I'm 18 years old looking to use GH for height growth safely


New Member
Like the title states I'm an 18 year old man looking to use GH for height growth as I'm only 5'6. I workout and already use MK-677 for this reason and monitor my blood sugar but it seems like I will need real GH to get actual results. I figured bodybuilders use it and know the safest ways to use it.

Will 3 months of high dose GH cause acromegaly features in my face?

Can I take GH for 3 months without insulin or will I get diabetes?

Where can I get legitimate GH?

any ideas, thoughts, or answers to my questions will be greatly appreciated.

edit: I also plan on taking IGF-1 LR3 I heard it helps you grow taller and is hypoglycemic which may help, lmk what you think of this.
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Note Africa v. Europe v. wow, Thailand

No studies in US because it's not really a thing here - they throw wild guesses around with really low numbers.

Note also that even in Africa everything is self reported.

I ask again how many of you tell the Red Cross, yes, I use needles to inject illegal drugs, when asked. The Red Cross has probably concluded that high hematocrit is just a high prevalence issue for men, unrelated to injecting hormones illegally.
Man, y’all are haterade drinking dream crushers.

I stopped growing at 25… there’s probably still a chance for him given his bone age is 16 and his plates are open.

OP… it’s a long shot, but if you really want to grow, it may be worth it.
25? That is really, really late for a male. How tall were you at 23, and 24, and then at 25?
If you are already taking high doses of AAS than unfortunately that ship has sailed…

Once your male hormones reach their “peak” it automatically sends signals to the epiphyseal plates in your arms and legs to fuse.

Although your hands, feet, neck and spine can continue to grow until your early 20s.

Which can add another inch or two, if I’m being generous.

Although 18 is quite late to be concerning about your height. There are always “late bloomers” but these guys were pre-pubescent up until they were 16.

I hit puberty at age 11 and was fully grown at age 14 and I haven’t grown an inch since.

I’m 5ft 9” of white European ethnicity and I’m considered to be quite short, this is only because all of my friends are over 6 ft.

I don’t care though, height isn’t something you can control.

If I were you I would accept it and move on.

Growth hormone is crazy expensive too my friend, I’d rather be short than fish out 1-2 grand a month on what is tbh… a weak hormone.
Yeah, keep thinking like that.
I don't need to its fact, google HIV stats and how likely it is for a male to get it from raw dogging a female even if she has it.

A good practice would be not to fuck raw girls that mess around with gays (bi whatever I call it gay) and not to fuck raw girls that share needles. But even if you do, your pretty safe. Its called probability. Sure you could get ran over by a truck sitting in your living room its happened, but again its very unlikely. if you like men? May want to worry.
Over 30% of people in Canada with HIV are those who have never used needles and are heterosexual.

Dude, have you never seen Dallas Buyers Club?

All it takes is one person to have sex with another who could have shared a needle with someone with HIV. Then boom it passes around through heterosexual sex with no needle involved.

They literally have campaigns in certain communities warning people that there is a high HIV risk in certain health regions so be safe.
A little research. Not surprising liberal Hollywood would portray him as a "straight male" who "got HIV from a woman"

How many are male and how many are female, and how do they know they have never used needle and have never engaged in anal sodomy?
These are questions they ask everyone when getting STI tests. And if you pop positive and go for treatment they ask more haha.

Last time I went they asked if I had ever done cocaine. Apparently it means you're more likely to try riskier stuff.
Cognitive bias eh.
"For the moment this is an outbreak that's concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those who have multiple partners, that means that this is an outbreak that can be stopped with the right strategies in the right right groups."

Your right, men sodomizing many other men, what could go wrong, perfectly safe lol
If you are already taking high doses of AAS than unfortunately that ship has sailed…

Once your male hormones reach their “peak” it automatically sends signals to the epiphyseal plates in your arms and legs to fuse.

Although your hands, feet, neck and spine can continue to grow until your early 20s.

Growth plate senescence progresses through estrogen-mediated pathways. In long bone growth theres two processes occuring, chondrogenesis and osteogenesis.

If you increase the rate of chondrogenesis verse the rate of osteogenesis you increase the “height” (thickness) of the growth plate thereby reversing/delaying epiphyseal fusion.

HGH acts primarily on the chondrocytes and as such increases chondrogenesis. Estrogen on the other hand primarily influences osteogenesis. When osteogenesis exceeds chondrogenesis the zone of provisional ossification progresses towards the germative layer of the growth plate where mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into chondrocytes and proceed to underho proliferation, hypertrophy, amd ultimately apoptosis. When the osteoblasts invade the germative layer and calcify everything the growth plate has fused and the process of endochondral ossification ceases.

If OP is serious he would take an aromatase inhibitor amd use HGH or MK677. The AI would reduce osteogenesis and the GH would increase chondrogenesis.

As for other bones growing, apparently the back part of your skull is the last bone to stop growing which may not happen until into your 70s or even older ive read.
Growth plate senescence progresses through estrogen-mediated pathways. In long bone growth theres two processes occuring, chondrogenesis and osteogenesis.

If you increase the rate of chondrogenesis verse the rate of osteogenesis you increase the “height” (thickness) of the growth plate thereby reversing/delaying epiphyseal fusion.

HGH acts primarily on the chondrocytes and as such increases chondrogenesis. Estrogen on the other hand primarily influences osteogenesis. When osteogenesis exceeds chondrogenesis the zone of provisional ossification progresses towards the germative layer of the growth plate where mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into chondrocytes and proceed to underho proliferation, hypertrophy, amd ultimately apoptosis. When the osteoblasts invade the germative layer and calcify everything the growth plate has fused and the process of endochondral ossification ceases.

