Injection freq

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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Deleted member 123722

Interesting video; he goes through several compounds and how long they take to peak and max level in blood, depending on frequency; I may have to switch to ED. Right now I do Mon Thurs. (1200mgs split into 600mg), but my god is that a lot of injecting. If this wouldn't make HUGE different, don't see how it would be worth it?

Anyone notice the difference?

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I do daily injections for 2 years now (with test-cyp and primo-e). It's the best thing I have ever tried.

I did daily injections with my hcg+hmg, too, when we tried to get pregnant and long story short after 6 years of perma-on my girlfriend got pregnant after only 5 months of daily injection regiment.
I hate ED injections.
I do two shots on cruise and three when blasting.
I did ED injections for a year with little to no benefit and a lot of scar tissue in my shoulders .
Try it maybe it fits you more, many people do it and like it.
I hate ED injections.
I do two shots on cruise and three when blasting.
I did ED injections for a year with little to no benefit and a lot of scar tissue in my shoulders .
Try it maybe it fits you more, many people do it and like it.
I've never had any issues with sides really, but even if I don't, wouldn't it make sense to have the levels up like he shows on the video for best results, or will results be virtually the same, and only sides go away?
I hate ED injections.
I do two shots on cruise and three when blasting.
I did ED injections for a year with little to no benefit and a lot of scar tissue in my shoulders .
Try it maybe it fits you more, many people do it and like it.
So,you have hormone swing,not stable peds concetration,also you have to inject more oils when you shot two times a week.
Bridges I doing subq 3 times a week,blast ed. Now I need to inject 15ml a week ment 7ml susta 4ml,mast e 4ml. I do rotation schoulders,chest,triceps,lats,ass,legs and no problems at all with scar tisues.
So,you have hormone swing,not stable peds concetration,also you have to inject more oils when you shot two times a week.
Bridges I doing subq 3 times a week,blast ed. Now I need to inject 15ml a week ment 7ml susta 4ml,mast e 4ml. I do rotation schoulders,chest,triceps,lats,ass,legs and no problems at all with scar tisues.
Yes those dumb bastards that invented esters did not know what they are doing good thing you cleared things up.
Two shots is more than stable enough for long esters and minimal ups and downs just imitates normal levels.
Also doing subq tells me all i need to know about you .
Sit down try again harder next time
Yes those dumb bastards that invented esters did not know what they are doing good thing you cleared things up.
Two shots is more than stable enough for long esters and minimal ups and downs just imitates normal levels.
Also doing subq tells me all i need to know about you .
Sit down try again harder next time
Check your e2 with two shots a week and then check e2 with ed inj
I've been injecting every day for my last 2 cycles now. Partially because I use MENT and that's necessary, but it also makes for very small volume of shots. Even when I cruise I prefer ED or EOD.... I'm already in my bathroom taking cialis or some shit. Might as well just pin while I'm in there.

My normal shots are 0.7mL so I can hit that in any muscle. It takes less than 20 seconds and I haven't had PIP in months.
Yes I did and it was higher on once or twice weekly shots versus daily.
Daily has its benefits no doubt with that logic twice a day would be better.
We must all conclude what works best for us as individuals .
Twice per week has also been done and tested for many years and it works so does the every day its just personal preference in my opinion
Daily has its benefits no doubt with that logic twice a day would be better.
We must all conclude what works best for us as individuals .
Twice per week has also been done and tested for many years and it works so does the every day its just personal preference in my opinion
Im not disagreeing nor was I in my post before. I did twice weekly shots for many years and it worked great, but even at TRT doses I had to use an AI which I was able to drop by doing daily injections. That's pretty much all, there's no magic in daily injections, its still testosterone with less ups and downs.
Im not disagreeing nor was I in my post before. I did twice weekly shots for many years and it worked great, but even at TRT doses I had to use an AI which I was able to drop by doing daily injections. That's pretty much all, there's no magic in daily injections, its still testosterone with less ups and downs.
my question is do the ups and downs have any impact on results? kind of like the insulin spike argument when people say keep you spikes lower to lose fat, but none of that really matters so long as you're in a deficit.
my question is do the ups and downs have any impact on results? kind of like the insulin spike argument when people say keep you spikes lower to lose fat, but none of that really matters so long as you're in a deficit.
Some prefer the higher peaks of hormone with less frequent injections other prefer to be stable levels.
As for results i don't know me personally saw no difference other things matter more in my opinion like total dosage , training ,food yada yada…