HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

@hleur where are you? Last time you had time to respond to me when I call out your shit job that you do but you didn't had time to solve those guys.

Now that I write again maybe you will start be active and actually do what are you supposed to do months ago or you will only respond to me again and defend your 3rd(or more?) fuck up in 2 years and do nothing for the guys you gave problems.

I'm still around somehow and I will probably still be when your next fuck up will happen because it will not take long that if you decide to come back and not go in a cave and never get out of it like you should.
People are stupid that they used you after first time you done a shit and how you treat that because it was obviously that you don't care and now again it's shows that you don't care so if you come back to sell your products those people are still around so don't hate the player hate the game I believe. Applause for you that you manage to be a snake and don't care for anyone
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It was stated by him that who gives a review he will offer a vial of test on the next order.
Give me some time to scroll and make a screenshot and I post here
Yes I remember, but asking for a review on meso while users, on meso, are being ghosted is quite stupid on their side lol
Look familiar to anyone else?

Look familiar to anyone else?

What about it is the same? Carrier oil is different, they use bags for orals… can’t really see any similarities.
Look familiar to anyone else?

Completely different line up too. Why would you think this is a rebrand?
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Look familiar to anyone else?

I don’t think so…no similarities that I can see, other than both EU & are selling gear.
Forgot to mention…i emailed them start of Dec asking if they were still active or not as it’s coming up to HGH ordering time - they emailed me back after a few days with a one sentence reply : “Hi, HGH can be supplied. Regards Human Labs EU”

With the way things are, and their complete lack of communication I decided not to bother.
Forgot to mention…i emailed them start of Dec asking if they were still active or not as it’s coming up to HGH ordering time - they emailed me back after a few days with a one sentence reply : “Hi, HGH can be supplied. Regards Human Labs EU”

With the way things are, and their complete lack of communication I decided not to bother.

Smart move. Their site is still operational, so maybe they are only ghosting meso and email ordering, however something definitely happened/changed on their site and the smart thing to do is to forget about them.