Hybrid Athlete HRT Log

Thank you brother, I prefer my meals to be liquid. I do still eat some normal foods like top sirloin and sweet potatoes. Blended vegetables and fruit, blended rice and beef, blended rice and whey are my typical liquid meals. It took me a long time to get the ground beef shakes down. It was disgusting at first but I know a few others that have had great success doing this. I just got used to it, it’s not so bad anymore.

Ah another hybrid…..

I’m coached by some UK guys. Trying to pull 600lbs and run a marathon in the same day.

5-10” 209 lbs is not very efficient on these god damn long runs. (Haven’t been doing this long, 6 weeks or so) 10k ish is my long training runs right now.

Looking forward seeing your progress.
Ah another hybrid…..

I’m coached by some UK guys. Trying to pull 600lbs and run a marathon in the same day.

5-10” 209 lbs is not very efficient on these god damn long runs. (Haven’t been doing this long, 6 weeks or so) 10k ish is my long training runs right now.

Looking forward seeing your progress.
Now that would be one hell of a feat
Ah another hybrid…..

I’m coached by some UK guys. Trying to pull 600lbs and run a marathon in the same day.

5-10” 209 lbs is not very efficient on these god damn long runs. (Haven’t been doing this long, 6 weeks or so) 10k ish is my long training runs right now.

Looking forward seeing your progress.
That's sexy. I'm thinking about getting into triathlon as well. I think it'd be cool to have above average strength while being able to run an average sprint triathlon. Right now that's an ambitious goal for me but not completely out of reach.
That's sexy. I'm thinking about getting into triathlon as well. I think it'd be cool to have above average strength while being able to run an average sprint triathlon. Right now that's an ambitious goal for me but not completely out of reach.

I started dating my fiance…ehh 3 years ago?

She had just finished an ultra marathon and started talking about her Ironman coming up.

I was like what do those words mean? Lol

After going on hikes and rock climbs with her, I realized I better join the endurance team, or I would eventually lose my life due to oxygen deprivation off in the middle of fucking nowhere.

(Mt. Denali….seriously thought my last hours on earth were going to be me as a popsicle)

Tris are so a lot of fun to train for. If you can swim…like Really swim….your ahead of the game.

I cannon swim for shit. So I had to take swimming g lesssons lol
Thank you brother, I prefer my meals to be liquid. I do still eat some normal foods like top sirloin and sweet potatoes. Blended vegetables and fruit, blended rice and beef, blended rice and whey are my typical liquid meals. It took me a long time to get the ground beef shakes down. It was disgusting at first but I know a few others that have had great success doing this. I just got used to it, it’s not so bad anymore.
Is the liquid diet for a medical reason or just preference?

Do you actually drink paint?
Is the liquid diet for a medical reason or just preference?

Do you actually drink paint?
I have an extreme psychological addiction to food, I tried to remove the emotional connection from eating. Eat for performance and fuel nothing else. I still do eat some Whole Foods but I prefer to just drink them, 30 seconds done. Super easy to digest as well. 4-5 shakes a day, 1-2 solid meals. Almost always sweet potatoes and top sirloin I hate chicken. I blend all my vegetables because I hate vegetables, but mix in some blueberries and black berries don’t taste the vegetables at all. I keep it stupid simple.

I do think there’s advantages to drinking meals, especially during a cycle. I think it’s easier to process the food, although I don’t have any evidence to back this up, I’m never bloated.

Edit: I don’t actually drink paint, but I do enjoy having an edgy name, nothings off the table…
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I have an extreme psychological addiction to food, I tried to remove the emotional connection from eating. Eat for performance and fuel nothing else. I still do eat some Whole Foods but I prefer to just drink them, 30 seconds done. Super easy to digest as well. 4-5 shakes a day, 1-2 solid meals. Almost always sweet potatoes and top sirloin I hate chicken. I blend all my vegetables because I hate vegetables, but mix in some blueberries and black berries don’t taste the vegetables at all. I keep it stupid simple.

I do think there’s advantages to drinking meals, especially during a cycle. I think it’s easier to process the food, although I don’t have any evidence to back this up, I’m never bloated.

Edit: I don’t actually drink paint, but I do enjoy having an edgy name, nothings off the table…
Gotcha. Interesting method. If it works it works.
I'm looking forward to your post arguing for the anabolic effects of acrylic vs. oil consumption.

Good luck on your goals!
Got my run out of the way, pretty bad times. Once in a while I’ll take 40mg of anavar preworkout but it’s so nice out I wanted to run first, that paired with 20mgs of cialis I really fucked up. Excruciating pumps for the entirety of the run, it was so bad both of my legs went completely numb, but I just pushed through. IMG_3178.jpeg
Hello everyone, I’m glad to be here and I’m a newer member. Over these last two years I lost a significant amount of weight, and starting training again daily. I lost about 40 pounds of fat and put on close to 20 pounds of muscle.

I’m cruising on 120 test/100 mast until June. This log will consist of my weight training, distance running, and diet.

My stats: 6’2, 220 pounds, 29 years old. I’m currently eating at maintenance, roughly 3200 calories but on run days maintenance can be up to 4200 calories. My goals are to bring my strength up, although I put on a lot of muscle, I’m not very strong. I also want to be able to consistently run 10+ miles with ease.

I already have a thread on my transformation but for anyone that might have missed it, here is what I did in 22 months.
View attachment 277851

Todays lift: Chest & Triceps

Flat Bench:


DB Press:

EZBAR Skull Crushers:

My food for the day has been 2 cups of white rice blended with 2 scoops of why isolate x3. 6 cups of rice, 6 scoops of protein total. I drink most of my meals.

I’m a little softer than when on cycle, but I’ll post a physique update every week or two.
All I read was you eat lots of rice and whey protein powder. You need to eat real food bud.
All I read was you eat lots of rice and whey protein powder. You need to eat real food bud.
I blend ground beef and rice regularly. I do eat sweet potatoes and top sirloin. Hard for me to eat enough food when I don’t blend it, but if you think it will help with progress I could eat more solid foods.
I blend ground beef and rice regularly. I do eat sweet potatoes and top sirloin. Hard for me to eat enough food when I don’t blend it, but if you think it will help with progress I could eat more solid foods.
Last question about this. So you throw the rice or sweet potato with ground beef into a blender with water and blend it ? Any seasoning?
I don’t blend the sweet potatoes I’ve tried it just doesn’t work. Just rice and ground beef add water no seasoning. It’s not good, nothing about it is pleasing. It’s actually quite disgusting at first. It took a solid month to get used too. A close friend of mine and competitor swears by this, and I’m stubborn. I tried it and it stuck, it’s not for everyone.

It’s just so much easier for me to eat exact portions every time quickly.
I don’t blend the sweet potatoes I’ve tried it just doesn’t work. Just rice and ground beef add water no seasoning. It’s not good, nothing about it is pleasing. It’s actually quite disgusting at first. It took a solid month to get used too. A close friend of mine and competitor swears by this, and I’m stubborn. I tried it and it stuck, it’s not for everyone.

It’s just so much easier for me to eat exact portions every time quickly.
I’m going to tinker with this tomorrow. Just looking for a quick way to get it in. You use a cup of rice to how much meat?