I'm 18 years old looking to use GH for height growth safely


New Member
Like the title states I'm an 18 year old man looking to use GH for height growth as I'm only 5'6. I workout and already use MK-677 for this reason and monitor my blood sugar but it seems like I will need real GH to get actual results. I figured bodybuilders use it and know the safest ways to use it.

Will 3 months of high dose GH cause acromegaly features in my face?

Can I take GH for 3 months without insulin or will I get diabetes?

Where can I get legitimate GH?

any ideas, thoughts, or answers to my questions will be greatly appreciated.

edit: I also plan on taking IGF-1 LR3 I heard it helps you grow taller and is hypoglycemic which may help, lmk what you think of this.
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ummm.. you do understand that height is taken at literally all of these competitions and published right?

NOT anecdotes. Hard data. This would be the MOST apparent in classic physique competitions where allowed weight is directly tied to height.

They don't get taller.

You are living in a fantasy world.
Have you checked this data? That no young competitor ever, at pro or amateur level has measured an inch taller than before?
Will 3 months of high dose GH cause acromegaly features in my face?

Can I take GH for 3 months without insulin or will I get diabetes?

Where can I get legitimate GH?

any ideas, thoughts, or answers to my questions will be greatly appreciated.
Dude... there is literally and ENTIRE SUBFORUM for HGH that has answered all these questions and more in depth. Go read it.

If anyone actually proffers a source to you via DM well.. caveat emptor kid.
Well, I didnt care enough to read the whole thread.

Male growth plates begin to fuse not too long after puberty starts. They fuse in the presence of estrogen. You hit puberty, testosterone spikes, and so does your estrogen conversion. Hence pubertal gyno. Unless you are clinically evaluated as having stunted growth, your dreams of getting taller are done. Whatever garbage you read and watch online is useless. Unless you somehow havnt started puberty, or are a literal dwarf that also hasnt begun puberty, let go of your little dream... Literally...

This whole shit is no different than people running around hopping on whatever new dick pill trend happens to get pushed around. If anything was reliable enough, it would be out there already and everyone would be doing it walking around with cervix crushing schlongs at 6'6" when your parents are two 4'11" latinos.

I had a hand injury my freshman year of highschool and after an xray I was told my plated were fused already. I was 15. I'm lucky enough to be 6'1". But I know damn well I didnt get any taller after my sophmore year of HS. Anyone pretending to have gotten taller after HS either fixed their posture or lost a lot of weight and maybe decompressed their spine a little.

But if you want to spend thousands of $ on a shitty dream go ahead.

My advice, go to an orthepedic doctor. Tell them some BS about stunted growth and that you'd like an xray done. I do this all the time with bloodwork when im on PEDs. Doctors couldn't give a fuck so long as youre not asking for prescriptions.

This way you only have to waste maybe 200-400$ for the visit and xray bill and spend the rest on steroids overcoming your steadily developing body dismorphia. Only way you let go of this dream is if you hear it from a medical professional.
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Well, I didnt care enough to read the whole thread.

Male growth plates begin to fuse not too long after puberty starts. They fuse in the presence of estrogen. You hit puberty, testosterone spikes, and so does your estrogen conversion. Hence pubertal gyno. Unless you are clinically evaluated as having stunted growth, your dreams of getting taller are done. Whatever garbage you read and watch online is useless. Unless you somehow havnt started puberty, or are a literal dwarf that also hasnt begun puberty, let go of your little dream... Literally...

This whole shit is no different than people running around hopping on whatever new dick pill trend happens to get pushed around. If anything was reliable enough, it would be out there already and everyone would be doing it walking around with cervix crushing schlongs at 6'6" when your parents are two 4'11" latinos.

I had a hand injury my freshman year of highschool and after an xray I was told my plated were fused already. I was 15. I'm lucky enough to be 6'1". But I know damn well I didnt get any taller after my sophmore year of HS. Anyone pretending to have gotten taller after HS either fixed their posture or lost a lot of weight and maybe decompressed their spine a little.

