I feel lost and defeated need advice

Why do you make the leap to hormonal involvement? Or, rather — should I say — hormonal cause?
Because after 20 years of therapy, some SSRI for some years, and feeling the same as when the problems started, the only thing that made me normal again was 2 month HCG treatment for fertility. That’s why I turned to hormones for the cause/solution. No leap involved
Because didn’t worked anymore and I need to know why so I can fix it. I’m hopeless because I don’T know what went wrong. Have you read the thread or…? :)
It took me 10 years to understand my hormones and find the perfect balance to feel good.

why do you think you deserve that everyone here should bring everything to you on a silver platter.

try again, make another mistake, read the forum, be interested and you will find the solution if it has already worked once.
Because didn’t worked anymore and I need to know why so I can fix it. I’m hopeless because I don’T know what went wrong. Have you read the thread or…? :)
i think i already gave you an answer multiple times but you seem to want an exact answer which doesn't exist. you need to find a hormonal balance that works for you this is all individual specific. so now i'm gonna say this in a way that can't be misinterpreted. if you're certain this is a hormonal thing:

Fuck around and find out.

go on hcg get some AI's do bloodwork and see where you feel best you can always add things to lower SHBG like povoiron and if hcg doesn't do the trick switch to trt and see if that has any benefits play around with AI dosage balance your test and E2 and see how you feel. we CAN'T give you a clear answer