Is this shredded? My final physique after the cut.

View attachment 171516Here is actual photo of how it is looking right now on 250-300carbs daily. In total around 2800kcal. I do not wanna go very high with food and wanna slowly keep increasing my intake week by week. I had some cheat meals tho.
This one was taken from my right side where my bicep/tricep and delt is sadly weaker than my left side but I think I got better chest and abs from this side.
Strength is through the roof now. I am going to keep the same food intake for few days. Weight is not going up any fast I am like 1kg heavier than I was in week 12.
I will post more photos in next week. My blast is ending on sunday and then I will take some pictures.
You look great. And you can see your me, how you eat with the calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
Thanks for the comment.
Well Today's macros: 262 protein, 260 carbs, 66 fat. Total like 2680 kcal. A little bit lower carbs today I am going to up them tomorrow and sunday.
Thanks for the comment.
Well Today's macros: 262 protein, 260 carbs, 66 fat. Total like 2680 kcal. A little bit lower carbs today I am going to up them tomorrow and sunday.
Where do you get your protein, fats, and carbs from? Let's just say any source of nutrients for you?
Where do you get your protein, fats, and carbs from? Let's just say any source of nutrients for you?
It is kinda simple I eat the same stuff all the time.
Chicken, lean beef, salmon, eggs, egg whites, protein powder, greek yoghurt, low fat cheese, potatoes, rice, cream of rice, oat, little of bread.
It is kinda simple I eat the same stuff all the time.
Chicken, lean beef, salmon, eggs, egg whites, protein powder, greek yoghurt, low fat cheese, potatoes, rice, cream of rice, oat, little of bread.
Thank you very much, yes it is really simple and everything is really working from food and useful.
You are definitely lean, but to be clear, should you decide to compete, you still had a little ways to go. Odds are somebody will go a little further than that at a contest, and you want to be the most conditioned guy on stage, not giving that up to somebody else.

At least you know now about depleting and carbing up prior to the contest. It makes a huge difference in how you appear on stage.
Carbohydrate depletion and nutrition before the stage, loading, is critical to the quality of the form on stage. I think it's like art.
So little bit of update as I promised. Week 16 of my cycle - tapering down everything -> 200mg test, 100mg mast. Next week is gonna be trt dose 125mg test/week and then in 3-4 weeks I am going off completely.
I am 8-9lbs up, eating around 3500-3800kcal daily. Strength is insane, I am strongest I've ever been in my lifeIMG_5237x.jpgife.IMG_5245.jpg
So little bit of update as I promised. Week 16 of my cycle - tapering down everything -> 200mg test, 100mg mast. Next week is gonna be trt dose 125mg test/week and then in 3-4 weeks I am going off completely.
I am 8-9lbs up, eating around 3500-3800kcal daily. Strength is insane, I am strongest I've ever been in my lifeView attachment 172265ife.View attachment 172266
View attachment 172269View attachment 172268
So what is going on?

Did you come off completely?

What is next for you?
My legs are small, they were always lacking eventho they are super strong and I can lift big numbers. When I dieted down my legs dissapeared totaly.
I am interested what is going to happen in next few days when I start eating and the muscles will fill up. Today is kinda big refeed day.
Your legs are not too far off for your size, but I agree that they could be brought up.

I see you "lift big numbers" on leg day. Have you thought about not doing that? Sounds like an odd question, doesn't it? But if what you have been doing is not working, maybe it is time to experiment with something else, like backing the weight down and increasing the reps and sets, maybe working in the 12-20 rep range on leg day.

Give it a shot on your next cycle, always progressively adding weight, of course, but increasing the rep range, and see what happens.
Thanks for the comment.
Well Today's macros: 262 protein, 260 carbs, 66 fat. Total like 2680 kcal. A little bit lower carbs today I am going to up them tomorrow and sunday.
These are similar to my macros these days as I try to get smaller.
Your legs are not too far off for your size, but I agree that they could be brought up.

I see you "lift big numbers" on leg day. Have you thought about not doing that? Sounds like an odd question, doesn't it? But if what you have been doing is not working, maybe it is time to experiment with something else, like backing the weight down and increasing the reps and sets, maybe working in the 12-20 rep range on leg day.

Give it a shot on your next cycle, always progressively adding weight, of course, but increasing the rep range, and see what happens.
Yep. I was having issues getting my bench up. Quit flat bench for three months. Reduced weight and did higher rep incline,flys,dumbells ect. Tried flat bench again in three months and added 50 pounds to my max.
Very nice physique man!!! I’d work on bringing up the quad sweep but other than that you are balanced as hell!! You should definitely compete
As usual ive missed something. Sure i could coment on what i saw. But no need i agree it is lean and big. But i got one photo of shorts covering the quads. So many are commenting on your legs. I just see knee length shorts.

So good shorts man and congrats on the outcome. Looks like you worked very hard. And did exceptionally well. Sure hope you are happy.
Diet and sups and training were on point.
As usual ive missed something. Sure i could coment on what i saw. But no need i agree it is lean and big. But i got one photo of shorts covering the quads. So many are commenting on your legs. I just see knee length shorts.

So good shorts man and congrats on the outcome. Looks like you worked very hard. And did exceptionally well. Sure hope you are happy.
Diet and sups and training were on point.
3rd pic, first post
Not my intent - just helping out another user on the forum.
Not you my friend. Me. I always seem to miss what everyone else gets. But I try.
Thanks for all your help. You have always given honest replies and it sets you apart. After a while here a person realizes who is here to help. Who is here to learn. And who is here just to upset others. You have always been respectful and honest to me. And given great advice.
Thanks for that.
Sorry guys for my inactivity. I was focusing on my business and had so much work in last few days and I did not visit the forum.

So to sum it up what happend in last weeks.

I am completely off everything (no test just 0). My last test shot was 62,5mg on 26.9. which it is now almost 2 months after. Just for info - I was ON for 1 year in total (3 months blast - 6 months trt (125mg/w) - 3month blast - off)

I started PCT which consisted of clomid nolva and exe (Started taking it 2 weeks after my last test shot)
It did not feel that horrible I am just less motivated but I love to train so that is not that big issue. I am just leting my body rest and train 3 times a week now. My sex drive is kinda low compared to old good days but I have no problem to get an erection.

I am going to post some photos for you guys but you will see that my physique changed a lot. Muscles are smaller and I am fatter basicaly.
I am ok with that because fitness is not priority now and I am focusing hard on some other things in life. I wanna stay off everything now for some time and then go back on and start from very low doses and make some insane progress in future.

Anyways I will keep you posted if you are interested. in three weeks I am gonna do bloodwork and I am very curious about my levels.

Photos are 1 week old btw (I am getting smaller every week now)

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