Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

And you won't answer my question?

At least I answer questions you don't

You answer questions with deflections and lies.

You just got caught diddling your neighbor's cat, PI. There's no coming back from this one. It's time for you to dust off one of the many other accounts you have here and start over. PI is deceased. Good riddance.
You don't I know why you are here.

How about take the underground out of meso! Proplem solved?
And what proof of spetz do you have none all you do is talk. And never shut up. You hate roids! Because of your son.
And you won't answer my question?

At least I answer questions you don't
Still haven't answered why your proof of our Wickr convo is timestamped at 1:53 am when you claim to have paid weeks ago. and everyone who's used Wickr knows damn well after a day it shows the date. Also the handle is @omegapham

And this is your proof after you asked my for a Bitcoin addy and were provided one (all the emails have been posted for proof) then you claim to have switched to Wickr. Your own proof proves you're a liar. Also calling others cops? You threatened to doxx me and bluffed saying you have my IP address and physical address and said you'd post it.

@CensoredBoardsSuck check thstbout
Still haven't answered why your proof of our Wickr convo is timestamped at 1:53 am when you claim to have paid weeks ago. and everyone who's used Wickr knows damn well after a day it shows the date. Also the handle is @omegapham

And this is your proof after you asked my for a Bitcoin addy and were provided one (all the emails have been posted for proof) then you claim to have switched to Wickr. Your own proof proves you're a liar. Also calling others cops? You threatened to doxx me and bluffed saying you have my IP address and physical address and said you'd post it.

@CensoredBoardsSuck check thstbout

He has no proof that will exonerate him or he would have posted it as soon as the accusation surfaced.

All Pi has is a clumsy attempt at fabricating a conversation, and no one is buying that horseshit.
Did you make it past the 3rd grade, PI? You are completely illiterate and I won't miss your illegible posts when you finally take the hint and vacate meso forever.

For someone that claims to be so technologically adept, it's funny that you've never figured out how to use a spell checker.

This is why I've always kept my distance from PI, believe it or not. The childlike writing freaked me out, especially coming from a supposed tech guru.

First thing I thought when I saw how "omegapham" spelled his handle in the conversation below, which appears at the top:

I didnt and i still have the unsolicited pm
Good bye
What's crazy is that there is a right way. A different identity is a given, but who here doesn't understand that PM's are not permitted?

Maybe this will be an example to others doing the same.
You want to join too.?
Funny OG you were one of the ones that asked for a list to put in a order.

See all of you are to scared to be real.
You can call me what ever but aleast I'm not fake.
Half of the board here ordered in private or live in the grey area. Or has back dealing
You asked questions I answered honestly! Like it or not.

There is alot that goes on this board. That should be in question but most turn a blind eye
Everything I did was off board and not here!!!!!

I just wanted to know what your prices were , because it was the same lab as another WKM here that was selling the same exact product had also PM"d me about . I get pricelist all the time sent to me by sources and members...most I never answer :confused:
He has no proof that will exonerate him or he would have posted it as soon as the accusation surfaced.

All Pi has is a clumsy attempt at fabricating a conversation, and no one is buying that horseshit.

CBS are you going to answer me
When was you last steroids Cycle?
Have you ever?
Do you still?
Have you ever bought and used steroids?
What I would like to understand is:

How you would accept bitcoin from a complete AAS using stranger that's potentially under LE radar and ordering illegal drugs online when you needed pizza money (most of whom know jack fucking shit about Internet security) but you wouldn't send Bitcoin to this source bc you were worried his security protocols weren't good enough?

I'm guessing I'll be accused shortly of being one of the guys asking for private sources but we both know that's not true...