Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

That's not how wicker works. And that was not last night wiker has a 6 to 7 day expire that was last week bro and you know it.
Buy regardless I'm signing out.
So why was it timestamped at 1:53am last night? You and I were talking about opsec after arguing about you scamming me? Makes total sense. Only you are stupid enough to believe your own lies.
Yes CIM. I did ask for his BTC address. But I didn't feel safe sending him BTC. Since I was helping him set up his Tumblebit Hidden wallet which is the only one that can not be tracked.
As BTC transaction are being very watched right now. But he also seemed to be having issue with past customers with BTC.
I mailed in funds. I did receive my package 2 test 2 decca.
He's a scammer he scamed obeaste by giving him the wrong addy I didn't believe it at first but he's scamming and I bet you all his gear is way under dosed it's just a matter of time before he exits!!!! I usually get from potg and should of stuck with what I know but he opens and closes so much these days only reason I decided to try some one else. Never again I tell you that.

And it's basically my word against his
2 of each huh? That's weird. I also have the email where you wanted 8x each and as you can see I sent 6x each.

You wanted the list asshole.
But ur. Big dog now. Cool points for you
And reamber when. You fist cam here and you were lost who helped you and took the time. I did when nobody would prime example how all you new guys are.
God your reading comprehension is fucking bad. I did want the list, I don't give a fuck if people know it. I didn't have a problem with you sourcing

Wtf cool points you talking about? My statement was for transparency to the board. I don't give one single fuck if anyone here has a problem with who I buy from, that's my business. I pay up front for my gear and I'm honest brothaaaa

I do appreciate everything I have learned from you in the past, this doesn't discount that. But you are just acting like a child now.
Just for transparency... PI also approached me to sell gear to a little over a year ago. Never bought, nor did I ever really think about it beyond a convo back and forth over a couple days.

Either way, I've never had a problem with people sourcing here privately, as long as they have some integrity and honesty about it.
The deal with private sourcing is the OBVIOUS bias.
Once someone goes that route they are no longer a member
And thats that
The deal with private sourcing is the OBVIOUS bias.
Once someone goes that route they are no longer a member
And thats that
Great... I disagree with that mentality. I've already gone through this in another thread. I'm not here to convince you and you're not gonna convince me. We can agree to disagree

However Millard wants to deal with any dealings with that, is his business as this is his board. But I'll hold my opinion
The deal with private sourcing is the OBVIOUS bias.
Once someone goes that route they are no longer a member
And thats that
I already addmit my past ask for forgiveness. When I came back renewed. I forgot you were above God. I should of asked you first.
Ok so I'm out the club I'm no longer a member so I just hang out on the dark side forever????
Marcus I am not stupid. I would never front a guy online 16 vials I will tell you that much.
It was 12 and he's been a member here forever. We had spoken previously and he literally told me via pm (ya know the ones he edited to ".") to ruin his rep and blast him if he didn't pay. He came up with a story. And honestly man $400 isn't shit in this game. I can afford to lose $400. Vets are respected around here and I figured he'd be good for it.

I've fronted several members gear. Like 5+. And they can and have stated that publicly in my thread. Nothin new.
I already addmit my past ask for forgiveness. When I came back renewed. I forgot you were above God. I should of asked you first.
Ok so I'm out the club I'm no longer a member so I just hang out on the dark side forever????
Explain why "our" Wickr convo from 1-2 weeks ago (according to you) is timestamped at 1:53 am last night.
It was 12 and he's been a member here forever. We had spoken previously and he literally told me via pm (ya know the ones he edited to ".") to ruin his rep and blast him if he didn't pay. He came up with a story. And honestly man $400 isn't shit in this game. I can afford to lose $400. Vets are respected around here and I figured he'd be good for it.

I've fronted several members gear. Like 5+. And they can and have stated that publicly in my thread. Nothin new.

If it's proven he scammed you then he should be banned from here,honestly he should have been perma banned just for having people click that link to grab their IP addresses. That was absolutely a breach of privacy(not that the owner here can't see our ips) Second it doesn't matter if he was "trusted" here,how many "trusted" members have turned into shills for gear or money. Im not aware of the situation,but it seems like pumpingiron should be banned and you should just put this behind you and stop fronting people. Just my 2 cents.
Explain why "our" Wickr convo from 1-2 weeks ago (according to you) is timestamped at 1:53 am last night.
It's say 1:53 it does not say last night.
If you want another 400 bucks that bad.
I can send it to for every one to see. Lol.

Anyways why are so worried about this thread? Stay on your own Thread!
Either way, I've never had a problem with people sourcing here privately, as long as they have some integrity and honesty about it.

