Injecting testosterone subcutaneously

I did .75 ml's in my leg today with a 27g 1ml 5/8 lg. needle and a lot the it leaked out. I am going to try doing this subQ 3 times a week in my belly. My be this will cut down on my E2 problem.

According to the last post in this link, the Shippen patient was doing SubQ every 3 days and not 3 times per week.
1cc said:

According to the last post in this link, the Shippen patient was doing SubQ every 3 days and not 3 times per week.
Your right here is a cut & paste.

I heard back from the patient of Dr. Shippen. He injects depo-testosterone 200mg/ml, .35 ml every 3 days into abdominal fat. He splits the injections into two .18 ml injections which is .36 ml, and says this is because a tiny amount will leak out of the injection site.

According to this patient, this dosing schedule leaves him with a stable 900 ng/dl total testosterone level and none of the high estrogen conversion associated with large intramuscular injection.

Apparently Shippen is convinced enough that this is now his preferred method of TRT. I know he starts by trying to get levels into the high normal range by trying to get the body to make its own, but if TRT is called for apparently subcutaneous injection is the first thing he prescribes.


So now if I so a 150 mg. shot of Depo T every week witch is .75 ml's doing the math I would do .32 or the same as above every 3 days right or wrong.
pmgamer18 said:
So now if I so a 150 mg. shot of Depo T every week witch is .75 ml's doing the math I would do .32 or the same as above every 3 days right or wrong.

Your math is correct Phil. Be carefull it doesn't seep out like mentioned by the Shippen patient.

Another thing that would help your high Estrogen is doing your HCG shots a little different. I believe you are now doing 250iu 3 times a week, right? If that is the case, then why not try 100iu every day. It would still add up to almost the same amount of HCG by the end of the week. Also, the chances of excess Estrogen conversion are decreased with smaller and more frequent doses. This is what swale recommends. I do 100iu's every day myself.
1cc said:
Your math is correct Phil. Be carefull it doesn't seep out like mentioned by the Shippen patient.

Another thing that would help your high Estrogen is doing your HCG shots a little different. I believe you are now doing 250iu 3 times a week, right? If that is the case, then why not try 100iu every day. It would still add up to almost the same amount of HCG by the end of the week. Also, the chances of excess Estrogen conversion are decreased with smaller and more frequent doses. This is what swale recommends. I do 100iu's every day myself.
No now I have been down to 250 IU's every 5th and 6th day after my shot. I did a .75 ml shot in my belly 2 week ago and it did not leak. Yet today in my Thigh today it leaked first blood then T. I could tell because when I rubbed my leg not 5 min.'s later it was slippery or oily.

I did the 5th and 6th day shots and my E2 spiked on me. I felt down like my T was low but not like I was crashing. The HCG shot brought me back up but so did the E2.

What are you doing now with your T shots and HCG are you doing the T shot once a week and HCG everyday.
pmgamer18 said:
What are you doing now with your T shots and HCG are you doing the T shot once a week and HCG everyday.

I am currently doing 20mg T Cyp IM every 3 days and 100iu HCG everyday. I will need to test in a couple of weeks to see how it's working out. I feel pretty good though.
RitchieC said:
Anyhow, I tried a sub-Q injection today using a 23G 1" needle. Like one of the previous posters, I noticed a mild burning sensation, nothing too awful.


Hows it going with your SubQ T shots. Have you done any labs since starting? How do you feel on the SubQ shots?
pmgamer18 said:
My be this will cut down on my E2 problem.


If you are still taking oral DHEA, you might want to consider a Transdermal DHEA because it does not convert to Estrogen whereas the oral does.
I take a low dose of DHEA 25 mgs. at lunch and don't feel it makes my E2 go up have run out and not used it for 2 months and my E2 was the same. But my DHEA went down so I have been back on it. I was using a cream yrs. ago and my levels went up about the same on the pills. Dr. John says anything over 50 mgs. will cause converson into E2.
i am still doing subq test shots...have used both a 5/8" 25g and a 5/8" 27g. I warm the oil up first in a glass of hot water to make it flow faster.

I have been using my upper legs for the subq injections and have not had any leakage problems. Did have some blood leakage once, but some pressure with a finger for 2 minutes fixed that. Occasional minor soreness in area for a day or so. I do 3 shots a week.

Have not had labs done since I switched though. I feel great - at least as good as when i was doing IM injections. No symptoms at all of high E2.
RitchieC said:
i am still doing subq test shots...have used both a 5/8" 25g and a 5/8" 27g. I warm the oil up first in a glass of hot water to make it flow faster.

I have been using my upper legs for the subq injections and have not had any leakage problems. Did have some blood leakage once, but some pressure with a finger for 2 minutes fixed that. Occasional minor soreness in area for a day or so. I do 3 shots a week.

Have not had labs done since I switched though. I feel great - at least as good as when i was doing IM injections. No symptoms at all of high E2.
So, how much do you inject at a time?
I see my Dr. this Tue. and if my levels are still up loweing my HCG shots from 500 IU's 3 times a week to 250 IU's the 5th and 6th days after my T shots. I am going to ask my Dr. to let me try doing subQ shots of T say .35mls every 3 days and 100 IU's of HCG everyday. For the next 6 weeks to see if this helps my E2 come down and not be so much of a problem. I still don't under stand how my T levels could go up so high double and I am Primary. I was told 21 yrs. ago I was Primary and wonder if what was wong with my testis has gotten better. If I can do a 250 IU shot in he morning and have trouble that night with high E2 my levels are still to high and it must be my testis making all of this T. Before adding HCG my T was 600 now I feel it is still over 1120. Where is all of this T comming from.

If your T increased as a result of HCG, then it seems you are not primary, and the doctors must have made a mistake.
I still have my first blood test and my Total T was 121 and my LH and FSH were high normal. Seven times Dr.'s have sent me to see an Endo and they took me off T meds for 4 to 16 weeks and each time my test looked about the same. Not to say doing this told them anything other then how sick thay made me. Now my first test was 21 yrs. ago and the last time seeing an Endo was 8 yrs. ago. Beats me.
I do about .5cc at a time. If you don't put the 5/8" needle all the way in, you will lose some. That did happen once. I just put my finger on the injections site for a minute or so, and it just sealed up.
RitchieC said:
I do about .5cc at a time. If you don't put the 5/8" needle all the way in, you will lose some. That did happen once. I just put my finger on the injections site for a minute or so, and it just sealed up.
How many MGS of T is that per subq injection?.. I ask because my Enanthate comes as 250mgs per ML.
If it is 200mg/ml cypionate, which commonly used, that is 100mg. You will need 0.4cc enanthate to equal 100mg.
has anyone confirmed shippen has patients doing test sub-q ? don't get me wrong..he's amazing and a pioneer...but this is ridiculous.period...(in my opinion and no other opinion will change my mind)
why would sub-q injections be ridiculous? testosterone pellets are placed subq and testosterone gels/patches are applied to the skin.

Not arguing, just curious - as i'm currently doing sub-q and if there's a reason why it's a really bad idea, I'd like to know.

So far, I've been feeling great. It's a little more work for me (more injects), but the injects are easier to do, and I don't have to worry about things like abcesses. I suspect my T levels are more stable (although doing multiple IM injections a week would do that too).