Is this shredded? My final physique after the cut.

What cardio methods do you use in regards to legs shrinking ? Just wondering, it is very common though. I feel I avoided lots of leg atrophy by using insulin during my fasted cardio, but yea I don’t recommend that per day, considering it’s combining being fasted with insulin.
When I diet down I try to walk on empty stomach every morning (30mins+-) and do around 12k steps daily. I do not do any specific cardio, just walking outside as much as I can so I am trying not to use car basicaly. I've never done insulin and I am not experienced in that so I would need to learn how to first.
So I am slowly transitioning into the blast phase. Right now I am on:

240mg tst e/week
160 mg mast e/week
2iu HGH

I will be staying on this dose for 3 more weeks then I wanna add probably 100mg tren e/week + 4iu HGH and slowly start my cutting phase. I will cut for around 2,5 months and slowly upping doses of PEDs. I wanna get more shredded than last time.

I will leak current photo. I think I am alrdy on some decent BF, not really counting food every day but in average I am eating 3000kcal/day around 350-400 carbs (90% is clean food).
Yes my legs suck but this is just transitioning phase and I was off before.

After my cut I wanna give it a full year of nice and slow bulking phase and will try to pack on some quality muscle finally.


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So I am slowly transitioning into the blast phase. Right now I am on:

240mg tst e/week
160 mg mast e/week
2iu HGH

I will be staying on this dose for 3 more weeks then I wanna add probably 100mg tren e/week + 4iu HGH and slowly start my cutting phase. I will cut for around 2,5 months and slowly upping doses of PEDs. I wanna get more shredded than last time.

I will leak current photo. I think I am alrdy on some decent BF, not really counting food every day but in average I am eating 3000kcal/day around 350-400 carbs (90% is clean food).
Yes my legs suck but this is just transitioning phase and I was off before.

After my cut I wanna give it a full year of nice and slow bulking phase and will try to pack on some quality muscle finally.
Cutting to what? You are already lean AF.

looking good bro
Cutting to what? You are already lean AF.

looking good bro
Well compared to my last year's cut this is not lean AF. I just want to get real shredded and then start adding calories and slowly bulk up because from the past I know that I am gonna grow like a crazy after I cut down to very low % BF and if I stay on track I will make really nice progress and good bulk season.
Looking awesome, brother! Shredded as fuck. Nice job. I’m sure the old lady is happy with it as well. Keep on keeping on.
Looking awesome, brother! Shredded as fuck. Nice job. I’m sure the old lady is happy with it as well. Keep on keeping on.
Thanks man. Let's see how much shredded I can get in the 3 months. Fun is gonna start in 3 weeks when I add a little bit of tren. Will keep the topic updated.

till now I was on 240mg tst e/week +160 mg mast e/week +2iu HGH.

Today I am upping the doses and transitioning into the summer blast - cutting. Starting on: 300mg test e/week + 300 mast e/week + 100mg tren e/week + 2iu HGH/day.
I will increase the doses in like 3-4 weeks and also go for 4iu HGH.
Will be updating atleast once per three weeks or so. Feel free to ask anything.

Starting photoes taken today. Feeling super flat cuz I was eating very very clean for last 10 days and lowered calories. We will see in 4 weeks when the changes from tren come in.
Training 5 days a week now.


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Any particular diet you following? I would like to see your adjustments when stalling.
Right now I am eating around 2600 kcal on non training days and around 3000kcal on training days (5xweek is training day).
My meals consist of the same things - after all these years I figured out what is the best way for me and what meals I can easily digest and feel great.

For example my meals today (training day):

Meal one - 3 eggs + 100g egg whites + 2 slices of white toast bread
Meal two - 200g chicken + 80g jasmine rice -> then I go train
after training - 30g iso whey protein + banana
Meal three - 100g oats + 25g iso whey protein
Meal four - 200g chicken + 85g jasmine rice (eating this kinda early after meal 3)
Meal five - 200g chicken + 85g jasmine rice
Meal six - low fat cottage cheese

Everything is uncooked weight. It is around 3000kcal total (315c/286p/55f).
I just swap things around - potatoes, cream of rice, beef, salmon, etc. - just make sure it fits into my macros I want. Eating veggies with every meal, and sometimes adding different fruit into my oats or cream of rice.

I will be lowering calories slowly but right now 2600-3000 is sweet spot and bf is getting low slowly - I don't need to rush. When I go deeper into the diet I just cut out some of the rice and oats + bread and doing only 2 eggs(rest egg white), protein source kinda stays the same all the time, only playing with the carbs intake.
Sometimes I do cheat meals - burgers mostly.
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Right now I am eating around 2600 kcal on non training days and around 3000kcal on training days (5xweek is training day).
My meals consist of the same things - after all these years I figured out what is the best way for me and what meals I can easily digest and feel great.

For example my meals today (training day):

Meal one - 3 eggs + 100g egg whites + 2 slices of white toast bread
Meal two - 200g chicken + 80g jasmine rice -> then I go train
after training - 30g iso whey protein + banana
Meal three - 100g oats + 25g iso whey protein
Meal four - 200g chicken + 85g jasmine rice (eating this kinda early after meal 3)
Meal five - 200g chicken + 85g jasmine rice
Meal six - low fat cottage cheese

Everything is uncooked weight. It is around 3000kcal total (315c/286p/55f).
I just swap things around - potatoes, cream of rice, beef, salmon, etc. - just make sure it fits into my macros I want. Eating veggies with every meal, and sometimes adding different fruit into my oats or cream of rice.

I will be lowering calories slowly but right now 2600-3000 is sweet spot and bf is getting low slowly - I don't need to rush. When I go deeper into the diet I just cut out some of the rice and oats + bread and doing only 2 eggs(rest egg white), protein source kinda stays the same all the time, only playing with the carbs intake.
Sometimes I do cheat meals - burgers mostly.
I appreciate the detailed response brother. It is always great to see how other lifters diet down and how their bodies react to different diets to achieve their goals.

I'm trying to get down to at least 12 percent for the first time in more than a decade lol. It's been so long that it's messing with me mentally and psychologically.

I love picking up tips from everyone on their tricks on nutrition and incorporating it on my own.

I'll be following your log and hopefully grab more valuable information from you if you don't mind.
I appreciate the detailed response brother. It is always great to see how other lifters diet down and how their bodies react to different diets to achieve their goals.

I'm trying to get down to at least 12 percent for the first time in more than a decade lol. It's been so long that it's messing with me mentally and psychologically.

I love picking up tips from everyone on their tricks on nutrition and incorporating it on my own.

I'll be following your log and hopefully grab more valuable information from you if you don't mind.
I am glad I can atleast help a bit and show you how I do the things.
Still so many things differ from person to person and in the end everyone needs to find their own way and try to keep improving it.

Wish you luck in your journey and hope you accomplish your goals!
I will keep the topic updated if people are interested and for now it seems it has some good attention so I will keep going.
After a week and half of only clean food I had a refeed day around 5500kcal with a big cheat meal in.
These pics are taken the day after. Felt fuller.


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A little update. Week 3 currently running:

300mg tst e/week
400 mast e/week
150mg tren e/week
4iu HGH ed

Calories around 2500 on low days and 3500 on high days (2x per week).
Training 5 days a week. First changes coming in I think. Slowly getting lower bf.


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