I'm 18 years old looking to use GH for height growth safely


New Member
Like the title states I'm an 18 year old man looking to use GH for height growth as I'm only 5'6. I workout and already use MK-677 for this reason and monitor my blood sugar but it seems like I will need real GH to get actual results. I figured bodybuilders use it and know the safest ways to use it.

Will 3 months of high dose GH cause acromegaly features in my face?

Can I take GH for 3 months without insulin or will I get diabetes?

Where can I get legitimate GH?

any ideas, thoughts, or answers to my questions will be greatly appreciated.

edit: I also plan on taking IGF-1 LR3 I heard it helps you grow taller and is hypoglycemic which may help, lmk what you think of this.
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Do most body builders who run GH for once cycle get fucked up nose/ears?
You don't get it. You need bigger dosages than bodybuilders use for your purpose. Look up the research on GH therapy on short stature children. If you do that for a few years I would expect some other stuff to grow too. Wouldn't you?
You don't get it. You need bigger dosages than bodybuilders use for your purpose. Look up the research on GH therapy on short stature children. If you do that for a few years I would expect some other stuff to grow too. Wouldn't you?
Yes like I said this is something that I hear anecdotally has worked, I was looking into using Mk-677 for height and people were saying that they experienced height growth with real GH. The people who said this were running GH for bodybuilding.
OP you question about BG, do you have a blood glucose monitor? It would be good to start getting a baseline am fasted and about 2hrs after meal to see if you fall into normal or diabetic without adding anything in to the mix. Then monitor it while on GH and you can use Berberine or Metfomin to help with BG. As for it helping you grow, no one here can say, I guess you need to experiment just do it safely
And yet what we do NOT see is any indication of height growth in open bodybuilders using GH. They don't show up even an inch taller from one year to the next, let alone 3.

What does this tell you?
Buddy these are annecdotes, have you talked to every body builder and asked if they've grown .5 to 1.5 inches? would you notice?
And yet what we do NOT see is any indication of height growth in open bodybuilders using GH. They don't show up even an inch taller from one year to the next, let alone 3.

What does this tell you?
I agree 100% but OP seems to want to hear he will get taller on it. The only way he will onow for sure is to try it. Wasted money I would suspect though
OP you question about BG, do you have a blood glucose monitor? It would be good to start getting a baseline am fasted and about 2hrs after meal to see if you fall into normal or diabetic without adding anything in to the mix. Then monitor it while on GH and you can use Berberine or Metfomin to help with BG. As for it helping you grow, no one here can say, I guess you need to experiment just do it safely
Ok ty bro, are there any other sides or things I should worry about.
And yet what we do NOT see is any indication of height growth in open bodybuilders using GH. They don't show up even an inch taller from one year to the next, let alone 3.

I agree 100% but OP seems to want to hear he will get taller on it. The only way he will onow for sure is to try it. Wasted money I would suspect though
The people I'm talking about are younger, most of the body builders you guys are talking about are 23+ I'm 18 with young growth plates... completely different story but still possible I gain noting and I'm ok with that as long as its safe.
Buddy these are annecdotes, have you talked to every body builder and asked if they've grown .5 to 1.5 inches? would you notice?
ummm.. you do understand that height is taken at literally all of these competitions and published right?

NOT anecdotes. Hard data. This would be the MOST apparent in classic physique competitions where allowed weight is directly tied to height.

They don't get taller.

You are living in a fantasy world.
Then go do it. Stop asking people for approval and seeking the response you are thirsty for.

Fuck everyone on this forum. It's not like any of us are running hgh.

Idk why our opinion matters. Go waste your money.
ummm.. you do understand that height is taken at literally all of these competitions and published right?

NOT anecdotes. Hard data. This would be the MOST apparent in classic physique competitions where allowed weight is directly tied to height.

They don't get taller.

You are living in a fantasy world.
ok you got me there but from what I've seen in anecdotes of young guys not 25+ bodybuilders they have seen some growth. I'm sure plenty of other people around my age have taken GH with no height growth and that's ok too. A little bit of money for a chance to be taller for life is a bet I will take.
ok you got me there but from what I've seen in anecdotes of young guys not 25+ bodybuilders they have seen some growth. I'm sure plenty of other people around my age have taken GH with no height growth and that's ok too. A little bit of money for a chance to be taller for life is a bet I will take.
While these threads sometimes come across as pissing contests, trust me when I say these guys do ACTUALLY have your health in mind. So it isn't about getting anyone on anything.

The likelihood of getting what you want out of this is pretty slim, and will be very costly just to try, not to mention the litany of sides possible when running that much GH, that could render any height gains worthless vs the potential health ramifications.

Just a thought
While these threads sometimes come across as pissing contests, trust me when I say these guys do ACTUALLY have your health in mind. So it isn't about getting anyone on anything.

The likelihood of getting what you want out of this is pretty slim, and will be very costly just to try, not to mention the litany of sides possible when running that much GH, that could render any height gains worthless vs the potential health ramifications.

Just a thought
Ok ty for your response. You know what I think your right I will not do it and just wait until I see my endocrinologist and she will probably reject me too but worth a shot.