While I agree to some degree, the issue with private sources (of many) is accountability. They brush issues under the rug before they are ever public, and that allows many others to get scammed before a HUGE blowout happens (ALWAYS happens). Better to be a public, yet discerning, source like 24K was.

I feel we shouldn't allow sources to hop on our board unless they offer 100% reimbursement for testing done by members POST reception of the goods. Do NOT tell your source you plan to test the product, before buying it. The margins on gear are so ridiculous that the source can absolutely afford to reimburse the occasional test that a member will perform. We have @Analyzer at our disposal, and I'm certain he would be glad to post results and explain them when we send out samples.

If you want to get ripped off, then sent allegedly good gear, or have your PMs on blast some day, go ahead and use your private sources. It becomes your word, versus theirs, when shit gets bad, and it will. You will be bombarded by who knows how many reps/friends of theirs that're getting free or cheap products in exchange for positive reviews or defense of the private lab when things go south.

If a member comes to you, unsolicited, offering up a private source, be very weary of what they're offering... There are truly some good sources out there, and members that genuinely just want to help lead you in the right direction, but still proceed with caution.
It was 12 and he's been a member here forever. We had spoken previously and he literally told me via pm (ya know the ones he edited to ".") to ruin his rep and blast him if he didn't pay. He came up with a story. And honestly man $400 isn't shit in this game. I can afford to lose $400. Vets are respected around here and I figured he'd be good for it.

I've fronted several members gear. Like 5+. And they can and have stated that publicly in my thread. Nothin new.
Was it 16 now 12. 2 4 What's the amount? You said 400.00 get your story right.
Do I have lot of BTC yes so why would I scam.
Almost forgot about this, why send CIM then?

While I agree to some degree, the issue with private sources (of many) is accountability. They brush issues under the rug before they are ever public, and that allows many others to get scammed before a HUGE blowout happens (ALWAYS happens). Better to be a public, yet discerning, source like 24K was.

I feel we shouldn't allow sources to hop on our board unless they offer 100% reimbursement for testing done by members POST reception of the goods. Do NOT tell your source you plan to test the product, before buying it. The margins on gear are so ridiculous that the source can absolutely afford to reimburse the occasional test that a member will perform. We have @Analyzer at our disposal, and I'm certain he would be glad to post results and explain them when we send out samples.

If you want to get ripped off, then sent allegedly good gear, or have your PMs on blast some day, go ahead and use your private sources. It becomes your word, versus theirs, when shit gets bad, and it will. You will be bombarded by who knows how many reps/friends of theirs that're getting free or cheap products in exchange for positive reviews or defense of the private lab when things go south.

If a member comes to you, unsolicited, offering up a private source, be very weary of what they're offering... There are truly some good sources out there, and members that genuinely just want to help lead you in the right direction, but still proceed with caution.
I understand your and everyone's point about private sourcing but I do not agree with it. It's a free market. Yes everyone SHOULD be held accountable but I'm not here to protect wonderpus from using a private source, if you want to then go for it... just be willing to accept the consequences

The reason I don't have a problem with private sources, friend sources, public sources, what the fuck ever, is because it's a capitalist market. Everyone can make their money, it literally makes no difference to me.

I have a problem with that person personally when they don't show integrity in that business but hey... people can still use them if they don't give a shit about that
It's say 1:53 it does not say last night.
If you want another 400 bucks that bad.
I can send it to for every one to see. Lol.

Anyways why are so worried about this thread? Stay on your own Thread!
I don't want your money. Keep it.

Anytime it's over a day Wickr shows the date next to it. If it's within the day it shows the time.
Why next week? Why not now?
Because if I'm going to give charity money it will be when. I feel like it!!!!
Not because I'm being threatened by a scammer trying to ruin me. Soon you will all realize what's going on here.
See you guys next week.

But why should it matter. I'm no longer a member and never will be.
How about this since he needs 400 dollars so bad! I will send you BTC next week gr8whitetrukker and you can send it to him because I don't trust him you can.
You said you paid him CIM. Why would you pay him twice?
I understand your and everyone's point about private sourcing but I do not agree with it. It's a free market. Yes everyone SHOULD be held accountable but I'm not here to protect wonderpus from using a private source, if you want to then go for it... just be willing to accept the consequences
Im not against private sourcing either!
The consequences are turning in your membership card.
How the hell is MESO supposed to offer the bare unfiltered truth about fucking sources IF SOME OF THE MEMBERS ARE SOURCES THEMSELVES!!!!

Lets get real here. Come fucking on man