Would shaving my head have an impact on growing hair? I’m at an age where hairloss isn’t really a problem (under 20) and my question is will one cycle impact my hair?
Shaving isn't going to impact whether you can grow your hair or not, but I will say this, be careful because it can cause ingrown hairs. I shaved some of my head and had a whole slew of ingrown hairs. Sucked ass.
As to one cycle effecting hair - totally depends on your genetics. As others have said, you could lose your hair regardless of AAS use or you could blast the most hair-annihilating compounds and still have a full head of luscious hair.
I don’t want to try dht blockers since I’m not 25, i don’t give a fuck about waiting till I’m 25 in terms of aas cause once your old it’s not impressive. 18yo fucking jacked vs 40year old jacked. The 18yo gets more attention and acknowledgment and us as humans strive of of attention and acknowledgement. Most of our full lives do and should rely around honour.
What? Okay, I wouldn't mess with any AAS until I was at least 25 - I *wish* I had done that. Instead, at 19 I messed around with prohormones, and I had to struggle with low testosterone for years.
I have no idea what you're trying to say wrt 18 v 40-year-old - I'm impressed that it's English yet baffled by its coherency.
I currently have 4x 250mg 10ml test e vials. This is for a 24week 400mg test e cycle (my first) i don’t have the pins and am not gonna buy the pins till I’m sure.
What other ancillaries are you using? PCT? Diet plans, etc.
Would i be better of waiting till I’m less bald?
I'm confused as to why you think shaving your head has an effect on your body's ability to produce hair.
I suppose if you literally clogged every hair follicle on your head, and it got infected and rotted, then yeah, that would make sense...IF you did that or were concerned about that then I would suggest you steer clear of AAS, shit, I suggest you stay away from AAS at your age anyway.
It’s been 3 months since i shaved it. The first 2 and a half months i was on lgd. I’ve been off for two weeks and grew more hair in that peroid than the 3 months. (Which btw went amazing, i pct with nothing (i ran enclo during cycle) half expecting that it’s not actually cleared out of my system and that’s why I’m feeling so good. But my cum loads increased and so did the feeling of bussing. So I’m sure i acrually recovered. Within days. Although i did feel like ass during the full cycle. Neck pains, thyroid gland swelling. And was accused of being not natrual. A fucking hose pipe like vain ran through my full body i could litteraly see my lymph nodes. Anyway.)
Your thyroid swelled? I don't know what lgd is, so I can't comment, but those symptoms would have me staying away from AAS (if that's what lgd is).