I'm 18 years old looking to use GH for height growth safely


New Member
Like the title states I'm an 18 year old man looking to use GH for height growth as I'm only 5'6. I workout and already use MK-677 for this reason and monitor my blood sugar but it seems like I will need real GH to get actual results. I figured bodybuilders use it and know the safest ways to use it.

Will 3 months of high dose GH cause acromegaly features in my face?

Can I take GH for 3 months without insulin or will I get diabetes?

Where can I get legitimate GH?

any ideas, thoughts, or answers to my questions will be greatly appreciated.

edit: I also plan on taking IGF-1 LR3 I heard it helps you grow taller and is hypoglycemic which may help, lmk what you think of this.
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In the US, do you know how they determine whether a man caught HIV from a female and is heterosexual? The man denies other men do him in the butt and denies intravenous drug use.

That's it.

And it is still only self reported 2% in the US of such men.

Any of you ever lie to the Red Cross or your doctor about injecting illegal drugs? Just curious.

There is literally no checking or investigation beyond the guy denying he was fucked in the ass.

That is the standard because the public health agencies have a stake in ensuring that heterosexuals think this is a realistic threat to them, and not just a disease for homosexuals and IV drug users and the women who let bisexuals and drug users inside of them. The real story does not ensure the same funding as the propaganda story does.
I know what I sent you the point was transmission in the foreskin. You have nothing else to prove me wrong.

Btw... If anything nowadays people are more open with their sexuality than they were before. they would be more open for discussing male on male sex.

You still aren't denying that the source you quoted still literally says it can come from vaginal fluid or transferred from underneath the foreskin.

You are the one that needs to do your research. You straight up cherry picked a part of that entire website to prove your point. But other parts of the page goes against your statement
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You still aren't denying that the source you quoted still literally says it can come from vaginal fluid or transferred from underneath the foreskin.
The word "foreskin" does not even appear on that site. You just made that up.

"it can come from vaginal fluid" well, duh, of course it can.

"transferred underneath foreskin" - nope, pure invention on your part. Why did you just make something up and claim it is in my source?
With HIV, the potential to infect isn't actual risk unless four specific conditions are met:

  • There must be body fluids in which HIV can thrive.4 This includes semen, blood, vaginal fluid, and breast milk. HIV cannot thrive in places with high acidity. This includes the stomach and the bladder.
  • There must be a route by which HIV can enter the body. This includes sexual intercourse and shared needles. Rarely, occupational exposure may happen. This is where HIV is transmitted from patient to healthcare worker. Vertical transmission is when HIV is passed from mother to child.5
  • The virus must be able to reach vulnerable cells inside the body.6 This requires a significant break in the skin or deep penetration of the skin. The virus can also be absorbed through the tissues of the vagina or anus. Scrapes, abrasions, and skin pricks are not deep enough for an infection to occur. HIV cannot pass through intact skin.
  • There must be enough virus in the body fluids.7 Saliva, sweat, and tears don't transmit HIV. They either contain enzymes that inhibit HIV or have a pH hostile to HIV.

Unless all of these conditions are satisfied, an HIV infection simply cannot occur.

And although there are some studies showing circumcision benefits heterosexual men with respect to HIV transmission IN AFRICA, the mechanism is not known, and they do note that men with foreskins are more likely to have tears in the skin. It is not politically correct, I suppose, to discuss the rates of untreated infections that leave pathways into the skin in men and how those rates are higher in Africa and even higher in men with foreskins.

But note that NO recommendation is made to circumcise men in the United States.

This lack of a recommendation for circumcision in the US, when they do recommend it for Africans, does not cause you to pause for even a few minutes to think and consider why, the implications, and whether there is more at work here than merely the presence of a foreskin.

Oh, and note the name of the expert being interviewed in that article - a number of posters here ought to get a kick out of that.
Like the title states I'm an 18 year old man looking to use GH for height growth as I'm only 5'6. I workout and already use MK-677 for this reason and monitor my blood sugar but it seems like I will need real GH to get actual results. I figured bodybuilders use it and know the safest ways to use it.

Will 3 months of high dose GH cause acromegaly features in my face?

Can I take GH for 3 months without insulin or will I get diabetes?

Where can I get legitimate GH?

any ideas, thoughts, or answers to my questions will be greatly appreciated.

edit: I also plan on taking IGF-1 LR3 I heard it helps you grow taller and is hypoglycemic which may help, lmk what you think of this.

