes I have to say that I just recieved PM from HL so we will see how this goes this time. For now it seems like they want to investigate the issues with people who had bad reaction.
All right, I have pm with their offer to be a test subject too. I'm interested how many of you are going to accept?

Also how many people think this will be beneficial if we do this experiment?

I ask because I'm unlikely to use their products, as I have good ties with the other source that carries Testosterone undecanoate and that's all I need now.

I will accept to participate in the experiment if enough people going to say it has any worth to them. If not then, I don't see the reason as I don't do it just for myself.
My neighbor contacted HL about this PIP-Thing 4.5 months ago. The only answer he was given was to switch to Testo C300.
He has lost trust in HL since then and will stick with Driada in the future.
All right, I have pm with their offer to be a test subject too. I'm interested how many of you are going to accept?

Also how many people think this will be beneficial if we do this experiment?

I ask because I'm unlikely to use their products, as I have good ties with the other source that carries Testosterone undecanoate and that's all I need now.

I will accept to participate in the experiment if enough people going to say it has any worth to them. If not then, I don't see the reason as I don't do it just for myself.
I am willing to go for it also. But as you said we probably need multiple people. If they manage to fix the PIP problem I believe they would be great source again.
Anyways we both had issue with same products if I am not mistaken it was TEST C for you also right?
They also reached out to myself. Test cyp also. I won't lie though I'm a little apprehensive of this testing. Some of those bouts of pip I got had me wrote off for a week. Lumps like golfballs.
Ye I told them I would be willing to try but if I get bad reaction I am stopping and I have antibiotics on hand in case. I think in my case the problem is they swapped to GSO oil because previous batch I was using was MCT and it was super smooth 0 troble.
I am willing to go for it also. But as you said we probably need multiple people. If they manage to fix the PIP problem I believe they would be great source again.
Anyways we both had issue with same products if I am not mistaken it was TEST C for you also right?
Yeah, exactly C. We need more people in to this, because otherwise it's no value.

@hleur @hlsupport make some voting thread or something, it can be private so nobody sees who's in if you want to. Cuz that's the only way to collect enough people willing to experiment. Pm and private later, first see how many are in.
About the email, got it too.

I had reported problems on the newest sust300 and pregnyl. Pregnyl like fever like symptons, like real bad. Sust300 just some pip and swelling reported and it was by the same people, literally mid cycle they switched batches.

On a side note, HL never failed me and I have been a long time satisfied costumer. Had 2 bulk orders missing that they reshipped for free and the products always had great feedback. Other than that I ordered 60 testc300 vials those last couple of months, most of them are from that newest pippy batch, that I wont sell due to those complications.
I always had great experiences with HL but now they're ghosting me and I have an order pending since October, no refunds, goods never shipped. I placed many orders this year only... As far as my opinion is concerned every user of this board should be warned about this situation.
I always had great experiences with HL but now they're ghosting me and I have an order pending since October, no refunds, goods never shipped. I placed many orders this year only... As far as my opinion is concerned every user of this board should be warned about this situation.
Man, I really wanted to use this source again. But something just tells me to not...

There are just too much of issues going up. I will second your comment, everyone should be warned about this lab.
I always had great experiences with HL but now they're ghosting me and I have an order pending since October, no refunds, goods never shipped. I placed many orders this year only... As far as my opinion is concerned every user of this board should be warned about this situation.
Has @hleur @hlsupport say anything about this?
This is more than enough for me to never order again.

On a side note this source was quite sus these last few months. Always taking too long to respond to mails and even sending the packages. It was due to opsec they said and always some issue with the transport company,

Then they said it wasn't allowed to order through crypted mail, as usual. From now on I had to register on some website, that I refused and ordered through mail. They said this time it'll go through but on the future it needed to go through that website and then they stop responding even to new orders and then they said they were no longer selling HL stuff... Now they're reaching people who bought HL gear through mail asking for product feedback even offering some orals...

Something here is not right and HL stuff have always been very quiet/ uninterested, at least when they were supposed to be concerned
Ye this looks very weird once again. They came back to the forum wrote multiple pms and then dissapeared again for several weeks?
I don't understand how they wanna solve something if it takes them about 1 month to reply.
This smells super fishy. I'm out, suggest others to follow, if not then just my friendly advice for you. Stay safe.

All good things come to an end apparently and nothing lasts forever.