Is PumpingIron22 a scammer?

You said you paid him CIM. Why would you pay him twice?

Im not against private sourcing either!
The consequences are turning in your membership card.
How the hell is MESO supposed to offer the bare unfiltered truth about fucking sources IF SOME OF THE MEMBERS ARE SOURCES THEMSELVES!!!!

Lets get real here. Come fucking on man
I've already said my opinion on this, I don't give a shit as long as those private sources stay out of other source threads. You putting stuff in caps and getting all fucking crazy isn't gonna change my mind nor is it making your point any more eloquent to me.

Stop derailing this thread as you are not going to change my mind truck. We can start a new one if you wanna talk about this again.
I've already said my opinion on this, I don't give a shit as long as those private sources stay out of other source threads. You putting stuff in caps and getting all fucking crazy isn't gonna change my mind nor is it making your point any more eloquent to me.

Stop derailing this thread as you are not going to change my mind truck. We can start a new one if you wanna talk about this again.
I'm with you. The point of my post was for newer members to see, and understand, the risks involved with a private source. I've received total garbage, and great gear, from both private and public sources. Only difference is private is more expensive and discourages open testing/reviews.... Just my experience. I'm not going to lie to you and say I haven't used private sources, and don't from time to time. But, I'm cautious and really get to know the source and the members that're quick to promote them, that's all.
You said you paid him CIM. Why would you pay him twice?

Im not against private sourcing either!
The consequences are turning in your membership card.
How the hell is MESO supposed to offer the bare unfiltered truth about fucking sources IF SOME OF THE MEMBERS ARE SOURCES THEMSELVES!!!!

Lets get real here. Come fucking on man
Well half of the board like the private sources. And they guy went to jail so I filled in the spot. Being a messenger.

I could literally blast most of the people on this form but I'm not.

I did pay cim. I would pay again just to prove my self true. I'm not a liar I hate liars I've been totally honest you asked if I sourced in the past along time ago I answered w honestly.

Either Omega want is more money. I will send it to him just to shut everyone up!
Or drop the bs.

And yes I see I am not longer a member here. So I guess I'll stay on the dark side
I'm with you. The point of my post was for newer members to see, and understand, the risks involved with a private source. I've received total garbage, and great gear, from both private and public sources. Only difference is private is more expensive and discourages open testing/reviews.... Just my experience. I'm not going to lie to you and say I haven't used private sources, and don't from time to time. But, I'm cautious and really get to know the source and the members that're quick to promote them, that's all.
I get you, and @gr8whitetrukker opinion on the matter and respect it and others. Just have a different view myself.

Regardless I think we all agree that there are most definitely more inherent risks with private sources
How DO we address members, turn source, then pulled out of the game and wanna be members again? I don't really have an issue with it, assuming they're straight forward about their current status. I think it's silly to ask they get a new handle if they're no longer selling... I could see being a member, wanting to make some cash, then pulling out of the game and wanting to just be a member again.
There are more risks with private sources than public sources sure. However,I think the pay to play sources are the biggest threat to the consumer.
Well half of the board like the private sources. And they guy went to jail so I filled in the spot. Being a messenger.

I could literally blast most of the people on this form but I'm not.

I did pay cim. I would pay again just to prove my self true. I'm not a liar I hate liars I've been totally honest you asked if I sourced in the past along time ago I answered w honestly.

Either Omega want is more money. I will send it to him just to shut everyone up!
Or drop the bs.

And yes I see I am not longer a member here. So I guess I'll stay on the dark side
Keep your money I don't want your shit. It's the principle, not the money.
How DO we address members, turn source, then pulled out of the game and wanna be members again? I don't really have an issue with it, assuming they're straight forward about their current status. I think it's silly to ask they get a new handle if they're no longer selling... I could see being a member, wanting to make some cash, then pulling out of the game and wanting to just be a member again.
I don't see a problem with them being members again, but I may be semi-alone on that.
How DO we address members, turn source, then pulled out of the game and wanna be members again? I don't really have an issue with it, assuming they're straight forward about their current status. I think it's silly to ask they get a new handle if they're no longer selling... I could see being a member, wanting to make some cash, then pulling out of the game and wanting to just be a member again.
I helped the source for 3 months

I was honestly I never denied
I did a while back I asked for forgiveness.

I a new members thread.
For being dark and I wanted to be me.
Instead of this mystery chacter.
But obviously was a Scarlett your marked with a forever.

But it's ok to be private just depends on who you are? If you in favor or not.
I've already said my opinion on this, I don't give a shit as long as those private sources stay out of other source threads. You putting stuff in caps and getting all fucking crazy isn't gonna change my mind nor is it making your point any more eloquent to me.

