Input please!


New Member
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, if it's not please steer me in the right direction. This post is not to talk shit about a lab, just need some insight because I am still new to cycling. I started on a test only cycle from a ugl at 500mg a week from a gym source and it was ugl. I got enough for 12 weeks. The first 7 weeks I was up almost 20 pounds. Well long story short my last vial broke and my gym source was out, so I ordered some pharmacom test c from a domestic source. Not sure if I can post where I got it so I won't. But I have been on it now for going on 4 weeks and Have dropped 8 pounds and loosing strength. My diet and training have stayed the same. The bottle has the scratch off code that said it was legit on the main website. If I left anything out that you need to know please ask and I'll gladly answer
Got bloods? Pre and mid cycle.
What AI are you using? Age? Have you changed your diet or training? How long between last jab of gym gear and replacement? So many variables.
I knew I would leave stuff out as I am still new to this, sorry about that. I'm 25 and my diet and training has not changed at all. I jab on Mondays and Thursday's. I broke my vial right after a jab on Monday and I placed my order express and got them in two days so I did not miss my jab on Thursday. I just kept on as normal. And yes I'm running .25 of arimedex eod. And no I have not had any blood work done at all wich I know is the best thing to do but I did not . And I know the blood work would have told me everything I needed to know. Just kinda wanted to know what ppl thought. But I know everyone will tell me bloods bloods bloods! And I know I should have
Absolutely nothing in my cycle or schedule changed except the brand of test and where I got it from. And no it was not from the two pharmacom guys that I see talked about on here. F or D. But where I ordered it from was recommended by someone that I trust and he said he had good dealings with the source. It was very fast and the product code verifies just am dropping weight like crazy
you should not lose weight that fast even if you just quit test I think it is something else. does it look like it could be water weight ?
Some guys tend to up or do more cardio to keep those and forgetting to just keep shorter rest periods between reps
Point being u might have weigh on the bad old treadmill
Eat more train heavier
Also u might have muscle plateau change it up
Well without bloodwork for all you know the test you had before was overdosed. Not likely but also seems to not be uncommon as anabolic lab has shown. Many guys overdosing test so it seems more "fire" to guys not getting any bloods or anything to compare to besides how much gain they see on the scale. Also, and this is a stretch, someone sold u bunk gear with good labels. I don't keep up with how many official resellers pcom has but Id say they're getting big enough now that some good fakes could start turning up. Like someone said, just too many other variables to know for sure without every bit of information
you should not lose weight that fast even if you just quit test I think it is something else. does it look like it could be water weight ?
I believe it could be, my face seems to be getting thinner too so it very well could be. I hope that's the case
Well without bloodwork for all you know the test you had before was overdosed. Not likely but also seems to not be uncommon as anabolic lab has shown. Many guys overdosing test so it seems more "fire" to guys not getting any bloods or anything to compare to besides how much gain they see on the scale. Also, and this is a stretch, someone sold u bunk gear with good labels. I don't keep up with how many official resellers pcom has but Id say they're getting big enough now that some good fakes could start turning up. Like someone said, just too many other variables to know for sure without every bit of information
Thank you I agree! I appreciate your input
Some guys tend to up or do more cardio to keep those and forgetting to just keep shorter rest periods between reps
Point being u might have weigh on the bad old treadmill
Eat more train heavier
Also u might have muscle plateau change it up
Thanks man I appreciate it
you should not lose weight that fast even if you just quit test I think it is something else. does it look like it could be water weight ?
That's what I was thinking... but also if his gym source was underdosed and now he has good test couldn't he be leaning out? I know when I run high levels of test I struggle to gain vs a lower dose and solid diet... just a thought..
Sex drive seems to be dropping also. But strength and aggression seem to be the pretty much the same. My face was really oily on the other stuff, and that has pretty much went away too. I'm not saying it is bunk or bad. Just kinda wondering what might be going on. I could be leaning out. I'm still hard and strong just loosing weight when I was gaining pretty rapidly
I don't know brother... sounds fishy..... sex drive could be e2.... I'm telling you everyone is different but if I run less than 800 mg a week I have to stay away from adex completely.... even .5 EOD crashes out my e2... lower energy and sex drive...
How do you feel tho? I mean besides losing weight... how's your strength? Agression? Sex drive ect?? Everyone here made valid points ...
Week 4-7 on the first gear my sex drive was through the roof. If the wind blew softly I got a hard on. Now I barely have morning wood. But still feel strong and hard
I don't know brother... sounds fishy..... sex drive could be e2.... I'm telling you everyone is different but if I run less than 800 mg a week I have to stay away from adex completely.... even .5 EOD crashes out my e2... lower energy and sex drive...
so maybe try dropping the ai all together?
Well guys, I have dropped back down to normal weight. So I ordered from the pharmacom site that is suggested from everyone on here and I got it in yesterday and the test I got from the other site that I have been using looks way different. The vials are the same. But what I have been using is really gold, and the stuff I got in yesterday from the reputable source is almost clear. So I'm pretty sure the pharmacom that I was using from the first source was not actually pharmacom in the vial
If you still have the old vial check the code on pharmacoms website to see if it's legit.
I did and it came back
As legit but it a way way diff color. I think it was emptied and something else put in it
I highly doubt someone took the time to do that. It's more likely that they used a different carrier oil.
Your don't think someone could be refilling and recapping their old pharmacom vials? They've got a real good reputation wouldn't be too hard for someone to take advantage of that.