Is this allowed????


New Member
Arimidex,Aromasin,Femara (letrozole),Nolvadex

are these legal? because they arein't actually considered a steriod is it ok to state where is a place I can get them?????
Arimidex,Aromasin,Femara (letrozole),Nolvadex

are these legal? because they arein't actually considered a steriod is it ok to state where is a place I can get them?????

They're all only legal to obtain with a prescription. However, it's not like they're in the same class as AAS or other illegal drugs.

Some of the site sponsors have them available. Whether you buy them without a prescription is up to you, but it is not legal to do so.

Best regards,
they are a medicine that requires a script to possess and buy legally...but they are not scheduled drugs....IMPO I would not worry ordering them from a good research company....not too many agencies are going to waste time and money going after that type of crime......the only thing I would say is dont have it on your person or in your car....