I would like to know what those of you who support trump will do when he loses the election?

Remember that time they called Trump sexist and racist and then chose their VP candidate based solely on gender and race?

That was cool.
The amount of lies with Biden during his career makes Trump look like a school kid.

@Big_paul Trump is pointing out how the dems are trying to steal the election with opening up mail in ballots for every registered voter in the logs, even though EVERYONE knows those logs are bad.

Also look at the turn out at Biden’s events. Absolutely pathetic numbers. Now look at Trump events. Just like 2016.

Biden chose the first person to drop out the primary as his running mate? How much sense does that make when Harris has a horrible rep with the black community?

Do you believe that those of us who have been polled have been honest with the pollsters? If so then you will be in for a rude awakening. I know many Trump supporters that say they are voting for Biden when polled. Why? Because everyone believed the polls in 2016. At this point it’s a huge joke, but the left doesn’t get it yet. They have buried themselves in socialism, and the majority of Americans want nothing to do with that.
This is very true. I was in New York for a month for work. I met 8-10 different homeowners a day and every single one of them talked politics. Every single one is tired of the Democratic Party that has destroyed their state. They are all voting for Trump. I also can’t count how many Trump flags I saw. Reality isn’t what people see on the news.
Come on man get real. I'm not here to get the opion of every trump supporter, but to answer your comment, Biden admitted 94 was a mistake. How many mistakes has trump made? Let me start by saying separating children from their parents. How about taking Putins side over US intel in regards to Russian interference in the 2016 election and trump attempt to hide the fact.

To return to the subject at hand, how will you take a trump defeat? Will you believe him when he says the election was rigged? That is what that pos is going to do in an attempt to lead his imbecile base to violently fight the results of the election.

Look at the first line of his post. Is Big Paul really Joe Biden?
Spraypaint people's houses and hit innocent ppl in the head with bricks because I'm pissed off at something , yes that sound like the logical thing to do if I don't get my way, hahahhaa
Spraypaint people's houses and hit innocent ppl in the head with bricks because I'm pissed off at something , yes that sound like the logical thing to do if I don't get my way, hahahhaa
How else are normal semi sane adults supposed to react when things don’t go their way? Don’t forget to blame other people instead of admitting you’re actually the problem
Everyone can agree that there a piece of shit cops out there and there always have been. But now it's strictly a race issue regardless of the crime, threat, or provocation. Dude, fuck what color you are, you point a piece at a cop then you are gonna get what's coming to you. The mistake here is defunding police and making examples out of ppl doing a difficult job by firing them when there was indeed a threat (I'm not talking abt the George Floyd scenario here)

Personally I think they need to beat the everloving shit out of people causing problems and make an example out of them. You see what backing down for fear of public scrutiny gets ya lately? Yea. More crime and anarchy. I'm all for the national guard coming in and mowing over these assholes, these pussy mayors are spraypainting shit on sidewalks with these ppl. Fucking disgrace
Worst part is this shit is giving all black ppl a bad name, when 70% of it is being caused by some scrawny white radical fuck who thinks he is reliving a scene in his call of Duty video game. Bash his god damn teeth in!!!
Everyone can agree that there a piece of shit cops out there and there always have been. But now it's strictly a race issue regardless of the crime, threat, or provocation. Dude, fuck what color you are, you point a piece at a cop then you are gonna get what's coming to you. The mistake here is defunding police and making examples out of ppl doing a difficult job by firing them when there was indeed a threat (I'm not talking abt the George Floyd scenario here)

Personally I think they need to beat the everloving shit out of people causing problems and make an example out of them. You see what backing down for fear of public scrutiny gets ya lately? Yea. More crime and anarchy. I'm all for the national guard coming in and mowing over these assholes, these pussy mayors are spraypainting shit on sidewalks with these ppl. Fucking disgrace
I agree with you on all of this however I’ll throw that Floyd piece of shit in there. After the actual footage was released it showed what actually happened instead of racist cop murders innocent black community leader
Worst part is this shit is giving all black ppl a bad name, when 70% of it is being caused by some scrawny white radical fuck who thinks he is reliving a scene in his call of Duty video game. Bash his god damn teeth in!!!
Absolutely correct. Antifa and BLM are funded by a bunch of white racist bigots. The majority of the punks they send on the streets are bought and paid for white kids that live in their parents basement. They know if they keep this country divided by race it keeps them in power.
One thing I really don't understand is why the dems blocked Rand's call to look into where the money is coming for these riots but we can spend how much time and money on a rumor trump pissed on some bed obama slept on.
I apologize can someone tell me how to do the secure link thing. I've been posting a lot of news links lately and just realized I'm doing it wrong.
Worst part is this shit is giving all black ppl a bad name, when 70% of it is being caused by some scrawny white radical fuck who thinks he is reliving a scene in his call of Duty video game. Bash his god damn teeth in!!!
I think most of us who pay attention know it’s a bunch of wimpy white people pushing this antifa and BLM garbage. There are some genuine people for the idea of BLM, but only the nutcases support the organization and go around harassing white people.

Best videos on the net right now are when antifa gets pounded on. I live in a red state where that shit won’t fly, but I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to teach some lessons good lessons to commie bastards.


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