if testosterone is not toxic at all and extremely anabolic, why peoples run other steroids?

Exactly, it's harm reduction, not harm suppression. So; now that I know how reduce the harm by doing bloods works, and taking BP meds, what about my initial post? Why couldn't someone bulk on 3g of test instead of 500 tren?
We actually already answered this a bunch of times in this thread but you are deflecting the knowledgeable answers you are getting
You’re not comparing the right compounds for the context of bulking. Tren is not great for bulking for the vast majority of people: your better off, as other have said multiple times now, using a solid test dose and nandrolone (NPp or Deca) plus a DHt compound to offset the sides from DHN if your susceptible to it.

I also aromatize a fair amount, so I run test about 650, NPP at 700 and masteron at 700. Sex drive is good, water retention is minimal, appetite is strong.

I’m really scared off of Boldenone due to the hepatoxicity that is being discovered with that compound lately. I know some swear by it but if you can handle nandrolone I feel nandrolone is a superior compound.
I'm on 400 mast + 500 deca + 500 test + 250 eq and even with e2 & prolactin in check I'm feeling strongly depressive, aggressive and lonely, I'm not reacting well to these compounds, that's why I thought of running test only. My mental health is leaving, and I don't even talk of the insomnia.
I'm on 400 mast + 500 deca + 500 test + 250 eq and even with e2 & prolactin in check I'm feeling strongly depressive, aggressive and lonely, I'm not reacting well to these compounds, that's why I thought of running test only.
I would run Deca at 350 with 500 Test not 500/500
Why Mast for a bulk? It’s not a great bulking compound at all.
Might be the Bold U causing the mental issues, but you’ve got a lot going on. Poor cycle design is your problem.

Edit: And you’re obviously a fucking idiot giving me a thumbs down for telling you we answered the question several times. We did.
Im out. Your a fool
I'm on 400 mast + 500 deca + 500 test + 250 eq and even with e2 & prolactin in check I'm feeling strongly depressive, aggressive and lonely, I'm not reacting well to these compounds, that's why I thought of running test only. My mental health is leaving, and I don't even talk of the insomnia.
so your answer to being depressive aggressive and having mental health issues is to use MORE drugs?

maybe now you can see how this is a harm reduction forum
We have a clown
You are right. I am the clown.

Clown Conancon2019 GIF by Team Coco
I mean I actually agree with mast being in on a bulk to mitigate DHN sides and for me masteron Improves my mental state and drive more than any other compound, plus the sex drive boost and cosmetic effects are great, I hate being a water buffalo in a bulk.

But hey if nandrolone is not working for you brother, I would go with high test high primo with hgh and insulin. That will give you minimal mental side effects that your experiencing now.

This is also why I always lean towards NPP vs Deca, if you get into trouble with deca you’re looking at 6weeks of waiting to clear what’s in your body to an appreciable extent.

But from what you said, I would try test at a gram and primo at a gram with a good dose of hgh and insulin as needed to keep BG in a good order and to shuttle nutrients. After you let the current stack clear out. Should probably drop to a cruise and let things settle down in my opinion.
I mean I actually agree with mast being in on a bulk to mitigate DHN sides and for me masteron Improves my mental state and drive more than any other compound, plus the sex drive boost and cosmetic effects are great, I hate being a water buffalo in a bulk.

But hey if nandrolone is not working for you brother, I would go with high test high primo with hgh and insulin. That will give you minimal mental side effects that your experiencing now.

This is also why I always lean towards NPP vs Deca, if you get into trouble with deca you’re looking at 6weeks of waiting to clear what’s in your body to an appreciable extent.

But from what you said, I would try test at a gram and primo at a gram with a good dose of hgh and insulin as needed to keep BG in a good order and to shuttle nutrients. After you let the current stack clear out. Should probably drop to a cruise and let things settle down in my opinion.
I've already think of doing a primo cycle, but it's extremely expensive, for a similar cycle with another compound that replace the primo I would pay anything around 900-1300$, but right now the cycle cost more than 3000$ so I couldn't even imagine with hgh & slin over it.

Isn't there a single compound that is good for bulking, and doesn't give mental sides from hell? I'm feeling what peoples describe on tren.
I've already think of doing a primo cycle, but it's extremely expensive, for a similar cycle with another compound that replace the primo I would pay anything around 900-1300$, but right now the cycle cost more than 3000$ so I couldn't even imagine with hgh & slin over it.

