Is this shredded? My final physique after the cut.

Your legs are not too far off for your size, but I agree that they could be brought up.

I see you "lift big numbers" on leg day. Have you thought about not doing that? Sounds like an odd question, doesn't it? But if what you have been doing is not working, maybe it is time to experiment with something else, like backing the weight down and increasing the reps and sets, maybe working in the 12-20 rep range on leg day.

Give it a shot on your next cycle, always progressively adding weight, of course, but increasing the rep range, and see what happens.
Thanks for this. I will do that for sure. Just need to start training legs with high volume and its gonna pay off I believe.
Sorry guys for my inactivity. I was focusing on my business and had so much work in last few days and I did not visit the forum.

So to sum it up what happend in last weeks.

I am completely off everything (no test just 0). My last test shot was 62,5mg on 26.9. which it is now almost 2 months after. Just for info - I was ON for 1 year in total (3 months blast - 6 months trt (125mg/w) - 3month blast - off)

I started PCT which consisted of clomid nolva and exe (Started taking it 2 weeks after my last test shot)
It did not feel that horrible I am just less motivated but I love to train so that is not that big issue. I am just leting my body rest and train 3 times a week now. My sex drive is kinda low compared to old good days but I have no problem to get an erection.

I am going to post some photos for you guys but you will see that my physique changed a lot. Muscles are smaller and I am fatter basicaly.
I am ok with that because fitness is not priority now and I am focusing hard on some other things in life. I wanna stay off everything now for some time and then go back on and start from very low doses and make some insane progress in future.

Anyways I will keep you posted if you are interested. in three weeks I am gonna do bloodwork and I am very curious about my levels.

Photos are 1 week old btw (I am getting smaller every week now)

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Looking goid my friend. That outer sweep is like rammy. Shoulders and chest have great symetry with your arms. Not sure if it is a complement but it is a clasic shspe fir body builders of the 80s. Proportions are perfect. May have missed it. Whats your body fat. Im only guessing but between 10 and 12 %. Just where you should be year round. Unless if you are hudson. He may say you look fat. ;)
That should start a little controversy. Great job.
How much weight have you lost?

How much strength have you lost?
Well right now I am at 77kg it is 169lbs. This was my almost lowest weight during the cut when I was shredded. Now I am this weight while I have around 12% bf. So I lost muscle and gained fat.
Strength dropped around 10 - 15 % compared to my previous lifts. But again I am eating more food which helps to gain strength. Before coming off I was lifting heavier with super low caloric intake.
Looking goid my friend. That outer sweep is like rammy. Shoulders and chest have great symetry with your arms. Not sure if it is a complement but it is a clasic shspe fir body builders of the 80s. Proportions are perfect. May have missed it. Whats your body fat. Im only guessing but between 10 and 12 %. Just where you should be year round. Unless if you are hudson. He may say you look fat. ;)
That should start a little controversy. Great job.
Thank you very much for the compliment. I think I am at 12 % bf now but not sure.
Sorry guys for my inactivity. I was focusing on my business and had so much work in last few days and I did not visit the forum.

So to sum it up what happend in last weeks.

I am completely off everything (no test just 0). My last test shot was 62,5mg on 26.9. which it is now almost 2 months after. Just for info - I was ON for 1 year in total (3 months blast - 6 months trt (125mg/w) - 3month blast - off)

I started PCT which consisted of clomid nolva and exe (Started taking it 2 weeks after my last test shot)
It did not feel that horrible I am just less motivated but I love to train so that is not that big issue. I am just leting my body rest and train 3 times a week now. My sex drive is kinda low compared to old good days but I have no problem to get an erection.

I am going to post some photos for you guys but you will see that my physique changed a lot. Muscles are smaller and I am fatter basicaly.
I am ok with that because fitness is not priority now and I am focusing hard on some other things in life. I wanna stay off everything now for some time and then go back on and start from very low doses and make some insane progress in future.

Anyways I will keep you posted if you are interested. in three weeks I am gonna do bloodwork and I am very curious about my levels.

Photos are 1 week old btw (I am getting smaller every week now)

View attachment 175302View attachment 175301
Welcome back, life is different, sometimes priorities change. How long do you plan to be at the pсt, what are your future plans?
Well right now I am at 77kg it is 169lbs. This was my almost lowest weight during the cut when I was shredded. Now I am this weight while I have around 12% bf. So I lost muscle and gained fat.
Strength dropped around 10 - 15 % compared to my previous lifts. But again I am eating more food which helps to gain strength. Before coming off I was lifting heavier with super low caloric intake.
In general, good dynamics and yes, you need to rest, so that later you can start working well in training.
Welcome back, life is different, sometimes priorities change. How long do you plan to be at the pсt, what are your future plans?
Welcome back, life is different, sometimes priorities change. How long do you plan to be at the pсt, what are your future plans?
Well my pct is ending this week and then I plan to stay off probably till my girlfriend gets pregnant so I cannot really say how long. I expect that it can take 3 months and more but this is really hard to say. If we struggle then I have some hmg and hcg on hand but just trying it naturally now.
Well my pct is ending this week and then I plan to stay off probably till my girlfriend gets pregnant so I cannot really say how long. I expect that it can take 3 months and more but this is really hard to say. If we struggle then I have some hmg and hcg on hand but just trying it naturally now.
Great plans, I wish you a speedy replenishment of your family :)
Great plans, I wish you a speedy replenishment of your family :)
Thank you.
When I get back on again in future I really wanna start from low doses just test and slowly going up and get maximum out of every compound I can. I will try to document everything also.

