I just shaved my head but want to start a cycle.


New Member
Would shaving my head have an impact on growing hair? I’m at an age where hairloss isn’t really a problem (under 20) and my question is will one cycle impact my hair?

I’m bald at the minute, i don’t want to risk never having hair again although the only reason i shaved it is because it was fucking annoying and so thick i would have to blow dry it.

I don’t want to try dht blockers since I’m not 25, i don’t give a fuck about waiting till I’m 25 in terms of aas cause once your old it’s not impressive. 18yo fucking jacked vs 40year old jacked. The 18yo gets more attention and acknowledgment and us as humans strive of of attention and acknowledgement. Most of our full lives do and should rely around honour.

Anyway I’ve got a bit off track. Pretty much. Is one cycle gonna fuck up anything to the point where i can’t just hop back off and regrow?

I currently have 4x 250mg 10ml test e vials. This is for a 24week 400mg test e cycle (my first) i don’t have the pins and am not gonna buy the pins till I’m sure.

I’m literally losing 0 hairs in the shower after shaking it over the sink, but this is the only thing that’s stopping me as of now from starting.

Would i be better of waiting till I’m less bald?

It’s been 3 months since i shaved it. The first 2 and a half months i was on lgd. I’ve been off for two weeks and grew more hair in that peroid than the 3 months. (Which btw went amazing, i pct with nothing (i ran enclo during cycle) half expecting that it’s not actually cleared out of my system and that’s why I’m feeling so good. But my cum loads increased and so did the feeling of bussing. So I’m sure i acrually recovered. Within days. Although i did feel like ass during the full cycle. Neck pains, thyroid gland swelling. And was accused of being not natrual. A fucking hose pipe like vain ran through my full body i could litteraly see my lymph nodes. Anyway.)

I see all the golden era bodybuilders on stage, every single one of them had hair. Compared to now where your lucky to see any hair…

Bit of a off track rant but opinions on hair please?
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You are a fukin idiot and should stay far away from AAS. Congrats on making one of the dumbest posts I've read here.
Why are you so angry? And what makes you say that?

My questions are in regards to keeping my hair after one cycle. I’m currently losing fuck all but want to know if one cycle could impact my hair forever.

Would? Who knows. Could? Probably. Better question, are you over 200lbs 14-20% body fat? If answer is no why are you hopping on? It's a waste and you'd make more progress spending the money on food and building work ethic rather than hopping on at >19 for "attention and to impress others"
I couldn't read any faster as my excitement built for the comments.

@roidedman you aren't going to get much love here buddy. A big thing at Meso is harm reduction and starting AAS as a teenager is a great way to harm yourself. At your age you can accomplish a ton with consistency in the gym and a good diet.
I just shaved my balls
Should I wait for all my ball hair to grow back before I blast?
Balls=testes and testes sounds like Test so I’m concerned
Should I wait till the hair is long and curly or will some stubble suffice?

FYI a baby with huge muscles is much more impressive than an 18yo with muscles pfft
No one cares if an 18yo has muscles
And babies are bald so…figure out how to be a jacked bald baby and then you can start your cycle
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I just shaved my balls
Should I wait for all my ball hair to grow back before I blast?
Balls=testes and testes sounds like Test so I’m concerned
Should I wait till the hair is long and curly or will some stubble suffice?

FYI a baby with huge muscles is much more impressive than an 18yo with muscles pfft
No one cares if an 18yo has muscles
And babies are bald so…figure out how to be a jacked bald baby and then you can start your cycle
Nice thread backfire right here!