Organ growth on HGH


New Member
Can 4 units a day cause organ growth/enlargement? I'm looking for enhanced lipolysis and keeping GH and IGF-1 levels above the reference range, and don't want any organ growth.

1 month on, 1 week off. Is this cycle the right approach?
No, you don't need to be concerned about organ growth, especially with the dosages mentioned. The development of a "bubble gut' is more likely a result of years of overeating and poor digestion habits.

What is the reason behind cycling one month on and one week off?
No, you don't need to be concerned about organ growth, especially with the dosages mentioned. The development of a "bubble gut' is more likely a result of years of overeating and poor digestion habits.

What is the reason behind cycling one month on and one week off?
I didn't mean only bubble gut. I don't want heart/prostate hypertrophy. As for bubble gut, it's probably due to eating too much, like 6-7 days like professional bodybuilders do.

The point of having a week off is to prevent desensitization and down regulation of receptors.
yes, any dose above a replacement dose can cause some level of organ growth. but it would probably take years and years at that dose to make any noticeable impact.

The point of having a week off is to prevent desensitization and down regulation of receptors.
it doesnt work like that, so no need to take a week off
Ive never seen any info to suggest that GHR downregulation happens simply from taking GH in excess of a replacement dose.

@Type-IIx might know more for certain.
This is a bit of a loaded question I feel! At replacement doses, there's no meaningful effect on growth velocity in growth-retarded children but there are negative-regulatory mechanisms I've written about certainly at supra-physiologic doses of rhGH for body composition/bodybuilding uses I've written about, e.g., the decrement to serum IGF-I that occurs by mo. 9 significantly, and trend decrements by month 6.
This is a bit of a loaded question I feel! At replacement doses, there's no meaningful effect on growth velocity in growth-retarded children but there are negative-regulatory mechanisms I've written about certainly at supra-physiologic doses of rhGH for body composition/bodybuilding uses I've written about, e.g., the decrement to serum IGF-I that occurs by mo. 9 significantly, and trend decrements by month 6.
So if I'm understanding you correctly, we see lowered IGF-1 conversion with extended runs at bodybuilding doses of rHGH.

Do we know if this is a product of any sort of down regulation or inhibition of the GHR?
If the convention to IGF-1 mediated by the GHR at all? Or is it simply synthesized predominantly in the liver by other means?
This is a bit of a loaded question I feel! At replacement doses, there's no meaningful effect on growth velocity in growth-retarded children but there are negative-regulatory mechanisms I've written about certainly at supra-physiologic doses of rhGH for body composition/bodybuilding uses I've written about, e.g., the decrement to serum IGF-I that occurs by mo. 9 significantly, and trend decrements by month 6.

So if I'm understanding you correctly, we see lowered IGF-1 conversion with extended runs at bodybuilding doses of rHGH.

Do we know if this is a product of any sort of down regulation or inhibition of the GHR?
If the convention to IGF-1 mediated by the GHR at all? Or is it simply synthesized predominantly in the liver by other means?

Also, if I recall, this is from one study. It was a human study of relevance to us so not to be discounted, but a lot of shit can go wrong in one study.

Participant adherence usually declines over time (and this study was relatively long). Degradation of GH may have occurred.

We don't have a wealth of studies showing a consistent decline of GH to IGF-1 conversion at 6-9 months.

So far, I'm taking this with a grain of salt.
So if I'm understanding you correctly, we see lowered IGF-1 conversion with extended runs at bodybuilding doses of rHGH.

Do we know if this is a product of any sort of down regulation or inhibition of the GHR?
If the convention to IGF-1 mediated by the GHR at all? Or is it simply synthesized predominantly in the liver by other means?
Speculatively, it is due to
* GHR desensitization and
* Binding protein dynamics (IGFBPs or GHBPs), to varying degrees.

Yes, IGF-I synthesis occurs in liver somatotrophs, these are GH-R, essentially.

Emphasis on speculatively, because these are the hypotheses researchers feel just about comfortable enough to put forth but there's no definitive answers as of now. Sadly, we are more interested here and now talking about it than the folks themselves who wrote it! They've moved on.
Speculatively, it is due to
* GHR desensitization and
* Binding protein dynamics (IGFBPs or GHBPs), to varying degrees.

Yes, IGF-I synthesis occurs in liver somatotrophs, these are GH-R, essentially.

Emphasis on speculatively, because these are the hypotheses researchers feel just about comfortable enough to put forth but there's no definitive answers as of now. Sadly, we are more interested here and now talking about it than the folks themselves who wrote it! They've moved on.

Awesome, thank you as always