Is Janoshik Scamming or am I stupid ?

I've not found any evidence for the earth being round, it looks pretty flat to me. I live in small cardboard box with my cats in a dark cellar with no access to information, just mice.
Hypothetically...or I guess factually depending on where you're head is at...if one of your cats was chasing a mouse and the mouse got to the edge of the earth and without missing a step ran right over the edge and into the abyss...would your cat stop or follow it still trying to catch it??

I know this has nothing to do with this thread (or does it) but when I read your post this is what came to mind and the only way I can learn is to ask...
I thought about it and this just raises another questions: and thats why I stopped initially if not Liska/Jano classless and raging teenager style.
DEA and other organizations must read bigger forums. Any steroid forum you went you probably heard his name. He is doing it "illegally" then and yet noone tries to catch him to get infos about sources? Irs?

I see tho there are people who will believe Jano and people who wont and I don't think that depends on posting. ignorance is bliss.
Are you suggesting he's a CIA front company? :)
You keep saying this. Then for a fool like me - since I am unable to find answers to this questions yet I spent at least 10-12 hours in last 1 year randomly researching janoshik- please make life easier.

"If its legal to do it in where he lives why theres no company behind him? If its not legal how can his operation go on so long while receiving hundreds of samples yearly? No other competitors? Whats his incentive to be almost he only person that does open testing roids while others don't think it worth the risk-hence no other companies that are running on the long term?"

In case its none of your business therefore don't know the answers then you can just stfu with this "same questions" bs. Thanks.
All your questions include false statements and/or are based on false premises. It's a legal business and the amount of paperwork required must be so incredibly annoying the only comparison I can think of is having to read your posts.

Hypothetically...or I guess factually depending on where you're head is at...if one of your cats was chasing a mouse and the mouse got to the edge of the earth and without missing a step ran right over the edge and into the abyss...would your cat stop or follow it still trying to catch it??
Thank you for posting a decent question! The answer is that my cat would stop.
All your questions include false statements and/or are based on false premises. It's a legal business and the amount of paperwork required must be so incredibly annoying the only comparison I can think of is having to read your posts.

Thank you for posting a decent question! The answer is that my cat would stop.
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How can I find infos on the company?
Isn’t that what people do all the time - send him blind samples? If they aren’t going to believe those, then why should he do it for free just to try and prove himself?
The people that are calling him out, make up a sample and send it to Jano and see if he hits it right. Those people maybe aren't believing others who send it blind but to have the one or 2 guys in this thread doubting his abilitys send him samples on Janos dime to prove that Jano does or does not know what he's doing. Of course Jano can say he has nothing to prove and with a the testing he's done he certainly does not have to prove himself. Mands is a great guy, led me in the right direction few times and I follow his posts and if what happened to Mands happened to me I would not trust him at all. I.just look at all the other tests at our disposal and happen to think Jano does a great job. I guess in my Ambien/ Etizolam haze I'm thinking if I doubted Jano that much I would maybe make a blend up to see if he would nail it...
The people that are calling him out, make up a sample and send it to Jano and see if he hits it right. Those people maybe aren't believing others who send it blind but to have the one or 2 guys in this thread doubting his abilitys send him samples on Janos dime to prove that Jano does or does not know what he's doing. Of course Jano can say he has nothing to prove and with a the testing he's done he certainly does not have to prove himself. Mands is a great guy, led me in the right direction few times and I follow his posts and if what happened to Mands happened to me I would not trust him at all. I.just look at all the other tests at our disposal and happen to think Jano does a great job. I guess in my Ambien/ Etizolam haze I'm thinking if I doubted Jano that much I would maybe make a blend up to see if he would nail it...
and hitting one blind test will prove he's 100% accurate 100% of the time now? which we need to be able to verify since he scammed people in the past. we need to know if he still does. and the only way to catch him would be to double check every single thing he "tests." and at that point, we can just cut him out and use the lab we're testing him against, right?
and hitting one blind test will prove he's 100% accurate 100% of the time now? which we need to be able to verify since he scammed people in the past. we need to know if he still does. and the only way to catch him would be to double check every single thing he "tests." and at that point, we can just cut him out and use the lab we're testing him against, right?

If someone is willing to spend some money, then it is easily verifiable.

1) Obtain pharmaceutical testosterone and note its concentration (e.g. 200mg/mL)

2) Dilute the testosterone so that its concentration is no longer and easy-to-guess nominal value. Dilute it to say, 95.4mg/mL

3) Send it to Jano as a blind test

If he gets it correct (within a reasonable margin of error), then you can trust his testing ability.
If someone is willing to spend some money, then it is easily verifiable.

