Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

So then how would this work with private sources? Let's say I try to sell some gear to you in PM, you then report it, does that mean I now have a title under my name? And that's the solution?

Honestly asking... don't know the answer. I can see how that would work with open sources to a degree, even though I'm sure every one of them probably has multiple handles. Are we just saying for the open sources so everyone can immediately identify them?

And what if a private source is like, actually I'm no longer a source, or I only sold to 2 guys to help them out and that's it. Then starts another handle and sources there. Does that mean their originally handle is tagged?

Just questions throwin out there
Simply put "Rep" under his name like everyone else that used to rep or source, it doesn't need to be in detail.
My opinion on this is very simple. If you decided to rep or source publicly or privately you lose all your "privileges" as a normal member. Thats the way it ALWAYS was before and i don't see why it should be any different now. Sources and their reps aren't your friends, they are trying to sell you shit and protect their interest.
So then how would this work with private sources? Let's say I try to sell some gear to you in PM, you then report it, does that mean I now have a title under my name?
If it's reported, the spammer will be banned.

Unfortunately, a lot of members like to protect spamming private sources. They think there is some honor in this because they are afraid of being labelled a snitch if they report.
Hey Jay Remember when you emailed me because you wanted to by gear from a private source that I was reping. Yep.
I do. Don't be a Hippocrate

Did you make it past the 3rd grade, PI? You are completely illiterate and I won't miss your illegible posts when you finally take the hint and vacate meso forever.

For someone that claims to be so technologically adept, it's funny that you've never figured out how to use a spell checker.
So then how would this work with private sources? Let's say I try to sell some gear to you in PM, you then report it, does that mean I now have a title under my name? And that's the solution?

ABSOLUTELY! You come after me, unsolicited to sell me gear, I want you blasted in public and branded a shill. No doubt.
Hey Jay Remember when you emailed me because you wanted to by gear from a private source that I was reping. Yep.
I do. Don't be a Hippocrate

Read my posts in here. I admitted I fucked up and was a hypocrit. And yes I did email you back after you had PM'd me here and emailed me about the lab you were secretly repping. Never made an order.

Maybe if I had spoken up you wouldnt still be around conning people. Thats my second mistake. My first was thinking you were a good dude that deserved any respect.
Read my posts in here. I admitted I fucked up and was a hypocrit. And yes I did email you back after you had PM'd me here and emailed me about the lab you were secretly repping. Never made an order.

Maybe if I had spoken up you wouldnt still be around conning people. Thats my second mistake. My first was thinking you were a good dude that deserved any respect.
Sources and their reps aren't your friends, they are trying to sell you shit and protect their interest.
A lot of MESO members will disagree with you. There are the private sources whose entire business model is based on becoming "friends" with as many people as possible and then conveniently offer to "help them out" by selling them steroids. All their customers are convinced that they have a genuine friendship and will actively defend them. This is one of the most pathetic buisness models in use today by private sources, and not surprisingly, one of the most effective.
Read my posts in here. I admitted I fucked up and was a hypocrit. And yes I did email you back after you had PM'd me here and emailed me about the lab you were secretly repping. Never made an order.

Maybe if I had spoken up you wouldnt still be around conning people. Thats my second mistake. My first was thinking you were a good dude that deserved any respect.
Jay stop defending yourself there is absolutely no need. You've always been a good guy we all know that.
A lot of MESO members will disagree with you. Then there are the private sources whose entire business model is based on becoming "friends" with as many people as possible and then conveniently offer to "help them out" by selling them steroids. All their customers are convinced that they have a genuine friendship and will actively defend them. This is one of the most pathetic buisness models in use today by private sources, and not surprisingly, one of the most effective.
I hate how fucking true this is man. Honestly in my eyes those customers are just as big of shills for putting a source first and defending them.
If I were going to scam and I wouldn't
it wouldn't be for more than few vials think about it

Says the bum that was begging for $20 to buy his kid a pizza a couple of months ago. Lmfao

You'd scam for a single vial if you could.

PI, how many thousands of meso member's dollars did you pocket from the spetz scam? Easily into 5 figures, I suspect.
Says the bum that was begging for $20 to buy his kid a pizza a couple of months ago. Lmfao

You'd scam for a single vial if you could.

PI, how many thousands of meso member's dollars did you pocket from the spetz scam? Easily into 5 figures, I suspect.
Hey CBS have you done a Cycle yet?
Have you ever did steroids?
When was you last Cycle?
You won't answer! And I know why!!!!
These are my last words here.

Millard ban me if you want for something I did for a couple of months a a year or to ago of the bord in private!!!!. And half the members here knew some that are even critiquing me as I speak it easy to go with the flow of other members than be honest and tell the truth

Delete all my info including all my Threads I contributed here.
Thank you.
Says the bum that was begging for $20 to buy his kid a pizza a couple of months ago. Lmfao

You'd scam for a single vial if you could.

PI, how many thousands of meso member's dollars did you pocket from the spetz scam? Easily into 5 figures, I suspect.
Not the only time he has asked for money on meso either. I remember numerous times where he has made post asking members to "help him out" because he is waiting for a check or some other bullshit.
Not the only time he has asked for money on meso either. I remember numerous times where he has made post asking members to "help him out" because he is waiting for a check or some other bullshit.
No sir. You have no idea you listeing to hear say please. Other than the pizza please show proof of where I asked?
Hop on the band wagon like all the others.
Not the only time he has asked for money on meso either. I remember numerous times where he has made post asking members to "help him out" because he is waiting for a check or some other bullshit.
All while sitting on 3/4 of a million... just crazy