Is Janoshik Scamming or am I stupid ?

If I am right they (lab4tox) costs a bit more.
What about the french lab Chemtox?They are out of biz?
I haven't seen anything from Chemtox in a while.

They were giving out some extremely questionable results last I read about them ( eg. writing that 20% margin of error is normal with AAS measuring ).

I'm sure somebody can post about it, as obviously, I might appear biased talking about the subject without the evidence, but I'm sure it was posted both here and on SST.
I think TGI done that, others too. Maybe French Lab Test group too? definitely did.

I'm not sure, but there might be others, but I don't recall all of them, it's in the threads over here though. used both L4T and me for a while (about a year?), then dropped L4T completely.
The most recent example was the Pcom Letrozole ordeal. You found the Arimidex was actually letrozole. Customer sent the sample to Lab4tox and their test concluded it was indeed Letrozole as well.
The most recent example was the Pcom Letrozole ordeal. You found the Arimidex was actually letrozole. Customer sent the sample to Lab4tox and their test concluded it was indeed Letrozole as well.
I've almost forgotten about that!

Pharmacom's own lab found it was anastrozole though, so it must've been just another conspiracy!
The most recent example was the Pcom Letrozole ordeal. You found the Arimidex was actually letrozole. Customer sent the sample to Lab4tox and their test concluded it was indeed Letrozole as well.
If I remember correct that case,Jano find the truth,but what happened after?
Lab4tox analised pcom's "letrozole" sample as letrozole,and actually it was anastro?
If I remember correct that case,Jano find the truth,but what happened after?
Lab4tox analised pcom's "letrozole" sample as letrozole,and actually it was anastro?

No. Jano said it was Letro. Pcom told the guy to send it somewhere else. He did. L4T said it was Letro. Pcom still didn't believe it and said they would have it analysed by some no name Russian lab.

After 10 posts full of excuses for why it was never sent off to the Russian lab Pcom stopped talking about it and focused on the other complaints regarding exp. dates and rubber stoppers that looked like puckered assholes.
No. Jano said it was Letro. Pcom told the guy to send it somewhere else. He did. L4T said it was Letro. Pcom still didn't believe it and said they would have it analysed by some no name Russian lab.

After 10 posts full of excuses for why it was never sent off to the Russian lab Pcom stopped talking about it and focused on the other complaints regarding exp. dates and rubber stoppers that looked like puckered assholes.
Cmon you forgot the best part! Pcom said they couldn’t send it for testing because it was completely out of stock in the USA warehouse. Well during the Black Friday sale, a guy in the US got this exact batch as a freebie lmao.
I've almost forgotten about that!

Pharmacom's own lab found it was anastrozole though, so it must've been just another conspiracy!
Did you see those jacked Russians tho? Wait what were we talking about again? I’ve completely lost my train of thought.
I'm guessing it's safer to send outside the US for testing? Rather than have another option for quicker turn around in the states.
I can't help but ask.. why all the complaints?
Not sure how this could have escaped anyone, but sources whose stuff has been found wanting have TONS of nutswingers who will spam out endless shit to try and discredit the testing agency. All in the hopes of a few vials of bathtub brew from the UGL.

The thread here has several of those.
Fair enough, I don't even read what they write half the time.

If you are good at finding stuff, as opposed to retarded, how come you think you have to invest "500 USD+" for a test with me? Given all your research you failed to notice the price list and dozens of people mentioning the costs involved?

So... you're making the order is what you're saying?
I didnt say 500 usd is for 1 test with you.
I thought you are a scientist? If you make an experiment you gotta do it to make false results / bottomline as unlikely as possible.
So for that I would need to find gear you tested the exact batch (lets say its 50 eur so I can make a blend of 2 less known compound+ shipping), need to send one sample to you and one for Lab4tox (or any other lab) so someone can't say the batch I have got counterfeited or so. So plus x2 testing and 2x sending it abroad.
So yeah, maybe not 500 usd, just 480.
So why not just send it to Lab4tox? Thats one reason why its useless for me to do this experiment the oher is you already got caught lying more than 1 time so I rather not give childish people like you money to find out whether they are legit, scientist. I also doubt your professionalism because how emotion based human you are almost like a raging teenager. Also I don't think you could handle much pressure if got into trouble somehow with the law seeing how couple post can make you lose your mind.

And even if I find out you scam I could not do too much with that info since I would never do business with you. Cause then I'd be just a nuthugger like:
Not sure how this could have escaped anyone, but sources whose stuff has been found wanting have TONS of nutswingers who will spam out endless shit to try and discredit the testing agency. All in the hopes of a few vials of bathtub brew from the UGL.
The thread here has several of those

Thanks for the opportunity, have no incentive at all.
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I think right at the moment you have enough nuthuggers to stay in business: you know it and you behave accordingly. We will see where you will be in 5 years. Maybe in some cold prison just how professional you handle things and how much you not let emotions lead you... But I guess for a steroid dealer on a random forum being a 12 year old in some part of the mind is enough to have couple good years.

Imagine legit companies making these sorts of temper tantrums... Then you can compare the professionalism of these guys to some people posting here. Janoshik, Liska lists can go on.

Thinking they are so good with their drug dealing. But on the side it makes it more possible that Janoshik is somewhat legit because he is a guy who has the knowledge and equipment but noone in the scientific field wants to work with due to his shitty nature so his only way to make money is here in some shady environment. So yeah. its good for you two in the end?

Liska, remember I asked you in PM how a smart guy like you cannot make $ the same doing something legal? Being on this forum for couple months now I totally get it.

Haha good game guys. Not too much point to post for me anymore so go on with your business. I wont bother you, somewhat I am astonished how much game you guys have. :)
dont worry you can delete my last comments I get if you do it ;)
I wont post anymore in this topic of either liska nor jano. Have no reason to. So goodbye.
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