Hybrid Athlete HRT Log

Do you have a log going? I’d surely follow it, I thought I saw one of yours but I can’t seem to find it now
I have a pinched nerve in my neck that's been preventing me from doing anything worth blogging about. Once that situation is dealt with I'll probably get into triathlon and start a log about it. I'm 40, my cardio is a disgrace, and I'm an absolute beginner to the sport, so we will have a lot to talk about once that gets going.
I have a pinched nerve in my neck that's been preventing me from doing anything worth blogging about. Once that situation is dealt with I'll probably get into triathlon and start a log about it. I'm 40, my cardio is a disgrace, and I'm an absolute beginner to the sport, so we will have a lot to talk about once that gets going.
Oh dude I’ll be following along, happy to give any advice I can as to form breathing cadence etc.. Maybe you can get me some hypertrophy tips I kinda just go off guess work, very new to weight lifting. Ok not very new but more like inexperienced .
Shoulders incoming, “the road to growing boulder shoulders” stay tuned dropping the lift in an hour. Might throw up a pic if the pump gets juicy. I’m thinking some volume.
Kept it stupid simple.

Lateral Raise:


Bent Over Rear Delt Fly:

Shoulders are on fire, wouldn’t make sense to keep going. That was great.
Rest day today. 11k steps at work, demo’d a tile bathroom and carried all the concrete up the stairs and down the long driveway, literally all day.

I’m torn to shit.
Going to Hawaii for almost the entire month of April, so we’re going to do a mini blast and will continue the health phase when I get back home until at least June.

Cycle with be:

50mgs test prop daily
100mgs mast prop daily

I’m going to focus on abs, shoulders and arms. See if I can’t bring the absolute shreds in the next month. If I start putting on a ton of water, these runs might turn into walks. Decline sit-ups incoming