Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic

Would like to report I put up an order with them earlier this month and received package approx. 10 days later. Stealth shipping and stealth labeling on all products. Everything looks good except for one barely visible floater in one vial of Test-E.

Now, reading the thread I am sort of apprehensive on using the gear. Maybe will have to shell out some more money to have it tested first.
buy first, read later, smart decision bro, gj
As far as I remember the bunk test posters never verified the test numbers and everyone jump on these guys cause every loves a good bashing. I had good experiences with these guys one batch was off and they shipped replacements for free woth fast delivery as I was leaving the country.

But as you will come to learn here fuck you, fuck everyone here sure fuck me too why not
As far as I remember the bunk test posters never verified the test numbers and everyone jump on these guys cause every loves a good bashing. I had good experiences with these guys one batch was off and they shipped replacements for free woth fast delivery as I was leaving the country.

But as you will come to learn here fuck you, fuck everyone here sure fuck me too why not
This guy had multiple instances of floaters in his gear.

That's great that you got replacements sent for the first order that they fucked up for you, but that is not an excuse to act like guys here, who were sent dirty gear with shit floating in it, shouldn't call this dipshit out for being a shit source.

So, I'm really happy you got something in the mail and if you're lucky, it might have hormones in it and not give you an infection.

And I agree...fuck you, man. Because meso is about harm reduction, not riding the dick of some idiot who brews unsanitary trash but will send replacements with more unsanitary trash if you have a problem with his first unsanitary trash.
This guy had multiple instances of floaters in his gear.

That's great that you got replacements sent for the first order that they fucked up for you, but that is not an excuse to act like guys here, who were sent dirty gear with shit floating in it, shouldn't call this dipshit out for being a shit source.

So, I'm really happy you got something in the mail and if you're lucky, it might have hormones in it and not give you an infection.

And I agree...fuck you, man. Because meso is about harm reduction, not riding the dick of some idiot who brews unsanitary trash but will send replacements with more unsanitary trash if you have a problem with his first unsanitary trash.
Alright Karen I didn't read back that far but i still didn't hear real legit proof. Btw meso is a community opinions are welcome
Alright Karen I didn't read back that far but i still didn't hear real legit proof. Btw meso is a community opinions are welcome
Absolutely you are welcome to your opinion. But if you arent going to have an educated opinion, you should probably just keep that shit to yourself.
SST is pretty shit.

I’m surprised that iron anabolics is shipping. I’ve tried three Times to make an order and they refuse to reply. I’m running g the remainder of their oils that I have left right now at a cruise. My blood work checks out with it.
yeah, I'm sorry I really should have done my due dilligence more, before buying. good thing I found this forum though. looks a lot more informative and member-rich
Are you still on this "I read posts on forums so I know my shit" buzz?
I'm on that "I read posts on forums before I make a purchase so I can hopefully make an educated choice and not have my ass cheek rot off" buzz.

To each their own, I guess. Good luck, clown. With that mindset of yours, you're going to need it.
Dont buy in iron, I buy HGH and the result in blood was 1 ng / ml, I also tried clomiphene and the result after 10 days of pct was 0.1 lh, 0.3 fsh
Please don't bump this thread up incase newcomers think its an active company on here

I know this gets said all the time, but I think it’s a flawed argument.

We cannot “save” everyone & need to get away from trying.

Anyone dumb enough to buy from a source without reading more than their intro will only go & do the same on eroids etc anyway. Some people only learn the hard way & experience can sometimes be the best teacher - harsh, but true.

More importantly though, threads like this are invaluable to those newbies who aren’t ultra gullible / naive / desperate & who will spend a few mins reading. It shows how a source that at first seemed reasonably promising to many, had quite a few members giving them the thumbs up, quickly went down the shitter.

In short, it’s an eyeopener for them & I really don’t see a problem with that.
SST is pretty shit.
Aye, definitely.


Forget SST mate. It’s not surprising you didn’t see much in the way of red flags. There’s few active members there & an awful lot of posts are deleted by the mods. Nothing gets deleted here.

Stick around!
Would like to report I put up an order with them earlier this month and received package approx. 10 days later. Stealth shipping and stealth labeling on all products. Everything looks good except for one barely visible floater in one vial of Test-E.

Now, reading the thread I am sort of apprehensive on using the gear. Maybe will have to shell out some more money to have it tested first.

I used to also use this source because the shipment was fast and it always arrived in Spain but it was shown in analytics that they were underdosed, my last cycle with some of their products was no longer the same, there are more sources, if they underdose for me they have no forgiveness, The raw ones are worth shit so that they don't put the correct amounts