input needed

Sean Taylor

New Member
Can anyone answer these questions.

1) can anabolic steroids cause PRIMARY hypogonadism

2) The dangers of having low testosterone for an extended period of time.

3) the dangers of allowing your body to go through andropause and the effects it has during and after.

4) proper testing (not just blood tests but physical examination aswell) for individuals who have gone through andropause and or have low testosterone. (ie bone density etc)

if anyone could please give me some insight to all this I would be greatly appreciative, Im currently in a stalemate with my doctor who wont put me on trt, but he wants me to stop taking testosterone and claims my body will re-calibrate itself without any stimulation (I dont believe him at all), he also hasnt done anything other then bloodtests to see if the steroids have affected my body. Basically I am hoping to get enough information about the 4 questions so I can get proper medical care, the doctor i am currently seeing just denies anything I say, such as the risk of osteoperosis and decreased mental function etc.