I'm 18 years old looking to use GH for height growth safely


New Member
Like the title states I'm an 18 year old man looking to use GH for height growth as I'm only 5'6. I workout and already use MK-677 for this reason and monitor my blood sugar but it seems like I will need real GH to get actual results. I figured bodybuilders use it and know the safest ways to use it.

Will 3 months of high dose GH cause acromegaly features in my face?

Can I take GH for 3 months without insulin or will I get diabetes?

Where can I get legitimate GH?

any ideas, thoughts, or answers to my questions will be greatly appreciated.

edit: I also plan on taking IGF-1 LR3 I heard it helps you grow taller and is hypoglycemic which may help, lmk what you think of this.
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Get into Powerlifting in the meantime - Guy's who are 5'6 tend to be strong as fuck as Deadlifts and Bench ROM are much shorter and its easier for you to build up a bigger chest. If you have good genetics then you will have a deep ribcage already!! Trust me on this ....

I just do body building for hypertrophy I'm not really interested in powerlifting, I also have 5'11 wingspan can only bench 185.
I hate this fucking forum. full of assholes

Heres what you do OP.
Get about 3000 dollars in Crypto. the best source for HGH is from MSG labs.

Go message @MisterSuperGod . you wont regret it.

other good options are napsgear and qingdao sigma

inject 10iu a day instead of 6-8

Report back over here with how much millimeters you have grown.
Prove these haters wrong
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Surprised plates are still open, for girls (my daughter used GH for a couple of years) once bone age reach 14 doctors stop using it (there are some variations but it´s around that time).
Doctor might be able to presbribe u GH, buit pharma GH in the US is expensive.
Check dosage, daughter was prescribed around 5 IU per day when she was 110lbs, remember a study in Nederlands I think when they tried higher dosage on kids and they grew more with minimal extra side effects.
Boys grow heigher longer than girls but be careful, once the bone plates in the hands close, according to the growth specialist here, one can still grow 3 to 5cms because there are other growth spaces in the body but GH should be stopped, to avoid hands and probably feet deformations ( I´ve been on GH for 3 to 4 years, and wearing now significantly larger shoes btw)
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6,500 - 13000 for a pretty decent chance of 1-2 inches of growth... It sounds worth it to me considering im living with my parents with little to no responsibilities and bills.

Could you calculate that for me please?
Calculate what for you?

Again not a great chance, you have started a few years later than most do for this type of therapy.

To assume you're going to get the same growth as those who have started years before you would be foolish.
being short isn't considered a disease or condition so it's not studied that well, also I mean specifically in my case being 18-24 where growth plates are potentially open and high doses of GH can cause growth.

I put that generic birthday on every profile to remember I've been doing it since I was a kid to get past age barriers on accounts for websites.
Doesn’t matter what the test were for.. it’s clinical trial. Whatever side effects happen , positive or negative , it will be reported..
If you want to grow taller maybe an AI would help since it will prevent your plates from closing if they are not close yet, but it will make your bones weak. How fat are you? And how fat have you been during puberty?
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Asking for advice maybe not a source though. You need to research and find your own source
ok that's my fault i'm new to forums in general, I'm just more asking for general advice on how to manage insulin resistance/blood sugar levels and if there were any affects of acromegaly. Anyone on this forum that has taken it my question would be if you noticed any effects to your face such as a bigger jaw or eyebrow ridge? Also how they handled insulin resistance/blood sugar levels and how to avoid getting diabetes.
I hate this fucking forum. full of assholes

Heres what you do OP.
Get about 3000 dollars in Crypto. the best source for HGH is from MSG labs.

Go message @MisterSuperGod . you wont regret it.

other good options are napsgear and qingdao sigma

inject 10iu a day instead of 6-8

Report back over here with how much millimeters you have grown.
Prove these haters wrong

We had to pull the GH from the list.
Apparently most of what we had was just freeze dried dust and dander. Still gave users CTS though. Go figure.
I hate this fucking forum. full of assholes

Heres what you do OP.
Get about 3000 dollars in Crypto. the best source for HGH is from MSG labs.

Go message @MisterSuperGod . you wont regret it.

other good options are napsgear and qingdao sigma

inject 10iu a day instead of 6-8

Report back over here with how much millimeters you have grown.
Prove these haters wrong
This is Meso. Everyone is an asshole
How do you know your growth plates are still open? Usually you are screwed after you are done with puberty which you pretty much are. They use AIs in children to keep the plates open longer and MASSIVE dosages of pharma GH for years. Something like 0.3 IU per kg of body weight or something like that.

You are probably too late but fuck it. See what happens. You might end up with a fucked up looking nose and ears like most bodybuilders but you might also not.