Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

And you do deserve to be banned for threatening to hack people cause we pissed off the wrong hacker right... yeah I do believe those were you words
No sir. You have no idea you listeing to hear say please. Other than the pizza please show proof of where I asked?
Hop on the band wagon like all the others.
Are you denying that you've asked members for help one time because it was your kids birthday or something of the sort because you hadn't gotten paid yet? Id go digging but you start like 4 threads a day man....
Are you denying that you've asked members for help one time because it was your kids birthday or something of the sort because you hadn't gotten paid yet? Id go digging but you start like 4 threads a day man....
Actually i remember i replied to you. Maybe it was the pizza thread, one from back in may.....
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But even I can admit banning you does nothing if your determined to be here so I won't beat a dead horse
Says the bum that was begging for $20 to buy his kid a pizza a couple of months ago. Lmfao

You'd scam for a single vial if you could.

PI, how many thousands of meso member's dollars did you pocket from the spetz scam? Easily into 5 figures, I suspect.

Yeah that was a Meso classic . Funny of the Day... :p:p
Exactly so why would I scam for a vial makes no since other then the sorce you guys love is a liar! And he did the same to Obeast88 but I guess he is a liar to?
Doesn't make sense why you'd ask for money for food either but you did... your point is mute
Yeah that was a Meso classic . Funny of the Day... :p:p
Funny OG you were one of the ones that asked for a list to put in a order.

See all of you are to scared to be real.
You can call me what ever but aleast I'm not fake.
Half of the board here ordered in private or live in the grey area. Or has back dealing
You asked questions I answered honestly! Like it or not.

There is alot that goes on this board. That should be in question but most turn a blind eye
Everything I did was off board and not here!!!!!
Hey CBS have you done a Cycle yet?
Have you ever did steroids?
When was you last Cycle?
You won't answer! And I know why!!!!
These are my last words here.

Millard ban me if you want for something I did for a couple of months a a year or to ago of the bord in private!!!!. And half the members here knew some that are even critiquing me as I speak it easy to go with the flow of other members than be honest and tell the truth

Delete all my info including all my Threads I contributed here.
Thank you.

Here comes the accusations that I'm a cop.

It's not the first time you've tried that tactic, PI. It didn't work before and it won't work now but it's a good deflection from your scamming, isn't it?

BTW, this isn't the first source PI has scammed. He scammed a private source a couple of years ago for quite a bit of money. Same thing - received gear and didn't pay.
Here comes the accusations that I'm a cop.

It's not the first time you've tried that tactic, PI. It didn't work before and it won't work now but it's a good deflection from your scamming, isn't it?

BTW, this isn't the first source PI has scammed. He scammed a private source a couple of years ago for quite a bit of money. Same thing - received gear and didn't pay.
So answer the question!!! You won't and never will!!!! Cyber Cop!!!!!!!!!!