Stop derailing this thread as you are not going to change my mind truck. We can start a new one if you wanna talk about this again.
Just the high lights as to WHY Millard created this board
And i dont get the derailing comment? Not at all. Not one bit
Thats what i take issue with. That IS the context of this thread.
He already said he paid the man
So pleading for mercy and pulling the old , hey look what i did for the board the past 5 yrs doesnt sit well with me. I separate what he did for the board and what he became. Which is a source.
The two are separate. And once crossed can never be returned
How DO we address members, turn source, then pulled out of the game and wanna be members again? I don't really have an issue with it, assuming they're straight forward about their current status. I think it's silly to ask they get a new handle if they're no longer selling... I could see being a member, wanting to make some cash, then pulling out of the game and wanting to just be a member again.
Would you be ok with Mike Strong coming back as a member? How about Astro? KiwiGear? Hammer? Omega? Etc etc
That is no different than a former contributing member turned for profit source at MESO
Contradicts the platform Millard built right down to the details and makes us the board as a whole look weak and foolish and extremely biased.
So we are or we arent the place for unfiltered reviews in its rawest form?
Would you be ok with Mike Strong coming back as a member? How about Astro? KiwiGear? Hammer? Omega? Etc etc
That is no different than a former contributing member turned for profit source at MESO
Contradicts the platform Millard built right down to the details and makes us the board as a whole look weak and foolish and extremely biased.
So we are or we arent the place for unfiltered reviews in its rawest form?
I see your point.... I'm really not too sure. I think it is situational. Which, I suppose, means it's safer to say "no." However, we both know they'll just make a new handle anyway.
Half of the people on this board has contacted me for a private sources gear here and it was ok because it was private. Lol I could blast half of the people on this board that sell gear on here or reps or connect. And there all well known member's. All behind the scenes and you all know it!

Yes I had a past. And I don't denie it. I came back clean. But I see I will always be judge. This board has become a joke. And probably why admins don't understand why I was teaching my time here helping.
So I guess I will start my own list and put what everyone has done and been dirty. And you will have the board all to your self.
Have you done a steroid cycle yet cbs? That's right you haven't or won't admit you have? Why is that? Hmm. I'm done with this board I will post my long ass list since obviously I'm not welcomed here.
I don't care who has been sourcing under the table, but to post anything openly not only is a danger to that member, which I couldn't care less about, but it also endangers the members who made orders.

You are correct. This board has no shortge of hipocracy. Lots of vets and wantabees using meso to do business.
Meso is selective when we attack members who source.
Would you be ok with Mike Strong coming back as a member? How about Astro? KiwiGear? Hammer? Omega? Etc etc
That is no different than a former contributing member turned for profit source at MESO
Contradicts the platform Millard built right down to the details and makes us the board as a whole look weak and foolish and extremely biased.
So we are or we arent the place for unfiltered reviews in its rawest form?
There already all here.

I just don't hide behind different user names.
This is a open board and anybody can join and be apart of. This is the reason there are no mods because people quick to judge. It's a open platform. It's not controlled or ruled by anyone.
Would you be ok with Mike Strong coming back as a member? How about Astro? KiwiGear? Hammer? Omega? Etc etc
That is no different than a former contributing member turned for profit source at MESO
Contradicts the platform Millard built right down to the details and makes us the board as a whole look weak and foolish and extremely biased.
So we are or we arent the place for unfiltered reviews in its rawest form?

So if this board is about the consumer why is their a pharmacom advertisement all over the website and scam reports are met with 10 shills immediately discrediting.
I see your point.... I'm really not too sure. I think it is situational. Which, I suppose, means it's safer to say "no." However, we both know they'll just make a new handle anyway.
I dont care if they make a new handle
Its the ones that say, "mey, its ok to be one of us then cross over" . "Meh, no harm no foul"
Make a new handle. The old one is dead now.
Being a contributing member and a source are opposites. Cannot be comingled. Right or wrong?
Im glad you brought this up
Just the high lights as to WHY Millard created this board
And i dont get the derailing comment? Not at all. Not one bit
Thats what i take issue with. That IS the context of this thread.
He already said he paid the man
So pleading for mercy and pulling the old , hey look what i did for the board the past 5 yrs doesnt sit well with me. I separate what he did for the board and what he became. Which is a source.
The two are separate. And once crossed can never be returned
Sorry, detailing comment I meant in terms of shifting the focus to me and why I may not feel the same way as you in regards to private sources.

Not the context of your focus as a whole. I should've been more clear
I dont care if they make a new handle
Its the ones that say, "mey, its ok to be one of us then cross over" . "Meh, no harm no foul"
Make a new handle. The old one is dead now.
Being a contributing member and a source are opposites. Cannot be comingled. Right or wrong?
Im glad you brought this up
Hmmmm actually a good point as well. I'm not sure if they can be combined or not...
So if this board is about the consumer why is their a pharmacom advertisement all over the website and scam reports are met with 10 shills immediately discrediting.
Some thing has to keep the lights on.
Also in this board you get all the info you need to buy from pharmacom or not.
Nothing is protecting them here. They have no pull and no power to censor information like other boards