If OP is serious he would take an aromatase inhibitor amd use HGH or MK677. The AI would reduce osteogenesis and the GH would increase chondrogenesis.

As for other bones growing, apparently the back part of your skull is the last bone to stop growing which may not happen until into your 70s or even older ive read.
So there actually are ways to increase your height?

I never knew that.

Can this work for someone in their 30s?
No, once the growth plate fuses it cannot be resurrected... at least not easily. It may in theory be possible to surgically implant a growth plate into a long bone of an adult, but im unaware of this ever being attempted or even considered with any seriousness.

When the growth plate is still active, as in puberty, aromatase inhibitors have been demonstrated to delay fusion of the growth plate by inhibiting estrogenic effects on osteoblasts in the process of osteogenesis where it concerns the epiphyseal growth plates, resulting in greater final height for the patient verse estimations. This is achieved because the AI slows the progression of the growth plates fusion process.

Growth hormone works to effect height from the opposite side of the growth plate, increasing the overall growth of the cartilage area of the growth plate.

Technically speaking, if you can delay/slow osteogenesis while simultaneously increasing growth plate cartilage formation (chondrogenesis) you will increase the width of the growth plate which is actually the opposite of growth plate senescence. As you go through puberty the growth plate will get thinner until its fully fused. AIs plus GH together would delay and could even potentially reverse this process allowing further height to be reached

However thats only possible if the growth plate still has chondrocyte activity which it will not once it fully fuses. So the long bone growth plates cannot be fused. Once fused all hope is lost.

That said, some bone structures can have growth plates reactivated via mechanical forces. The only ones im aware of this is the craniofacial bones. For example the bones in your mouths pallet can have their growth plates be reactivated by using mechanical pallatal expander devices which push on the teeth and pallet area with progressively increasing force for months. When the fusion seams of the different pallet bones are pushed to something like 30 microns apart (i forget the actual distance so thats just an example) their growth plates reactivate (no idea “how” that physically unfolds though).
No, once the growth plate fuses it cannot be resurrected... at least not easily. It may in theory be possible to surgically implant a growth plate into a long bone of an adult, but im unaware of this ever being attempted or even considered with any seriousness.

When the growth plate is still active, as in puberty, aromatase inhibitors have been demonstrated to delay fusion of the growth plate by inhibiting estrogenic effects on osteoblasts in the process of osteogenesis where it concerns the epiphyseal growth plates, resulting in greater final height for the patient verse estimations. This is achieved because the AI slows the progression of the growth plates fusion process.

Growth hormone works to effect height from the opposite side of the growth plate, increasing the overall growth of the cartilage area of the growth plate.

Technically speaking, if you can delay/slow osteogenesis while simultaneously increasing growth plate cartilage formation (chondrogenesis) you will increase the width of the growth plate which is actually the opposite of growth plate senescence. As you go through puberty the growth plate will get thinner until its fully fused. AIs plus GH together would delay and could even potentially reverse this process allowing further height to be reached

However thats only possible if the growth plate still has chondrocyte activity which it will not once it fully fuses. So the long bone growth plates cannot be fused. Once fused all hope is lost.

That said, some bone structures can have growth plates reactivated via mechanical forces. The only ones im aware of this is the craniofacial bones. For example the bones in your mouths pallet can have their growth plates be reactivated by using mechanical pallatal expander devices which push on the teeth and pallet area with progressively increasing force for months. When the fusion seams of the different pallet bones are pushed to something like 30 microns apart (i forget the actual distance so thats just an example) their growth plates reactivate (no idea “how” that physically unfolds though).
Let's say I were to go back in time. If I started Arimidex + HGH treatment around the time of my growth spurts, are you saying my growth would've been able to go on for longer?

And I may be 7ft+ instead?

When is the best time to start arimidex+HGH?
Let's say I were to go back in time. If I started Arimidex + HGH treatment around the time of my growth spurts, are you saying my growth would've been able to go on for longer?

And I may be 7ft+ instead?

When is the best time to start arimidex+HGH?

That is exactly what i am saying. Its been clinically demonstrated many times.

The best time would be the start of the pubertal growth spurts, what age that is depends on the person. Its futile to do it in someone with fused epiphysis.

There is risks though. For example, while inhibiting estrogen with an AI does slow growth plate fusion allowing a longer period of longitudinal growth and thus greater height to be achieved, it also reduces bone mineral density as estrogens effects on osteogenesis play a pivotal role in BMD (which is a major reason why post menopausal women are at highest risk for osteoporosis).

Theres also the risk with HGH of assymetrical growth. Growth plates on say your left leg verse right leg may fuse sooner. Fusion doesnt n3cessary happen in perfect symmetry. If one bones growth plate was fused and the opposing bones was not, and you then introduce growth stimulus, one bone would end up physically longer than the other possibly to a significant enough degree to cause mobility issues long term. It would suck to have a leg bone one inch longer than the other, think of the issues long term that could cause.

Anyways bro, why 7 feet tall? Im guessing you are not aware of this medical fact: the taller you are the shorter your life expectancy is. Not only will you die sooner than shorter people, but you will also spend more years of your lifetime suffering from disease vs shorter people. This is according to well documented medical statistics. The taller you are the sooner you will die AND the more years of your life will be spent suffering from disease and disorders and general health problems.

There is a direct correlation between height and life span, every inch taller you are equals less years of life expectancy.

How many 7 foot tall 80 year olds have you ever seen? Theres a reason. The human body is not optimal for that kind of height, we can breed ourselves to be taller but its actually unhealthy to be taller.