Human-Labs TESTO C 300 (underdosed ?)

You 'll do what? Rack a charge for yourself? Send him a bomb? A kg of illicit substance? Do you REALLY know who is behind the address and the name and what HE/SHE/IT is capable of?

Internet tough guys are so 90s...
Hey officer this guy has a lot of steroids in his house, he's ordering on regular basis. Better have an eye on him
I would say it's a bit too early to take a conclusion like that, but you did well coming to the forum and posting your results. If other people come and consistently have the same results as you do, then the possibility of it being underdosed would be more plausible. As for now, there are many circunstancial factors that you may not be considering. Test it again, and compare it to your previous results from other sources, tested under the same circumstances. And , still, it will take a 3 or 4 tests so you can have an average.

But, yeah, continue to test as you would normally do, and if you come across significantly different results from different gear sources, then one of them would have to be underdosed.
It is absolutely ok to post results but it is not okay to ignore all scientific facts and claim a lab being a scammer based on blood testing.
I mean we are not talking about a value of zero!
Don't forget improper and inconsistent testing methods
Yeah that's it.
Nobody would be upset if he had posted results with a remark of having higher numbers with another lab.
I mean that's obviously a fact. But:
Was the other lab overdosed?
Was the pinning routine the same?
Were the time windows of pinning and taking bloods comparable?
Injection spots with tissues problems?

And, and, and... Nobody knows but claiming a lab being bunk based on this conditios is absolutely wrong. This is really not helping the community and is quiet unfair.
Especially having the lab offering full refund of lab testing.

Edit: in most cases and proper dosage 0,1ml means 30mg difference. This is quiet a lot with such a small volume. So it is pretty easy to do some big failure rate just by pinning the gear ... The complete claim is such a big collection of stupidity...
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Hey officer this guy has a lot of steroids in his house, he's ordering on regular basis. Better have an eye on him
And the officer will ask the following question: how the actual fuck you know this information?

And that's why you should stick to pokemon cards trading
And the officer will ask the following question: how the actual fuck you know this information?

And that's why you should stick to pokemon cards trading
It dependents on the quantity of hints. Anyway I don't care and that's not the topic dumbass
Hey officer this guy has a lot of steroids in his house, he's ordering on regular basis. Better have an eye on him
Sure. And based in a random claim by a random dude, a judge would pass a house search warrant right away, right? Or would the officer print it from Google?

And where and how would you have gotten such information... ?

Spare your last two brain cells, idiot, your serms are already killing them
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Sure. And based in a random claim by a random, a judge would pass a house search warrant right away, right? Or would the officer print it from Google? And where and how would you have gotten such information... ?

Spare your last two brain cells, idiot, your serms are already killing them
Oh boy. :rolleyes:
Send me your address in DM. I will show you what is possible ;⁠)
Ok np ma assicurazioni di pubblicare qualsiasi aggiornamento quando hai tempo sarebbe molto apprezzato.
Non so cosa dire. Ho usato esteri corti di un altro laboratorio e le sensazioni sono state percepite in un paio di settimane. Sono alla terza settimana con loro 600 mg di testo cip , 300 bolde , e qualche giorno fa ho aggiunto 200 di tren enant .
è troppo presto perché inizino a calciare. Dovrei aumentare il bolde ma anche lui si alza tardi. anche più tardi del cipio. anche se ad esempio il classico red sotto il collo da testo alto e la voglia di fare sono già arrivati. Farò una specie di crociera, esplosione, crociera.
e ho anche adocchiato un altro laboratorio anche se più costoso. questo mi è stato consigliato da un amico che si è detto molto soddisfatto. un. A meno che non stabiliscano politiche basate sulla persona che ordina. dovrebbe essere ok
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I do not know what to say. I used short esters from another lab and the sensations were perceived in a couple of weeks. I'm on my third time with them 600 mg testo cip , 300 bolde , and a few days ago I added 200 of tren enant .
it's too early for them to start kicking. I should increase the bolde but he too rises late . even later than the cipio . even if for example the classic blush under the neck from high text and the will to do have already arrived . I'll do a kind of cruise ,blast ,cruise .
and I also eyed another lab even if more expensive. this was recommended to me by a friend who said he was very happy with it. a.Unless they make policies based on the person ordering. should be OK
I run with testo c 300 human labs and i feel it very good . No problem with this lab