Isn't there a single compound that is good for bulking, and doesn't give mental sides from hell? I'm feeling what peoples describe on tren.
dude people are trying to tell you and you dont get it....you will not know how you react mentally to any compound unless you try it...
sometimes its upside-down world and things that make one guy insane makes another calm.... like tren does for me... also i get no anxiety on EQ and Deca makes me want to set the world on fire while being depressed at the same time....
Oh and dosages matter as well...
I'm on 400 mast + 500 deca + 500 test + 250 eq and even with e2 & prolactin in check I'm feeling strongly depressive, aggressive and lonely, I'm not reacting well to these compounds, that's why I thought of running test only. My mental health is leaving, and I don't even talk of the insomnia.

Have you ran these compounds by themselves (with test obviously) before?

Deca and eq and known to cause mental issues for some. I’ve never tried eq but NPP does mess with me mentally. Even just high solo test I’m not 100% mentally the same.
Have you ran these compounds by themselves (with test obviously) before?

Deca and eq and known to cause mental issues for some. I’ve never tried eq but NPP does mess with me mentally. Even just high solo test I’m not 100% mentally the same.
I've always stacked these compounds, so I couldn't tell which one is giving me the sides. Is there anything else than Primo which is good for bulking and with the least mental changes?
I'm feeling exactly the same right now on Deca. Have you found your ideal bulking cycle when coming to the sides?
nope... still looking.... now im experimenting with test deca mast... but low dosages so far 260test 100 deca 210mast its going ok no mental or other sides but again dosages matter ALLOT I will titrate up after I do some bloodwork next week to check how mast is treating my HDL as its my first time using it

last cycle was 200test 700NPP and mental was bad, libido was ok hard to cum though but felt bloated and uncomfortable...
also tried high test 650mg and low deca 300mg same bad mental,good libido.
so deca kills me at any dosage over 100 mg and makes me eat the house...
nope... still looking.... now im experimenting with test deca mast... but low dosages so far 260test 100 deca 210mast its going ok no mental or other sides but again dosages matter ALLOT I will titrate up after I do some bloodwork next week to check how mast is treating my HDL as its my first time using it

last cycle was 200test 700NPP and mental was bad, libido was ok hard to cum though but felt bloated and uncomfortable...
also tried high test 650mg and low deca 300mg same bad mental,good libido.
so deca kills me at any dosage over 100 mg and makes me eat the house...
I've found a low dosage cycle that shouldn't give sides, and doesn't cost much because of the doses actually, but doesn't know if it will be good in a bulk.

375 test + 500 primo for 30-40 weeks
I'm feeling exactly the same right now on Deca. Have you found your ideal bulking cycle when coming to the sides?
Yeah it's the deca for sure. Nandrolone fucks me up mentally at low doses. It makes me horny as hell and my anxiety and heart rate go through the roof. It makes my fuse unmanageably short, and I surprise myself at how easily I can spaz out. I'm worried I'm going to run someone off the road some day, so I'm staying away from it. It makes me just as crazy as tren does. My next blast is just going to be test and maybe masteron or eq with a bit of anadrol pre-workout. I'm too crazy for nor-19's. We know that now.

Here is a post with two of the three articles describing renal damage. Of course it’s not in humans, I believe they have found two of the metabolites to be carcinogenic as well.

Personally the hematocrit increase with EQ is enough to scar me off, but I also dislike really long esters (longer than Cyp/enanthate).

Obviously it’s not a human study but it is worth consideration.
What if your goal (I'm asking for myself) is bulking. No need to be in any cosmetic state, not looking for extra strength, I'm lowering e2 with an AI.

I can understand that for strength, any specific cosmetic state, for cut, and those kinds of things, other drugs than test can be used, but if your only goal is bulking, wouldn't blasting high amount of test only a safer long-term option as you will probably be as fast as 500mg of tren without the toxicity from hell?
The post you're replying to answered this, and you either didn't read it or you're just looking to confirm what you already want to believe.

You keep harping on 500mg Tren (which is very uncommon these days) even though the post you're replying to says nothing about running 500mg of Tren and mentions Test+Primo as a safe option.

You're purposely using the most toxic compounds as examples to prove your point.

There is a case to be made that Test+Primo is safer then Test+AI, with the added benefit of less androgenicity which is often also preferred.

That being said, Test-only cycles are probably a bit underrated these days, for sure.