Is this shredded? My final physique after the cut.

Hello everyone,

little update: Week 7 - training 5 days a week, still cutting down. Last 3 days I was on 150-200carbs/day (around 2200 kcal total).
Till today I was on: 300mg tst e/week + 400 mast e/week + 200 tren e/week + 4iu HGH

This week I am upping the doses to the final and highest I will be doing:
It's gonna be my highest gear usage ever and I will keep these doses for 4-5 weeks and then tapper off.

450mg tst e/week
500 mast e/week
300 tren e/week
4iu HGH

This week I will be training 5 days in a row then leaving for small vacation - not gonna train for 5 days and take a little break from eating. Going to have some more free days and enjoy the holiday. When I am back I will add winstrol for the last 4-5 weeks of the cut and will go deep into the diet and finish the final form.

Here are current photos:


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How much weight you lost so far?
I haven't really lost any weight since I started the blast. Right now I am same weight as when I started I think or maybe 1kg more.
I prolly just gained muscle/filled the muscles with glycogen and lost fat. Just keep in mind before this I was 5 months with 0 test (fertility reasons) and then just bit of trt 125mg/week.
Currently I am 77kg -> 170lbs.
Little update just to show rest.
My lacking legs started showing some definition
And also one pic from the back.
Going for small vacation for 5 days starting on friday. when I am back I will start the last 5-6 weeks of my diet.


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I am back from vacation. Enjoyed all food I could - was eating around 5000-5500 kcal daily (just my guess) for 6 days. Most of it was junk - like 80%.
I took this like a little break before my last 5 weeks of diet push.

First pic is empty stomach and flat before vacation.
All the other pictures are taken today after my first training session - did whole upper body.
Adding winstrol 30mg/day and gonna be cutting for 5 more weeks. I will probably post next pictures at the end of the cut to let you see my final form (in 5 weeks) then I will cruise into the rebound phase.
Curious where I can get from this in next 5 weeks. My calories will be around 2000-2500 daily.


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I am back from vacation. Enjoyed all food I could - was eating around 5000-5500 kcal daily (just my guess) for 6 days. Most of it was junk - like 80%.
I took this like a little break before my last 5 weeks of diet push.

First pic is empty stomach and flat before vacation.
All the other pictures are taken today after my first training session - did whole upper body.
Adding winstrol 30mg/day and gonna be cutting for 5 more weeks. I will probably post next pictures at the end of the cut to let you see my final form (in 5 weeks) then I will cruise into the rebound phase.
Curious where I can get from this in next 5 weeks. My calories will be around 2000-2500 daily.
Do you take anything for hunger?
Try semaglutide. It will remove the food noise and make it easier to remain in deficit.
Can try to look into in for next year's shredding phase. This time i will make it without it just being hungry as I am used to.
I will research first before start using it. But thank you very much for the tip.
Little update just to show rest.
My lacking legs started showing some definition
And also one pic from the back.
Going for small vacation for 5 days starting on friday. when I am back I will start the last 5-6 weeks of my diet.
Back is looking even better.

So when do we get to see fat, puffy, bulking photos???
Back is looking even better.

So when do we get to see fat, puffy, bulking photos???
Last 13 days of dieting. Then I will be adding size for 12 months and gonna compete in 15 months. So basicaly full year of slowly adding tissue.
Wanna do it in this style: Diet ends -> rebound phase -> clean up phase -> bulking phase -> clean up phase -> contest diet prep.
If ppl are gonna be interested I will keep updated whole year of progress.
After the end of diet body will be super hungry and if I do everything correctly I will add some serious lean mass. I will give it my 100%.

Right now I am super hungry, trying to finish the last days of diet but it's getting really hard.
Some photos - no pump, empty stomach and after morning cardio. Curious where I get in next 13 days. Will post my final physique then. I think this is my leanest ever.
Ask anything if interested.


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Does your diet still look about like it did when you last posted it in June?
Pretty much I still eat the same things but I just enjoy the food more and more because I am really hungry in this phase.
My diet is around 260g of protein/ 150g - 500g of carbs (low days, mid days and high days) and low fat - around 20-30g of fat.
I eat - eggs, egg whites, rice, cream of rice, oat,cottage cheese, chicken breast, sometimes salmon, little bit of protein powder after training and some fruit - banana or apple/blueberries.

In my last week of diet I will go for 150g carbs daily - not gonna go below that and try to flat out as much as possible and then carb up for last 2-3 days (around 500-800 clean slow carbs).
I do 45 mins every morning empy stomach and then 45 mins in the middle of the day but trying to be separate from training. Before and after training I just try to rest.
In last 7 days of the cut I will cut the cardio out for my peak week.