Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

I have an apology to make to all Meso members and @Millard Baker

Last year I got a message from PI asking for my email. I gave it to him, thought he was a bro. He had been selling behind the scenes here.

For all the shit I give other people I said nothing. Thought that he was solid. Now I see I was wrong. It wouldve never come to this had I spoken up sooner.

For those who don't know, his MO is to send messages and edit out anything incriminating after it's been read. Trying to cover his tracks.
You are a badass. Good for you Jay! You made my day by doing this.
What I would like to understand is:

How you would accept bitcoin from a complete AAS using stranger that's potentially under LE radar and ordering illegal drugs online when you needed pizza money (most of whom know jack fucking shit about Internet security) but you wouldn't send Bitcoin to this source bc you were worried his security protocols weren't good enough?

I'm guessing I'll be accused shortly of being one of the guys asking for private sources but we both know that's not true...

nope you actually a good guy free and clear
CBS are you going to answer me
When was you last steroids Cycle?
Have you ever?
Do you still?
Have you ever bought and used steroids?
Member @pumpingiron22 has been a dangerous member as far back to when he admitted he fishes members for their IP addresses so he can collect and catalog them.

I can't think of a bigger security liability than that.

Stay away. Anyone who has continued dealings with this member needs their head examined.
So pi22 is dropping dimes on everyone. All these people who PM'd you about pricelist and whatnots. Who else are you going to implicate? Next you'll claim DrJim and Millard pm'd you for a list too.

@OmegaPharma dropping dimes also. You make so much $$$, but you're whining over 10 bottles of underdosed gear. How about paying your customers back for poor products.

Your focus SHOULD BE on proper sterilization of your lab equipment, mainly your vials.

The fact that you were a former forum member really bugs me. Its also concerning that you and another lab here reminds me of XENO/AVANNG

Edit: you sourced for who? You sent out PMs trying to scam members. Claiming your a Rep for.....?

I'll wait...
So pi22 is dropping dimes on everyone. All these people who PM'd you about pricelist and whatnots.

I actually hoped he'd keep it up. It's an excellent lesson to be learned from anyone that gets put in this position in the future. I hope members new and old are taking note....

It's just the first reason to stay away from sourcing this way. Too much emotion. Sources aren't your friends, if you think they are then you need to reevaluate things because you may get put into a precarious situation eventually.
I actually hoped he'd keep it up. It's an excellent lesson to be learned from anyone that gets put in this position in the future. I hope members new and old are taking note....

It's just the first reason to stay away from sourcing this way. Too much emotion. Sources aren't your friends, if you think they are then you need to reevaluate things because you may get put into a precarious situation eventually.
I've been preaching this for some time now.

I started a thread about. I called out @Dema and the other guy from @Pharmacom Labs. I think it was called "how to be a shill" or something...
I've been preaching this for some time now.

I started a thread about. I called out @Dema and the other guy from @Pharmacom Labs. I think it was called "how to be a shill" or something...

Those guys are absolutely deplorable. Pharmacom is about the only source in all of meso history that can get away with 10+ low blood works and still keep running business. I understand they help pay the bills but these guys need to have mercy. Not all of us can afford to lose 500$ on an order.
Those guys are absolutely deplorable. Pharmacom is about the only source in all of meso history that can get away with 10+ low blood works and still keep running business. I understand they help pay the bills but these guys need to have mercy. Not all of us can afford to lose 500$ on an order.

Its not on them to stop selling, people have to stop buying. When we run labs out it isnt the mean words, theres no mods, its the money drying up.
Those guys are absolutely deplorable. Pharmacom is about the only source in all of meso history that can get away with 10+ low blood works and still keep running business. I understand they help pay the bills but these guys need to have mercy. Not all of us can afford to lose 500$ on an order.
True, but when me and CNDguy and a few other members were going toe to toe with pharmacon, we were called haters, and cluttering up the thread. We tried to inform members, but it gets old after awhile.

Pharmacon was blinding guys with pretty, shiny things, such as automated vial filling machines and automated were losing their damn minds, and drooling everywhere when pharmacon played those vids...LMAO
True, but when me and CNDguy and a few other members were going toe to toe with pharmacon, we were called haters, and cluttering up the thread. We tried to inform members, but it gets old after awhile.

Pharmacon was blinding guys with pretty, shiny things, such as automated vial filling machines and automated were losing their damn minds, and drooling everywhere when pharmacon played those vids...LMAO

I know it gets old,alot of people have gotten pissed off at me and it almost seems like some think I am the bad guy. Why do we allow pharma to get away with scamming 10s of thousands when pumping iron/omega scam pennies compared to that and it gets a 10 page thread. I think it is extremely unfair how hard of a time other sources get compared to pharma. The automated filling thing seems fake,they probably rented a facility for a day made a video and people ate that shit right up.
He has no proof that will exonerate him or he would have posted it as soon as the accusation surfaced.

All Pi has is a clumsy attempt at fabricating a conversation, and no one is buying that horseshit.
Funny thing CBs is how you missed spetz is here. And keeps popping in and out of this thread.nlol
But you had to teach me? Shatters your story. Plus your bullshit Wickr you made up is timestamped as of last night. Not 2 weeks ago. It shows your messages delete after 24 hours so how could you possibly still have messages from weeks ago.

Shattered your story again. You keep digging yourself deeper and deeper

Were you asked to come to this thread. Sources stay in their own tread.