if testosterone is not toxic at all and extremely anabolic, why peoples run other steroids?

Cialis is also used to prevent clots but I mainly use it for the pumps, faster recovery between sets. I'm using Nebivolol because my heart rest rate is too high on cycle (+100-105BPM) instead of my usual 60-80BPM, and the Telmisartan works better with Nebivolol, and make the nebivolol even more effective, so they're like 1+1=3.
When and where is cialis used to prevent clots?

I have never heard of such a thing.

It's not a blood thinner like Xarelto, heparin, Aspirin, etc
bro its becasue once you push test past like 1.5gs you start to get bad sides and most guys cant tolerate more than that. me personally ive gone as high as 1500 and i started getting nose bleeds and blood pressure shot up. there is guys out there who run 2-3 grams of test but not many.
I guess this is equal to ~500 tren. How strong the cycle is? I've planned for my next bulk to run 400 tren = 1000 test, but now I think of running 2.5-3g of test only, less toxicity and should grow mass as fast as my other stack.
It's not used to prevent blood clots.
Then, should I replace it with xarelto?
I guess this is equal to ~500 tren. How strong the cycle is? I've planned for my next bulk to run 400 tren = 1000 test, but now I think of running 2.5-3g of test only, less toxicity and should grow mass as fast as my other stack.

Then, should I replace it with xarelto?

What’s the highest amount of test you’ve personally ran?
Most people aren’t using Tren to bulk.
Can you bulk on Tren? Yes. I’ve have. Is it ideal? Absolutely not. Much better options for a lot of reasons.
Pick a different anabolic to compare.
One that doesn’t have the worst side effect profile and one that actually coincides with your goal.
Your looking to bulk and not concerned about strength. Tren shouldn’t be an option

Exogenous Test even at a replacement dose can have a negative effect on health to some degree. The larger the dose the greater the effect and impact on health.
Combining anabolics that have a synergistic effect can allow for lower doses to be used to achieve a desired result.
It’s not a simple as “Test is bioidentical so I can run it super high and be fine” there is more to it then that.

Maybe you're like me. I grow on tren but worst side effects (can't sleep) so not worth it in my case. If sleeping wasn't a problem for me on tren, I'd use more of it.
But I understand trensomnia isn't a problem for everyone.
I guess this is equal to ~500 tren. How strong the cycle is? I've planned for my next bulk to run 400 tren = 1000 test, but now I think of running 2.5-3g of test only, less toxicity and should grow mass as fast as my other stack.

Then, should I replace it with xarelto?
so youve never ran tren at all according to your post history and you want to start off with 400mg of tren a week on top of 1g test a week. and now youre thinking of switching to 2.5-3g of test a week instead.

you have to be trolling or not care for your health at all. youve only done 5 cycles and youre already thinking about running 3g of test?
Maybe you're like me. I grow on tren but worst side effects (can't sleep) so not worth it in my case. If sleeping wasn't a problem for me on tren, I'd use more of it.
But I understand trensomnia isn't a problem for everyone.
I’ve ran Tren and had trouble sleeping and eating, then I figured it out and I can sleep and out eat Tren, ravenous actually
It’s the results that I have an issue with.
I feel I get better long term results from Test/Nandrolone/Primo
From now on only using Tren short term (2-4 weeks) and at a lower dose, for strength
Really leaning towards the easy come easy go mentality. Quick gains seem to be less effective long term than steady, consistent gains over a longer period of time.
You know in the old Tony Hawk Pro Skater games there’d be several skill categories pertaining to each character, and each would vary depending on said skater? Just imagine the same concept for any given compound… everyone here has explained sufficiently prior to me ^IMG_3293.jpeg

Water retention
Joint alleviation
so youve never ran tren at all according to your post history and you want to start off with 400mg of tren a week on top of 1g test a week. and now youre thinking of switching to 2.5-3g of test a week instead.

you have to be trolling or not care for your health at all. youve only done 5 cycles and youre already thinking about running 3g of test?
There is always someone to look at your post history and talk shit, why do you care more of my health than I do?

You should care of your own ass.
I think you are missing the point. The thread you posted is on a harm reduction forum..
Exactly, it's harm reduction, not harm suppression. So; now that I know how reduce the harm by doing bloods works, and taking BP meds, what about my initial post? Why couldn't someone bulk on 3g of test instead of 500 tren?
Exactly, it's harm reduction, not harm suppression. So; now that I know how reduce the harm by doing bloods works, and taking BP meds, what about my initial post? Why couldn't someone bulk on 3g of test instead of 500 tren?
No one is saying you cant.

Go ahead and do it. Might as well blast higher mg of gear, will help cover any flaws in your training and you are solid..

Good thing blood work can detect left ventricular hypertrophy and vascular damage.

This is the most fool proof way, screw reasonable doses. Lets all blast 3grams of gear.

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Exactly, it's harm reduction, not harm suppression. So; now that I know how reduce the harm by doing bloods works, and taking BP meds, what about my initial post? Why couldn't someone bulk on 3g of test instead of 500 tren?
You’re not comparing the right compounds for the context of bulking. Tren is not great for bulking for the vast majority of people: your better off, as other have said multiple times now, using a solid test dose and nandrolone (NPp or Deca) plus a DHt compound to offset the sides from DHN if your susceptible to it.

I also aromatize a fair amount, so I run test about 650, NPP at 700 and masteron at 700. Sex drive is good, water retention is minimal, appetite is strong.

I’m really scared off of Boldenone due to the hepatoxicity that is being discovered with that compound lately. I know some swear by it but if you can handle nandrolone I feel nandrolone is a superior compound.