Is this shredded? My final physique after the cut.

It wasn't practice for a show. I might try competing one day but I would need to add much more size I guess. Just was curious how far I can get and how I can look when I shred down body fat.
To be honest I am not natural anymore not gonna lie. I am not a super huge guy and I might look natural with my size but sadly I am not natural :D
Just a little advice from an old cunt. Do with it as you please.
#1 you will never big enough. Rc said he was never big enough. So ignore size.
#2 you will never be this young again. If you think one day you may compete. make a plan to do it.
#3 you are as big as frank zane and he won the olympia. Size dont matter for shit.
Nike and rickt say just do it.
Just a little advice from an old cunt. Do with it as you please.
#1 you will never big enough. Rc said he was never big enough. So ignore size.
#2 you will never be this young again. If you think one day you may compete. make a plan to do it.
#3 you are as big as frank zane and he won the olympia. Size dont matter for shit.
Nike and rickt say just do it.
I was shocked to hear that Zane only had 17 or 18 inch arms...
3 days off diet would make him fuller and strong as hell. Most guys who compete can keep it together by using this method for about 3 months.
Well I don't think I can manage to keep this low BF. Yday I eat lot of food but in next days the plan is to slowly get on around clean 3000kcal a day and grow. I will prolly add one or two low days per week and one or two higher days this seems to work great for me.
Also I will add traps to my shoulders training and maybe one set when I train back just to pump the muscle.
Just a little advice from an old cunt. Do with it as you please.
#1 you will never big enough. Rc said he was never big enough. So ignore size.
#2 you will never be this young again. If you think one day you may compete. make a plan to do it.
#3 you are as big as frank zane and he won the olympia. Size dont matter for shit.
Nike and rickt say just do it.
I am not even trying to be big. My weight here is 78kg - 172lbs? I am kinda short only 175cm - 5 feet 8 I think. When I add more weight I just wanna keep look around 10-11% bf and be also healthy, athletic if that is possible. I never wanted to be heavy guy and my body is not shaped for that. I have very hard time putting on muscle.

Once I tried to bulk up very hard went to like 90kg which is around 200lbs and I looked like shit and my face was super bloated also couldn't even move properly without heavy breathing. It was't comfortable at all for me and I think I ruined my insulin sensitivity also. I was just fat I think :D

If I compete then it is gonna happen in a year.
I am not even trying to be big. My weight here is 78kg - 172lbs? I am kinda short only 175cm - 5 feet 8 I think. When I add more weight I just wanna keep look around 10-11% bf and be also healthy, athletic if that is possible. I never wanted to be heavy guy and my body is not shaped for that. I have very hard time putting on muscle.

Once I tried to bulk up very hard went to like 90kg which is around 200lbs and I looked like shit and my face was super bloated also couldn't even move properly without heavy breathing. It was't comfortable at all for me and I think I ruined my insulin sensitivity also. I was just fat I think :D

If I compete then it is gonna happen in a year.
Always amazeses me that guys think they have to be 250pounds to look huge. Man you look huge never would have guessed your weight. Lean is huge. Fat is just fat. Sure hope you take some of the newbies under your wing and steer them in the right dirrection. Fxxy i think you represent what messo is perfectly. Look good are humble and approachable.
Looking great man!

What was your cycle? Cardio? Diet?

Well I started from 120mg/week trt dose (was on that for 5 months)
Week 1-3 I did 200mg test E/week + mast E 200mg/week
Week 4-6 I did 300mg test E/week + mast E 200mg/week
Week 5 I added tren E 50mg/week, Week 6 tren E was 75mg/week
Week 7 -10 I did 300mg test E/week + mast E 400mg/week + tren E 100mg/week
Week 10 I added winstrol 30mg/day
Week 11-13 I do 300mg test E/week + mast E 400mg/week + tren E 150mg/week + winstrol 40mg/day
AI and caber is used based on my feeling and blood tests of my prolactin+E2 levels so it differs every week.

Photoes are taken during week 12. Monday is starting week 13. When week 14 hits I start tapering everything down and get back into trt dose 120mg/week for like 3 more weeks then I need to come off completely.

During whole cycle I am using 4iu HGH (weeks 1-4 I used only 2iu)
I did 20-40mcg clen for like 10 days but it is not worthy for me so I stopped.

Diet was mostly around 2800-3000 kcal with around 350carbs for first 8 weeks then I went down with calories for last 3 weeks. Some days were around 2000kcal and some were higher like 2800kcal. In approx I am eating 2400kcal daily now with like 200carbs. Cardio is done in the morning empty stomach like 30-40mins walk basicaly every day. I do around 12 000 - 13 000 steps daily total.

Well I started from 120mg/week trt dose (was on that for 5 months)
Week 1-3 I did 200mg test E/week + mast E 200mg/week
Week 4-6 I did 300mg test E/week + mast E 200mg/week
Week 5 I added tren E 50mg/week, Week 6 tren E was 75mg/week
Week 7 -10 I did 300mg test E/week + mast E 400mg/week + tren E 100mg/week
Week 10 I added winstrol 30mg/day
Week 11-13 I do 300mg test E/week + mast E 400mg/week + tren E 150mg/week + winstrol 40mg/day
AI and caber is used based on my feeling and blood tests of my prolactin+E2 levels so it differs every week.

Photoes are taken during week 12. Monday is starting week 13. When week 14 hits I start tapering everything down and get back into trt dose 120mg/week for like 3 more weeks then I need to come off completely.

During whole cycle I am using 4iu HGH (weeks 1-4 I used only 2iu)
I did 20-40mcg clen for like 10 days but it is not worthy for me so I stopped.

