I would like to know what those of you who support trump will do when he loses the election?

Have you looked at Biden history in government? Voted pro segregation, authored the 94 crime bill that is responsible for the imprisonment of a huge amount of POC. I'm no fan of either of them, but Biden is a racist, pedophile, and is heading into dementia.
Come on man get real. I'm not here to get the opion of every trump supporter, but to answer your comment, Biden admitted 94 was a mistake. How many mistakes has trump made? Let me start by saying separating children from their parents. How about taking Putins side over US intel in regards to Russian interference in the 2016 election and trump attempt to hide the fact.

To return to the subject at hand, how will you take a trump defeat? Will you believe him when he says the election was rigged? That is what that pos is going to do in an attempt to lead his imbecile base to violently fight the results of the election.
Come on man get real. I'm not here to get the opion of every trump supporter, but to answer your comment, Biden admitted 94 was a mistake. How many mistakes has trump made? Let me start by saying separating children from their parents. How about taking Putins side over US intel in regards to Russian interference in the 2016 election and trump attempt to hide the fact.

To return to the subject at hand, how will you take a trump defeat? Will you believe him when he says the election was rigged? That is what that pos is going to do in an attempt to lead his imbecile base to violently fight the results of the election.
The election is already rigged, hence the deep push from the dims for mail in ballots. Numerous democrat pieces of shit have already been busted for voter fraud with ballots. You are truly clueless or deliberately ignoring the facts.
Alot of "white people" disagree with you and are willing to put there safety on the line to support their beliefs.

Did you ever say how you will take it when Biden-Harris are declared victors in the presidential election. That was my question.

Start your own "Trump is not a racist piece of shit" thread and i will post in it. You piece of shit racist. :)

i’m gonna start a biden timeline thread and post in it all day every day obsessively. lol
Lol, you’re an absolute idiot if you believe he’s a racist. All one has to do is look at Biden’s history and recent comments to prove who the long-standing racist is.
@Villain. Have you been listening to right wing nut jobs? Just speaking trumps language.

If you don't know trump by now, Im not going to try to show you the light.

I admit I started this thread to troll trump supporters on meso. :) looks like i was successful.
The election is already rigged, hence the deep push from the dims for mail in ballots. Numerous democrat pieces of shit have already been busted for voter fraud with ballots. You are truly clueless or deliberately ignoring the facts.
I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise. I will just be a poor winner and remind those on this board how fucked up their support for trump was. History is on my side friend.

We have alot in common other than the fact we will have to agree to disagree on this topic. Lets keep meso safe from those who would attempt to rip off our members. If you will forget I'm a commie.

The underground is where our attention should be after this disagreement. I'm willing to put this all in the past if you are.
Come on man get real. I'm not here to get the opion of every trump supporter, but to answer your comment, Biden admitted 94 was a mistake. How many mistakes has trump made? Let me start by saying separating children from their parents. How about taking Putins side over US intel in regards to Russian interference in the 2016 election and trump attempt to hide the fact.

To return to the subject at hand, how will you take a trump defeat? Will you believe him when he says the election was rigged? That is what that pos is going to do in an attempt to lead his imbecile base to violently fight the results of the election.
I'm no supporter of either candidate. It's embarrassing that these are our two options. Funny how easy it is for you to ignore the facts about Biden because of how much you hate Trump. The amount of mental gymnastics you are doing is hilarious. Remember if you don't vote for Biden you ain't black. Guy is still a racists, only reason he picked his running mate is to look less racist. Didn't work though anyone with half a brain can see why he picked her.

To answer your question if Trump looses I'll go on with my life, it will have very little effect on me. We are already heading in to the worse financial crisis we have ever seen thanks to all our retarded governors. Whoever is elected in November won't be able to stop it
Just saying I'm here to talk anyone down if need be on November 4. :) It's not going to be all that bad. When you get past the propaganda, you may even find that you agree with the change.
I'm no supporter of either candidate. It's embarrassing that these are our two options. Funny how easy it is for you to ignore the facts about Biden because of how much you hate Trump. The amount of mental gymnastics you are doing is hilarious. Remember if you don't vote for Biden you ain't black. Guy is still a racists, only reason he picked his running mate is to look less racist. Didn't work though anyone with half a brain can see why he picked her.

