Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

I dont care if they make a new handle
Its the ones that say, "mey, its ok to be one of us then cross over" . "Meh, no harm no foul"
Make a new handle. The old one is dead now.
Being a contributing member and a source are opposites. Cannot be comingled. Right or wrong?
Im glad you brought this up
It's weird to me that we have some members who are grey area all the time... They comment on other sources threads as members, but source behind closed doors. Not sure if it's right, or wrong, or neutral... But it's definitely a THING.
There already all here.

I just don't hide behind different user names.
This is a open board and anybody can join and be apart of. This is the reason there are no mods because people quick to judge. It's a open platform. It's not controlled or ruled by anyone.
The Old PI22 was good in my book
But you are a source now
You knew that signing up when you crossed over
My back has no bend and i will hold your turd cutter to the fire
Not personal
It's weird to me that we have some members who are grey area all the time... They comment on other sources threads as members, but source behind closed doors. Not sure if it's right, or wrong, or neutral... But it's definitely a THING.
I dont know all what happens. Idk how anyone could? The smart ones who turn to private sourcing never post again or at the very least stay out of the underground. It is a thing and has been for a long time. The new MESO is cleaning up the shit though. I think thats the best way to handle it.
There already all here.

I just don't hide behind different user names.
This is a open board and anybody can join and be apart of. This is the reason there are no mods because people quick to judge. It's a open platform. It's not controlled or ruled by anyone.
You are a douche in the purest form... you threatened to hack people here with the intent to do harm.... you got caught up scamming a source here and it just so happened to turn out to be under dosed gear and you're relying on your status here to pull you through to the clear.... to hell with that... you are exactly as it seems you are, a can keep spinning these sob stories whether true or not but they don't excuse your actions.... that's no different then saying I stole from you but I'm really a good guy and didn't want to... I was forced to do it because of blah blah blah... fuck that, you had a choice... you made it of your own free will and now you can suffer the consequences plain and simple... and Omega, you need to get your ass back to your thread and stay there... it's been said several times now... sources stay in their threads around here, end of story.
Some thing has to keep the lights on.
Also in this board you get all the info you need to buy from pharmacom or not.
Nothing is protecting them here. They have no pull and no power to censor information like other boards

I get what you are saying. You are probably right,on ology if you said some of the things i have said here you are banned and your thread is deleted. Guess Meso really is as clean as it gets.
I get what you are saying. You are probably right,on ology if you said some of the things i have said here you are banned and your thread is deleted. Guess Meso really is as clean as it gets.
Clean isnt the right word
But truthful is. We should be striving to uphold that and members turned source are definitely not helping.
You can post whatever you like here as long as its not a death threat or some thing similar MB or Scally will not ban you. The only 2 with mod capabilities. MB being the owner.

The board sponsors know the deal full well when they send their check every month. There will be NO protections for their payment. That is MESO
You are a douche in the purest form... you threatened to hack people here with the intent to do harm.... you got caught up scamming a source here and it just so happened to turn out to be under dosed gear and you're relying on your status here to pull you through to the clear.... to hell with that... you are exactly as it seems you are, a can keep spinning these sob stories whether true or not but they don't excuse your actions.... that's no different then saying I stole from you but I'm really a good guy and didn't want to... I was forced to do it because of blah blah blah... fuck that, you had a choice... you made it of your own free will and now you can suffer the consequences plain and simple... and Omega, you need to get your ass back to your thread and stay there... it's been said several times now... sources stay in their threads around here, end of story.
Hi guy I don't know. I offered to even pay again just to shut Omega up! So how am I a scammer lol and what I did over two years ago is none of your business.

Omega used me as a distraction this is the 2nd time he scamed somebody. Yes I have his ip but did I post it no. I didn't.

At first I was impressed with his interest in Crypto. Until I figured out he has no idea how to hide his transaction. There is a new way throughout Bip and Tor. To be hidden of the block chain any other way is not safe.
My reason I did CIM. He did send my pack before I paid.

If I were going to scam and I wouldn't
it wouldn't be for more than few vials think about it. He said nothing until I said he had underdosed gear!!!!
It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
Another doesnt take a genius to figure out Omega cant be trusted and discount anything he says. Just read thru his thread.
The Old PI22 was good in my book
But you are a source now
You knew that signing up when you crossed over
My back has no bend and i will hold your turd cutter to the fire
Not personal
It's funny you say the old. PI the one about a year or two ago.

Because that's when I took the side job. And everything I did was off the fourm.
It was not on here.

But I get it. I'm bad forever.

That's fine I'm cool with that.
Hi guy I don't know. I offered to even pay again just to shut Omega up! So how am I a scammer lol and what I did over two years ago is none of your business.

Omega used me as a distraction this is the 2nd time he scamed somebody. Yes I have his ip but did I post it no. I didn't.

At first I was impressed with his interest in Crypto. Until I figured out he has no idea how to hide his transaction. There is a new way throughout Bip and Tor. To be hidden of the block chain any other way is not safe.
My reason I did CIM. He did send my pack before I paid.

If I were going to scam and I wouldn't
it wouldn't be for more than few vials think about it. He said nothing until I said he had underdosed gear!!!!
It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
I don't see where he is trying to distract from the under dosed gear... he's made no excuses or tried to blame anyone for doing blood test wrong or anything... he's actually done the again you admit to getting people's IP address... who does this other than a hacker??? What other purpose would it serve??? Keep talking and keep telling on yourself
How the hell is MESO supposed to offer the bare unfiltered truth about fucking sources IF SOME OF THE MEMBERS ARE SOURCES THEMSELVES!!!!

Stop derailing this thread as you are not going to change my mind truck. We can start a new one if you wanna talk about this again.

No. @gr8whitetrukker can discuss this topic anywhere he wants and as often as he wants. As long as members don't get it and continue to condone this shit to the detriment of the forum, the discussion will be welcomed.
It's weird to me that we have some members who are grey area all the time... They comment on other sources threads as members, but source behind closed doors. Not sure if it's right, or wrong, or neutral... But it's definitely a THING.
What do think? The answer should be obvious.
No. @gr8whitetrukker can discuss this topic anywhere he wants and as often as he wants. As long as members don't get it and continue to condone this shit to the detriment of the forum, the discussion will be welcomed.
I said that I misspoke and was not talking about him in regards to speaking about this in general.

I was talking about him trying to convince me as I (just me) was not gonna change my mind. I phrased it wrong and already apologized Millard

See below
Sorry, detailing comment I meant in terms of shifting the focus to me and why I may not feel the same way as you in regards to private sources.

Not the context of your focus as a whole. I should've been more clear
It's the best move for everyone, IMO. I wanna know who you're pimping, and where you should post. If you're a shill/rep/whatever, I don't want you posting in some other sources thread just to talk shit.
So then how would this work with private sources? Let's say I try to sell some gear to you in PM, you then report it, does that mean I now have a title under my name? And that's the solution?

Honestly asking... don't know the answer. I can see how that would work with open sources to a degree, even though I'm sure every one of them probably has multiple handles. Are we just saying for the open sources so everyone can immediately identify them?

And what if a private source is like, actually I'm no longer a source, or I only sold to 2 guys to help them out and that's it. Then starts another handle and sources there. Does that mean their originally handle is tagged?

Just questions throwin out there