I would like to know what those of you who support trump will do when he loses the election?

calling you’re dumb ass out, if you’re going to throw around the term racist show me a post where anything i said is racist.

i’m waiting....
Do you or do you not support the 17 year old assassin of protesters? You do. You would support more actions like that.

You have made your views clear by your posts and likes. If you think im going to go back and read every retarded post you have made, think again. You are clearly a racist.

Its okay accept who you are and be proud of it.
Do you or do you not support the 17 year old assassin of protesters? You do. You would support more actions like that.

You have made your views clear by your posts and likes. If you think im going to go back and read every retarded post you have made, think again. You are clearly a racist.

Its okay accept who you are and be proud of it.

how does it feel to look like a complete moron embarrassing yourself once again? idiot..
I'm a Trump supporter 100%. I could go on in pages about the things hes done for this country in such a short amount of time. While constantly battling bogus impeachments and being harassed many dems and leftist idiots.

A Man is his work. We know Trump.can be an idiot and say dumb things. But his record proves he gives a shit.

Unlike Biden. Which has done very little in his almost 40 years. I wont say nothing.

But it amazes me that everyone that claims Trump is a racist is about to Vote for a man who literally said he didnt want to desegregate schools because he didnt want his children going to a racial jungle. All the LGBT people that are going to vote for him because "Trump is Bad" refuse to acknowledge that he blocked legislation for marriage and equal rights for LGBTQ people for decades.

Did you know Biden helped appropriate funds to build Walls on the Mexican border to help with illegal trafficking.

No these idiots dont know and dont care.
These people only want to bring down America and Install socialism.

I'm preparing for.a Trump loss. If he loses it wont be such a disaster. We Conservativea need to be more concerned about losing the Senate. Because if we lose both its game over
Jesus fucking christ he is on record denying black people the opportunity to rent in his properties.

You are no different and refuse to admit that your choice for president hates blacks and Mexicans.

Im going to call you out for what you are. I don't expect you to change your life long views. Im just asking what you will do when trump loses the election? Will you accept the results or will you do what trump calls for and deny a free election?

I'm not interested in why you support a man who supports Russian bounties on American serviceman.
Do you or do you not support the 17 year old assassin of protesters? You do. You would support more actions like that.

You have made your views clear by your posts and likes. If you think im going to go back and read every retarded post you have made, think again. You are clearly a racist.

Its okay accept who you are and be proud of it.

and for the record the 17 year old shot WHITE people in self defense.
Jesus fucking christ he is on record denying black people the opportunity to rent in his properties.

You are no different and refuse to admit that your choice for president hates blacks and Mexicans.

Im going to call you out for what you are. I don't expect you to change your life long views. Im just asking what you will do when trump loses the election? Will you accept the results or will you do what trump calls for and deny a free election?

I'm not interested in why you support a man who supports Russian bounties on American serviceman.
I could give a Shit what you "call me out for". You dont know me. You're just another scared libtard who refuses to do research. Claim Trumps what's wrong with America, yet your Democratic Queens and Kings been at this for decades.

If Biden could've fixed anything he would've already.

Just like every other Marxist who thinks Socialism is the way, even though it has never worked anywhere.

I challenge you to post any law, or Executive order Trump has enacted that was Racist or Bigoted. I'll wait.

Dont get scared. Should be easy to do.
how does it feel to look like a complete moron embarrassing yourself once again? idiot..
@Joe Morgan you have done nothing on this board other than define who you are as a person. You have made yourself clear to me. No dog whistle needed. I know what you are saying.

You can't hide from what you say. Everyone knows who you are. Some agree with you and others think you are a degenerate piece of shit. You know how i feel.
I could give a Shit what you "call me out for". You dont know me. You're just another scared libtard who refuses to do research. Claim Trumps what's wrong with America, yet your Democratic Queens and Kings been at this for decades.

If Biden could've fixed anything he would've already.

Just like every other Marxist who thinks Socialism is the way, even though it has never worked anywhere.

I challenge you to post any law, or Executive order Trump has enacted that was Racist or Bigoted. I'll wait.

Dont get scared. Should be easy to do.
Trump declares who he is every day. You choose to look the other way. I don't give 2 fucks what you think of me. Note I'm not disparaging you personally.