To answer your question if Trump looses I'll go on with my life, it will have very little effect on me. We are already heading in to the worse financial crisis we have ever seen thanks to all our retarded governors. Whoever is elected in November won't be able to stop it
To be honest Im choosing the best of 2 not so good choices. It's a shame that it comes down to this, but any vote other than Biden is a vote for trump and that i Can't do.

I think this country will be more considerate in 2024. If there is anything left after 4 years of our current douche bag.
I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise. I will just be a poor winner and remind those on this board how fucked up their support for trump was. History is on my side friend.

We have alot in common other than the fact we will have to agree to disagree on this topic. Lets keep meso safe from those who would attempt to rip off our members. If you will forget I'm a commie.

The underground is where our attention should be after this disagreement. I'm willing to put this all in the past if you are.
Sounds good friend
Someone thinks Bidin will win??? Now that is fucking funny!
I'm there for you when you need it. Every poll, even fox, says I'm going to
have a grin on my face 11/4.

I can't stomach someone who lies to me especially a president. The way he is casting doubt on the upcoming election is reprehensible. My 2 cents.
I'm there for you when you need it. Every poll, even fox, says I'm going to
have a grin on my face 11/4.

I can't stomach someone who lies to me especially a president. The way he is casting doubt on the upcoming election is reprehensible. My 2 cents.
You mean just like the 2016 polls?

The amount of lies with Biden during his career makes Trump look like a school kid.

@Big_paul Trump is pointing out how the dems are trying to steal the election with opening up mail in ballots for every registered voter in the logs, even though EVERYONE knows those logs are bad.

Also look at the turn out at Biden’s events. Absolutely pathetic numbers. Now look at Trump events. Just like 2016.

Biden chose the first person to drop out the primary as his running mate? How much sense does that make when Harris has a horrible rep with the black community?

Do you believe that those of us who have been polled have been honest with the pollsters? If so then you will be in for a rude awakening. I know many Trump supporters that say they are voting for Biden when polled. Why? Because everyone believed the polls in 2016. At this point it’s a huge joke, but the left doesn’t get it yet. They have buried themselves in socialism, and the majority of Americans want nothing to do with that.
Me I will treat it like any other year. I think their all in it to line their pockets and push their personal agendas on people who just want to go about their day in peace and not be fucked with
To support trump is to support everything that has ever been wrong with this country. It is to support hate for no other reason than the color of your shin. It is to support lies like trump does every time he opens his mouth, and it is to deny every good thing this country has fought and died for.

I believe half you degenerate mother fuckers would vote for Adolf Hitler because you believe the lie of racial purity. Can i recommend stormfront as a site you would find a common interest.
Man they got you good...

Turn the TV off and talk to your neighbors, dickweed.
Paul, you want to know what's going to happen on the 4th of November?

Trump supporters will go to work and provide taxable revenue.

Liberals will bumble their way through the next few weeks crying about how racist and fascist america is.

Americans will step on the necks of all liberals causing riots.

Liberals will claim abuse and cry.

Americans will always keep liberal retards in check. All we have to do is flex. The liberal movement isn't being pushed; they're simply hitting a wall of defense. When America pushes back it's game over. If it wasn't an election year it would already be over.

For every pansexual radical with jewelry stuck in every piece of available flesh on its face their are 50 well armed militia members waiting for the green light. I will gladly take up arms and happily destroy anyone that's part of the anti american movement. Yes paul, if we meet in the streets during an event like that, I am even talking about you. Is that the answer you are looking for? You want fodder to deflect from what your party is doing? You got it fool. 10mm raining down from the heavens. Simple as that. Every state has malitia activity, even liberal ones like mine. Massachusetts has more folks ready than anyone could imagine. I can't wait for your dumb ass to March down my streets. Game over.

Do yourself a favor, stop watching CNN, msnbc, etc. I know you want to suck rachel madows pee pee but you can't.
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Show me one instance if Trump prepping republican votes to react violently
answer this, asshole

Do you believe Vladimir Putin has placed bounties on American serviceman in Afghanistan
haven't seen one shred of evidence of this. Can you provide any?

Do you agree trump has disregarded US inlel
absolutely. And why should he not? I'm happy to disregard intel when I know it's wrong or I know acting on it will cause bigger ripples down the line.

You're here baiting people, and have no regard for answering anything that's asked. You should apply at CNN. They're starting to have a small exodus of employees. Seems like not everyone wants to be on the wrong side of history.