But if you want to spend thousands of $ on a shitty dream go ahead.

My advice, go to an orthepedic doctor. Tell them some BS about stunted growth and that you'd like an xray done. I do this all the time with bloodwork when im on PEDs. Doctors couldn't give a fuck so long as youre not asking for prescriptions.

This way you only have to waste maybe 200-400$ for the visit and xray bill and spend the rest on steroids overcoming your steadily developing body dismorphia. Only way you let go of this dream is if you hear it from a medical professional.
The OP is a typical noob, set on reaching an unobtainable goal regardless of consequence and in spite of reasonable guidance.

Incidentally MRI has become the standard as plain radiographs (typically of the distal radius) tend to overestimate physeal fusion.
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The OP is a typical noob, set on reaching an unobtainable goal regardless of consequence and in spite of reasonable guidance.

Incidentally MRI has become the standard as plain radiographs (typically of the distal radius) tend to overestimate physeal fusion.
I was unaware that plain radiographs overestimated physeal fusion but I dont doubt that. MRI is certainly much better than CT and plain radiographs, both in imaging ability and lack of ionizing radiation.
Also to OP, you can google studies and physeal closure. 15-17 for men. Though some places like the ulna can be as late as 18-19 which appears to be the maximum for healthy average males.

If you think you have a condition, go to a orthepedic doctor, I dont even know why you're here.

BUT you already know that you dont, because if you did youd be getting a nice legal prescription from a doctor. In which case, take the 10,000+$ you would spend running high dose HGH for at least a year here, put half in investments and half in therapy, get over yourself, and when youre rich you can climb tall bitches like a jungle gym all you want.

The truth hurts, but you'll live. Welcome to the forums
Also to OP, you can google studies and physeal closure. 15-17 for men. Though some places like the ulna can be as late as 18-19 which appears to be the maximum for healthy average males.
I reached my maximum height at 17, but the interesting thing was that 13 inches of it was in the two years prior.

I was short, short, short, and then sprouted in the last two years of high school.

But nothing added after 17 even though all my growth was late.
I reached my maximum height at 17, but the interesting thing was that 13 inches of it was in the two years prior.

I was short, short, short, and then sprouted in the last two years of high school.

But nothing added after 17 even though all my growth was late.
I reached my maximum height at 17, but the interesting thing was that 13 inches of it was in the two years prior.

I was short, short, short, and then sprouted in the last two years of high school.

But nothing added after 17 even though all my growth was late.


  • The-height-growth-curves-for-boys-and-girls-Based-on-James-M-Tanner-Reginald-H.png
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OP is about to blast thousands of dollars on GH some of which will be bunk without a doubt…just to come out looking like this24850F30-68F6-4B1C-AD65-A744D1B5095C.png
Dude…look into limb lengthening surgery. I know absolutely NOTHING about this shit fyi. 5’6 isn’t bad man…spend a few hundred bucks on some counseling sessions since this is so hard for you to live with at the moment. Save the rest and put it towards a college education. You apparently have a huge cock because you’ve obsessed over measuring every fucking thing about it…you’ll have nothing to worry about with women. You’re 18 go live your fucking life and spend your money on something that will actually give you something to benefit from for a long time rather than playing the lotto thinking you’re going to hit the jackpot.
Average height for a man in the US is 5'9", so 5'6" is pretty short. But also if you're hispanic that may be normal. 5'6" is the average height for men in Mexico.

I think most girls just care that they can wear heels and not be taller than you. Average height for a woman in the US is 5'4" and heels add around 3 inches. But guys can wear shoes that add an inch or two also.

But strangely, it is something I've found that many, if not most, girls care a lot about. Not nearly as much as your income though. I've also found that most of the more serious bodybuilders are short. A 6' tall guy has to put on so much more muscle to look as muscular as a 5'6" guy. So you may be talking to a lot of shorter guys on here.