My question is what will you do when trump loses the election? Will it be a peaceful transfer of power? Trump is doing everything he can to see that is not the case.
Trump declares who he is every day. You choose to look the other way. I don't give 2 fucks what you think of me. Note I'm not disparaging you personally.

My question is what will you do when trump loses the election? Will it be a peaceful transfer of power? Trump is doing everything he can to see that is not the case.
Theres nothing else to do. Unlike libs I believe in Law and Order. Trump's not the one who's going to Stall. Its Pelosi. You know who takes power if a candidate isnt picked by the electoral college.
Walk around Target and sniff little kids....oh wait, I'm not a Biden supporter. Nevemind
To anyone interested trump has given this country reasons to not support him nearly every day of his presidency.

What will you do when every poll taken is proved to be correct? Will you take it sitting down? Just asking.
Theres nothing else to do. Unlike libs I believe in Law and Order. Trump's not the one who's going to Stall. Its Pelosi. You know who takes power if a candidate isnt picked by the electoral college.
I'm a lib and took it sitting down when trump lost the popular vote by 3 million. I disagree with the electoral college. I think each vote is equal. I know my Republican patriots disagree, but until the law is changed i will accept it.
Will you take to the streets? Will it matter that there is no evidence of fraud, other than trump supporters who follow trumps instruction and vote twice.
It’s very odd that neo liberals live in a land of fantasy and imaginary situations. It just sounds like you’re projecting.
I'm a lib and took it sitting down when trump lost the popular vote by 3 million. I disagree with the electoral college. I think each vote is equal. I know my Republican patriots disagree, but until the law is changed i will accept it.

this is exactly why we have the electoral college and a republic.

“A Democracy is Nothing More Than Mob Rule, Where 51% of The People May Take Away The Rights of The other 49%.”. -Thomas Jefferson
I’m not a Trump supporter but I don’t think he’s some modern Hitler fascist. I absolutely like some of the things he’s done other things not at all. But between Trump and Biden/Harris it’s a no brainer. It blows my mind that you Democrat’s ignore the fact that Harris and Biden have done far more to lock people up and keep them there than Trump ever could in a hundred years. I’m also voting for Trump because I really can’t stand the modern left. The liberals in America are not even a shell of what the classical liberals were
I’m not a Trump supporter but I don’t think he’s some modern Hitler fascist. I absolutely like some of the things he’s done other things not at all. But between Trump and Biden/Harris it’s a no brainer. It blows my mind that you Democrat’s ignore the fact that Harris and Biden have done far more to lock people up and keep them there than Trump ever could in a hundred years. I’m also voting for Trump because I really can’t stand the modern left. The liberals in America are not even a shell of what the classical liberals were
They are the opposite of classic liberals. They are collectivist authoritarians.
The one who fuels the fire is the one who has a long history of racism. That is Donald Trump.

I don't have to be black to realize that black people have been the target of systemic racism for as long as this country has existed. If you disagree you deny history and you agree with trump and wish to reinvent history.
Have you looked at Biden history in government? Voted pro segregation, authored the 94 crime bill that is responsible for the imprisonment of a huge amount of POC. I'm no fan of either of them, but Biden is a racist, pedophile, and is heading into dementia.
I was talking to a retired marine colonel at the gym today. We were watching the news , he said “ sure , I’d probably like Biden if he was my neighborhood , never my leader though “. Sums it up for me ..
and for the record the 17 year old shot WHITE people in self defense.
Alot of "white people" disagree with you and are willing to put there safety on the line to support their beliefs.

Did you ever say how you will take it when Biden-Harris are declared victors in the presidential election. That was my question.

Start your own "Trump is not a racist piece of shit" thread and i will post in it. You piece of shit racist. :)
Good as you should and keep it peaceful. I just want to know who will go against over 200 years of tradition and take to the street with violence. I think that is what trump wants to see. I feel he will stop at nothing to secure victory in November even if it means tearing this country limb from limb.

To answer your question i will abide by the results of the election even if trump loses by several million votes like he did last time.
Wow, you’ve really confused Trump and Republicans with Democrats
The one who fuels the fire is the one who has a long history of racism. That is Donald Trump.

I don't have to be black to realize that black people have been the target of systemic racism for as long as this country has existed. If you disagree you deny history and you agree with trump and wish to reinvent history.
Lol, you’re an absolute idiot if you believe he’s a racist. All one has to do is look at Biden’s history and recent comments to prove who the long-standing racist is.