if testosterone is not toxic at all and extremely anabolic, why peoples run other steroids?

Post pics and the pros here can tell you what exact drugs you need. You could be a fat tub of lard and need proper nutrition or a genetic freak and might need 3grams to improve. @DugPrime
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You know in the old Tony Hawk Pro Skater games there’d be several skill categories pertaining to each character, and each would vary depending on said skater? Just imagine the same concept for any given compound… everyone here has explained sufficiently prior to me ^View attachment 269540

Water retention
Joint alleviation
Bro fr lmao, this would be so useful , I love it.
Yeah I'll get hate for this from tren-heads but tren is terrible. Neurotoxic (increases biomarkers for alzheimers), progestogenic (directly testicularly suppressive and makes some people become gay), and I've seen people with 600+ AST/ALT running tren and test, and only like 200-300mg of tren. I've never bothered with aromatase inhibitors since I currently use bold cyp to control E2 on a blast, but I will say that if you can get extra anabolic effects from something like bold cyp or primo while reducing your side effect burden, why wouldn't you? Lots of golden age bodybuilders ran super high dosages of primo and it was effective. Boldenone increases hematocrit and RBC (negative thing when it's outside the reference range) but it also increases hunger a ton, and vascularity, and puts on size. To me it's just kind of a no-brainer. Though a lot of people have had bad hair outcomes on both I will say that. I personally try to purposely do things to boost my E2 (twice a week administration instead of EOD/3x a week), taking DHEA, etc. so that I can run more bold without more sides. 600 test and 400 bold cyp put my E2 at 21 (a little low for my liking) and I got no negative sides (no acne, no blood pressure, my hematocrit and RBC were okay, cholesterol was fine, etc.). Next time I'll run 700 test to put my E2 hopefully up in the 50s, but no way to know without blood work.
I would argue Tren has a very niche position in a stack.

I have used successfully at >25% - 10% total dosage of cycle to partition and help burn excess calories along with its other impacts like improving insulin resistance.

Saying it is an awful PED is uneducated or just simply generalizing. In doing what it does well, it is nearly unmatched. Understanding how it does this and at what dosages is key. It has its place but I would argue not as a main substance component of any cycle.

Too often we make misleading generalizations in this sport, leading to false narratives and misinformation. Tren usage among uneducated young men is a perfect example.
I would argue Tren has a very niche position in a stack.

I have used successfully at >25% - 10% total dosage of cycle to partition and help burn excess calories along with its other impacts like improving insulin resistance.

Saying it is an awful PED is uneducated or just simply generalizing. In doing what it does well, it is nearly unmatched. Understanding how it does this and at what dosages is key. It has its place but I would argue not as a main substance component of any cycle.

Too often we make misleading generalizations in this sport, leading to false narratives and misinformation. Tren usage among uneducated young men is a perfect example.
That's well said! Sure.