I ain’t sure if your taking the piss…. but I’ll answer anyways.

There’s a very good chance your fully grown already.

I haven’t grown an inch since I was 12 years old and most of my friends peaked at 16 years old, these were the late bloomers.

One guy grew when he was 19 yo but he was really small and underdeveloped. Poor guy could’ve had health issues but I wouldn’t dare ask him.

Also if your taking steroids your epiphyseal plates are gonna fuse.

Peak testosterone sends signals to the body that you are in the late stages of puberty.

As growth only occurs in early puberty, steroids or sarms or whatever your taking will just stop you from growing.

It ain’t the end of the world buddy, just get jacked.

I’m 5ft 9” and all my mates are over 6ft.

There’s nothing you can do about it, who cares like lol.

My hands are small too, it makes zero sense my bones are quite thick but my fingers and hands are really small.

It’s kinda funny to look at, you gotta see the positive side of things.

Everyone has their own issues.
With HIV, the potential to infect isn't actual risk unless four specific conditions are met:

  • There must be body fluids in which HIV can thrive.4 This includes semen, blood, vaginal fluid, and breast milk. HIV cannot thrive in places with high acidity. This includes the stomach and the bladder.
  • There must be a route by which HIV can enter the body. This includes sexual intercourse and shared needles. Rarely, occupational exposure may happen. This is where HIV is transmitted from patient to healthcare worker. Vertical transmission is when HIV is passed from mother to child.5
  • The virus must be able to reach vulnerable cells inside the body.6 This requires a significant break in the skin or deep penetration of the skin. The virus can also be absorbed through the tissues of the vagina or anus. Scrapes, abrasions, and skin pricks are not deep enough for an infection to occur. HIV cannot pass through intact skin.
  • There must be enough virus in the body fluids.7 Saliva, sweat, and tears don't transmit HIV. They either contain enzymes that inhibit HIV or have a pH hostile to HIV.

Unless all of these conditions are satisfied, an HIV infection simply cannot occur.

Monkeypox is the new HIV. (I’m joking in case anyone yeets me).
Like the title states I'm an 18 year old man looking to use GH for height growth as I'm only 5'6. I workout and already use MK-677 for this reason and monitor my blood sugar but it seems like I will need real GH to get actual results. I figured bodybuilders use it and know the safest ways to use it.

Will 3 months of high dose GH cause acromegaly features in my face?

Can I take GH for 3 months without insulin or will I get diabetes?

Where can I get legitimate GH?

any ideas, thoughts, or answers to my questions will be greatly appreciated.

edit: I also plan on taking IGF-1 LR3 I heard it helps you grow taller and is hypoglycemic which may help, lmk what you think of
Like the title states I'm an 18 year old man looking to use GH for height growth as I'm only 5'6. I workout and already use MK-677 for this reason and monitor my blood sugar but it seems like I will need real GH to get actual results. I figured bodybuilders use it and know the safest ways to use it.

Will 3 months of high dose GH cause acromegaly features in my face?

Can I take GH for 3 months without insulin or will I get diabetes?

Where can I get legitimate GH?

any ideas, thoughts, or answers to my questions will be greatly appreciated.

edit: I also plan on taking IGF-1 LR3 I heard it helps you grow taller and is hypoglycemic which may help, lmk what you think of this.

I ain’t being a dick but unless you have a rich daddy there is no way you can afford a decent dosage of HGH.

That shit is expensive…..
Man, y’all are haterade drinking dream crushers.

I stopped growing at 25… there’s probably still a chance for him given his bone age is 16 and his plates are open.

OP… it’s a long shot, but if you really want to grow, it may be worth it.
didn't read. this head but saw the HIV chat lol. And what some said is correct, if you are not a gay man and don't share needles with junkies, you are not getting HIV. If your into dudes, you should probably get tested ALOT!
Yeah, keep thinking like that.
Over 30% of people in Canada with HIV are those who have never used needles and are heterosexual.

Dude, have you never seen Dallas Buyers Club?

All it takes is one person to have sex with another who could have shared a needle with someone with HIV. Then boom it passes around through heterosexual sex with no needle involved.

They literally have campaigns in certain communities warning people that there is a high HIV risk in certain health regions so be safe.