I think this off phase will help me in future if I keep training and eating properly now and maintaint atleast some of my gains I've made. After few months my body will be so fresh and then it should react really well to the gear when I add it.
Thank you.
When I get back on again in future I really wanna start from low doses just test and slowly going up and get maximum out of every compound I can. I will try to document everything also.

I think this off phase will help me in future if I keep training and eating properly now and maintaint atleast some of my gains I've made. After few months my body will be so fresh and then it should react really well to the gear when I add it.
Sometimes rest is usually good. This pause makes it possible in the future to make a new result.
Hello everyone,

I will try to make this thread alive again and keep track of my journey here.
As I wrote in my last posts here. Last year after the summer blast I went completele off everything to regain my fertility. When I was off everything I also decided to go for GYNO surgery. My gyno was not really visible but I wanted to get rid of glands so I don't have to use excessive amounts of E2 blockers which is very unhealthy if I plan to stay on for rest of my life so this was the best time to go for it. Surgery was fine (done in november 2022) and done in 1 hour, recovered and started training after 3 weeks again.
My goal was to get fertile and make my future wife pregnant which was successfully done and all the things went according to plan. I became fertile again after 5 months of stopping everything (was 5 months on HCG - got sperm tested on clinic). My sperm is totaly fine and much above the limits now (even on trt dose atm).
In early february I went back onto trt dose of 120mg test/w and stayed on that dose for 2 months (last few weeks I upped dose to 150mg/w).
Right now when all things that I wanted are fixed I will start slowly transitioning into summer blast phase. This week I started doing 200mg test/week and 150mg mast/week and 0 AI.
I will post some unfiltered raw pics of my current physique. Remember I was basicaly shut down with 0 testosterone for 5 months and 1 month I could not train at all cuz of gyno surgery. I am on test only since early february 2023. So my physique is much worse than it was last year after the blast but I will slowly get there again!

If you guys are interested in this journey I will keep you updated every month. Right now eating very clean with average of 3000kcal/day (350g carbs). I will start shredding down around june.


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My goal was to get fertile and make my future wife pregnant which was successfully done and all the things went according to plan
Gratz. Id say your physique is still pretty good built, like no jk even after 5 months on 0 test. Keep up the update, ill sure read it.

Hello everyone,

I will try to make this thread alive again and keep track of my journey here.
As I wrote in my last posts here. Last year after the summer blast I went completele off everything to regain my fertility. When I was off everything I also decided to go for GYNO surgery. My gyno was not really visible but I wanted to get rid of glands so I don't have to use excessive amounts of E2 blockers which is very unhealthy if I plan to stay on for rest of my life so this was the best time to go for it. Surgery was fine (done in november 2022) and done in 1 hour, recovered and started training after 3 weeks again.
My goal was to get fertile and make my future wife pregnant which was successfully done and all the things went according to plan. I became fertile again after 5 months of stopping everything (was 5 months on HCG - got sperm tested on clinic). My sperm is totaly fine and much above the limits now (even on trt dose atm).
In early february I went back onto trt dose of 120mg test/w and stayed on that dose for 2 months (last few weeks I upped dose to 150mg/w).
Right now when all things that I wanted are fixed I will start slowly transitioning into summer blast phase. This week I started doing 200mg test/week and 150mg mast/week and 0 AI.
I will post some unfiltered raw pics of my current physique. Remember I was basicaly shut down with 0 testosterone for 5 months and 1 month I could not train at all cuz of gyno surgery. I am on test only since early february 2023. So my physique is much worse than it was last year after the blast but I will slowly get there again!

If you guys are interested in this journey I will keep you updated every month. Right now eating very clean with average of 3000kcal/day (350g carbs). I will start shredding down around june.
My goal was to get fertile and make my future wife pregnant which was successfully done and all the things went according to plan
Gratz. Id say your physique is still pretty good built, like no jk even after 5 months on 0 test. Keep up the update, ill sure read it.
Well I am alrdy on test since early february so this physique is not natty at all. But ye I regained some size very quickly even on trt dose.
Muscle memory really does the job. :oops:
Ye true it is insane how human body can work. Also I think I can make much better progress now because I won't have to take so much AI as I used to because I got my glands removed. I think I was shutting down my E2 too much in the past cuz I was gyno sensitive.
Ye true it is insane how human body can work. Also I think I can make much better progress now because I won't have to take so much AI as I used to because I got my glands removed. I think I was shutting down my E2 too much in the past cuz I was gyno sensitive.
The human body is certainly amazing in its complexity and abilities, will for sure wait for your next update.
Thank you guys for this feedback. I didn’t expect it to be that good. My goal was to get under 8% BF which I hope I made.

My legs are small, they were always lacking eventho they are super strong and I can lift big numbers. When I dieted down my legs dissapeared totaly.
I am interested what is going to happen in next few days when I start eating and the muscles will fill up. Today is kinda big refeed day.
What cardio methods do you use in regards to legs shrinking ? Just wondering, it is very common though. I feel I avoided lots of leg atrophy by using insulin during my fasted cardio, but yea I don’t recommend that per day, considering it’s combining being fasted with insulin.