I'm 18 years old looking to use GH for height growth safely


New Member
Like the title states I'm an 18 year old man looking to use GH for height growth as I'm only 5'6. I workout and already use MK-677 for this reason and monitor my blood sugar but it seems like I will need real GH to get actual results. I figured bodybuilders use it and know the safest ways to use it.

Will 3 months of high dose GH cause acromegaly features in my face?

Can I take GH for 3 months without insulin or will I get diabetes?

Where can I get legitimate GH?

any ideas, thoughts, or answers to my questions will be greatly appreciated.

edit: I also plan on taking IGF-1 LR3 I heard it helps you grow taller and is hypoglycemic which may help, lmk what you think of this.
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Like the title states I'm an 18 year old man looking to use GH for height growth as I'm only 5'6. I workout and already use MK-677 for this reason and monitor my blood sugar but it seems like I will need real GH to get actual results. I figured bodybuilders use it and know the safest ways to use it.

Will 3 months of high dose GH cause acromegaly features in my face?

Can I take GH for 3 months without insulin or will I get diabetes?

Where can I get legitimate GH?

any ideas, thoughts, or answers to my questions will be greatly appreciated.

edit: I also plan on taking IGF-1 LR3 I heard it helps you grow taller and is hypoglycemic which may help, lmk what you think of this.
Although 5'6 isn't anything to be concerned about if it's causing you insecurities then fuck it, give it a go! A lot of people are taking gear due to insecurities. I never took insulin whilst on growth for 3 months at 4-6iu's, although I am not an expert on growth. Personally, I don't think taking growth for 3 months at a high dose is going to do much damage if any - again, not an expert. I'd just watch your insulin levels and if you happen to feel hypo at any point ffs tell someone immediately so they can keep an eye on you just in case you did pass out and needed medical attention. Again, not an expert on insulin or Growth.

If it was me I'd try and get two different brands and split the dosages in case of fakes. Just stay safe bro!
What is "high dose" to you?

What are your expectations here?ll

How many bodybuilders do you see growing in height from GH use? Im not aware of any.
My little bro was offered growth as he was very small even at 15, never took it.... but the lucky fucker grew up to be the tallest in my immediate family at just below 6ft, but yeah was offered growth by the Dr
We are all here too experiment anyway. I would be worried about my heart and the water retention around it (forgot the medical term).

Jumping straight into 5IUs left me with numb and painful swollen hands for over a month after coming off. Not sure how you can use 15IU+ daily without building up to it over a long period of time.

Chances are your growth plates are already closed at 18. Or the window is about to close. Acceptance comes after denial eventually.
wait until I see my endocrinologist and she will probably reject me too but worth a shot.
Now there you have it. If the endo says "Hey this has a shot of working..." and you can afford it by ALL MEANS.

That is a very sensible course of action.

They will also take care of the safety issue which we aren't going to be able to (the levels of use are just WAY outside the context of this forum).
Although 5'6 isn't anything to be concerned about if it's causing you insecurities then fuck it, give it a go! A lot of people are taking gear due to insecurities. I never took insulin whilst on growth for 3 months at 4-6iu's, although I am not an expert on growth. Personally, I don't think taking growth for 3 months at a high dose is going to do much damage if any - again, not an expert. I'd just watch your insulin levels and if you happen to feel hypo at any point ffs tell someone immediately so they can keep an eye on you just in case you did pass out and needed medical attention. Again, not an expert on insulin or Growth.

If it was me I'd try and get two different brands and split the dosages in case of fakes. Just stay safe bro!
thanks my guy. Yeah I won't lie I am somewhat insecure but I know 5'6 isn't the worst thing in the world and can accept it. That was my thought process that Bodybuilders run Gh safely all the time, I was just gonna do for 3 months if no growth then its ok .
If you really wanna do this, find a good source and be careful with customs. It’s not worth to fuck up your future career for maybe 1-3 cm height gain. You can achieve this with stretches/ body posture.

And if you wanna do high dosage you might add slins (or metformin) and monitor blood glucose closely.
I have a quick anecdote, but now helpful info.

There was a guy I was in high school with, a short, dumpy kid that was wheel chair bound due to something with his bones not forming correctly (it's been years so I don't remember all of the details). I think he was about 5'4" at the time. Due to his condition he was put on growth and he ended up 6'2" with no bone problems and was a stout mother fucker by the time he graduated HS. He started his therapy around the age of 14 though IIRC.

I believe this can be done if epiphyseal plates are not ossified. But I do not know enough about it to give you any good direction.

Although I don't necessarily recommend doing this, you may be better off reading peer reviewed literature on this. I don't believe anyone on here has any experience with that.
What were his parents height ?
What bone condition placed him in a WC ?
Did he suffer from any other endocrinopathies ?
What other forms of medical therapy was instituted ?
Did you ever meet this fella and review his medical record ?
With respect to growth potential, is there a significant difference between non ossified and partial physeal ossification ----- ABSOLUTELY

And that's a few reasons why the plural of anecdote is anecdotes rather than evidence.
What were his parents height ?
What bone condition placed him in a WC ?
Did he suffer from any other endocrinopathies ?
What other forms of medical therapy was instituted ?
Did you ever meet this fella and review his medical record ?
With respect to growth potential, is there a significant difference between non ossified and partial physeal ossification ----- ABSOLUTELY

And that's a few reasons why the plural of anecdote is anecdotes rather than evidence.
I think you misinterpreted my post, and my typo in the first line didn’t help. It was supposed to say “but NOT helpful info.”

I was simply sharing a story from high school, and I even suggested against him using GH to grow in height. I never once said anything was evidence of anything. So maybe take another look at my post before you try to “call me out”.
If its gonna b a lifelong regret then go for it, nobody else has to live with your reality but you.

That being said, learning to love yourself for who you are is a much healthier and fulfilling course of action.
I was simply sharing a story from high school, and I even suggested against him using GH to grow in height. I never once said anything was evidence of anything. So maybe take another look at my post before you try to “call me out”.
Don't think the doc was truly calling you out here:)

His call out posts are considerably more devastating.
5.'6 is not too short. I mean I stoped growing at 21 (0.5 inches more) but everyone is different. Their is no use trying to take HGH after your plates close. You won’t get taller for sure in that case. Even if your plates were not closed you are so close to that window. With lab work, x-rays, and good HGH its going to be expensive. Taking a very high dose of HGH will just make you sick not taller. Good luck getting x-rays and lab work by your Dr. telling them you are on HGH. People who have done this spent a ton of cash and started very young. TBH even if you played your cards right I dont think will grow over 1.0 inches as best. But please post again if you do grow!