1) Obtain pharmaceutical testosterone and note its concentration (e.g. 200mg/mL)

2) Dilute the testosterone so that its concentration is no longer and easy-to-guess nominal value. Dilute it to say, 95.4mg/mL

3) Send it to Jano as a blind test

If he gets it correct (within a reasonable margin of error), then you can trust his testing ability.
did you even read? of course we can trust his ability. do we know some of his tests aren't forged, as they have been in the past? nope
If someone is willing to spend some money, then it is easily verifiable.

1) Obtain pharmaceutical testosterone and note its concentration (e.g. 200mg/mL)

2) Dilute the testosterone so that its concentration is no longer and easy-to-guess nominal value. Dilute it to say, 95.4mg/mL

3) Send it to Jano as a blind test

If he gets it correct (within a reasonable margin of error), then you can trust his testing ability.
I know. The point is if you want to know the truth you need to test it yourself and not base your oppinion of forum posts of unknown men. For me as a hobby user not being in any regulated sports doesnt make sense to test any of my stuff with Janoshik for what I know for and how many unanswered questions I have with his lab tests. I am just good finding reputable sources. have I been in tested sports I for sure would like to test his capabilites investing 500usd+ because theres not much other option out there.

If theres a company that does testing for same price as janoshik with unspoiled history I am in. But to pay to some unverifiable company I don't get how it can exist to test my gear would be beyond stupid for me with my circumstances.
H-hello, is this the dementia roleplaying group? I don't know why my post count says otherwise but this is my very first post and it's nice to meet you all! @janoshik can you please introduce yourself? I don't remember you ever explaining everything asked for in this thread over and over and over the years endlessly at all.

"Why has many well know and established HGH suppliers" stop using you, hmmm? I cannot remember all of their names anymore now... t-they are using other testing services now? I cannot remember any of their names anymore now...
I'm in!

Maybe I could do a list of best GH I tried, post IGFs from the free kits I got and then act like I'm unbiased member. Hell, maybe I'll even send some kits for amino acid analysis, that I don't even understand, like the fat dumb fuck that I am.
If someone is willing to spend some money, then it is easily verifiable.

1) Obtain pharmaceutical testosterone and note its concentration (e.g. 200mg/mL)

2) Dilute the testosterone so that its concentration is no longer and easy-to-guess nominal value. Dilute it to say, 95.4mg/mL

3) Send it to Jano as a blind test

If he gets it correct (within a reasonable margin of error), then you can trust his testing ability.
To upgrade this project: send another ml from the same sample to lab4tox at the same time to compare the results.
The people that are calling him out, make up a sample and send it to Jano and see if he hits it right. Those people maybe aren't believing others who send it blind but to have the one or 2 guys in this thread doubting his abilitys send him samples on Janos dime to prove that Jano does or does not know what he's doing. Of course Jano can say he has nothing to prove and with a the testing he's done he certainly does not have to prove himself. Mands is a great guy, led me in the right direction few times and I follow his posts and if what happened to Mands happened to me I would not trust him at all. I.just look at all the other tests at our disposal and happen to think Jano does a great job. I guess in my Ambien/ Etizolam haze I'm thinking if I doubted Jano that much I would maybe make a blend up to see if he would nail it...
All due respect mate, the people calling me out are not interested in sending a sample anywhere. Few ever do, if you check years and years of posts, and those who do are happy with the service AFAIK - eg. Jet Labs, TGI etc...
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Lol nah, my bad.
Fair enough, I don't even read what they write half the time.
I am just good finding reputable sources. have I been in tested sports I for sure would like to test his capabilites investing 500usd+ because theres not much other option out there.
If you are good at finding stuff, as opposed to retarded, how come you think you have to invest "500 USD+" for a test with me? Given all your research you failed to notice the price list and dozens of people mentioning the costs involved?

But to pay to some unverifiable company I don't get how it can exist to test my gear would be beyond stupid for me with my circumstances.
So... you're making the order is what you're saying?
To upgrade this project: send another ml from the same sample to lab4tox at the same time to compare the results.
I think TGI done that, others too. Maybe French Lab Test group too? definitely did.

I'm not sure, but there might be others, but I don't recall all of them, it's in the threads over here though. used both L4T and me for a while (about a year?), then dropped L4T completely.