Diet was mostly around 2800-3000 kcal with around 350carbs for first 8 weeks then I went down with calories for last 3 weeks. Some days were around 2000kcal and some were higher like 2800kcal. In approx I am eating 2400kcal daily now with like 200carbs. Cardio is done in the morning empty stomach like 30-40mins walk basicaly every day. I do around 12 000 - 13 000 steps daily total.
Thanks, it looks damn cool.

Well I started from 120mg/week trt dose (was on that for 5 months)
Week 1-3 I did 200mg test E/week + mast E 200mg/week
Week 4-6 I did 300mg test E/week + mast E 200mg/week
Week 5 I added tren E 50mg/week, Week 6 tren E was 75mg/week
Week 7 -10 I did 300mg test E/week + mast E 400mg/week + tren E 100mg/week
Week 10 I added winstrol 30mg/day
Week 11-13 I do 300mg test E/week + mast E 400mg/week + tren E 150mg/week + winstrol 40mg/day
AI and caber is used based on my feeling and blood tests of my prolactin+E2 levels so it differs every week.

Photoes are taken during week 12. Monday is starting week 13. When week 14 hits I start tapering everything down and get back into trt dose 120mg/week for like 3 more weeks then I need to come off completely.

During whole cycle I am using 4iu HGH (weeks 1-4 I used only 2iu)
I did 20-40mcg clen for like 10 days but it is not worthy for me so I stopped.

Diet was mostly around 2800-3000 kcal with around 350carbs for first 8 weeks then I went down with calories for last 3 weeks. Some days were around 2000kcal and some were higher like 2800kcal. In approx I am eating 2400kcal daily now with like 200carbs. Cardio is done in the morning empty stomach like 30-40mins walk basicaly every day. I do around 12 000 - 13 000 steps daily total.

Thanks for the detailed response bro. Really appreciate it.

You have the potential to be truly elite. You achieved an amazing physique with minimal gear usage, not even a gram a week.

Lots of guys can learn from you. That gear is secondary to discipline and diet.
Thanks for the detailed response bro. Really appreciate it.

You have the potential to be truly elite. You achieved an amazing physique with minimal gear usage, not even a gram a week.

Lots of guys can learn from you. That gear is secondary to discipline and diet.
Thanks for the detailed response bro. Really appreciate it.

You have the potential to be truly elite. You achieved an amazing physique with minimal gear usage, not even a gram a week.

Lots of guys can learn from you. That gear is secondary to discipline and diet.
No problem as I said just feel free to ask anything. Thank you for the support!

Well I tried some higher dosages in the past and I was using max like 1,2g of gear total weekly on my top but I found out that it is more about not having any side effects atleast for me.
If I do not get any sides I grow much better and more and I can also train harder if I feel good. Also it seems better to start adding compounds and higher up the doses slowly and don't just start with everything since week 1.

With this cycle I have 0 sides, feeling great, full of energy with insanely good sleep even on low calories and tren. If I go higher with tren I start having sleep troubles and it ruins everything.
Only problem was my sex drive which was insanely high and I needed sex all the time but then it went back to normal when I restricted food.

Forgot to mention one thing - I added halotestin 10mg daily preworkout since week 12. Going to use it for 2 weeks till the end of week 13. I have never used it and wanted to try it when I am very lean. Using it for 6 days now and it feels really great.
No problem as I said just feel free to ask anything. Thank you for the support!

Well I tried some higher dosages in the past and I was using max like 1,2g of gear total weekly on my top but I found out that it is more about not having any side effects atleast for me.
If I do not get any sides I grow much better and more and I can also train harder if I feel good. Also it seems better to start adding compounds and higher up the doses slowly and don't just start with everything since week 1.

With this cycle I have 0 sides, feeling great, full of energy with insanely good sleep even on low calories and tren. If I go higher with tren I start having sleep troubles and it ruins everything.
Only problem was my sex drive which was insanely high and I needed sex all the time but then it went back to normal when I restricted food.

Forgot to mention one thing - I added halotestin 10mg daily preworkout since week 12. Going to use it for 2 weeks till the end of week 13. I have never used it and wanted to try it when I am very lean. Using it for 6 days now and it feels really great.
Lol you went from natty to filthy dirty. Lol.
No problem as I said just feel free to ask anything. Thank you for the support!

Well I tried some higher dosages in the past and I was using max like 1,2g of gear total weekly on my top but I found out that it is more about not having any side effects atleast for me.
If I do not get any sides I grow much better and more and I can also train harder if I feel good. Also it seems better to start adding compounds and higher up the doses slowly and don't just start with everything since week 1.

With this cycle I have 0 sides, feeling great, full of energy with insanely good sleep even on low calories and tren. If I go higher with tren I start having sleep troubles and it ruins everything.
Only problem was my sex drive which was insanely high and I needed sex all the time but then it went back to normal when I restricted food.

Forgot to mention one thing - I added halotestin 10mg daily preworkout since week 12. Going to use it for 2 weeks till the end of week 13. I have never used it and wanted to try it when I am very lean. Using it for 6 days now and it feels really great.
Halotestin is said to be very toxic to the liver, how does it work for you?
Halotestin is said to be very toxic to the liver, how does it work for you?
I am using it for 2 weeks only. When I do bloodwork my liver is always fine. Now I guess it would look kinda bad with winstrol+halo but for this short period of time it shouldn't cause any troubles. I eat very clean do not drink any alcohol and take liver protection so I guess I will survive these 2 toxic weeks.
Cannot report any sides cuz nothing bad occured yet for me. Strength went up very much but it might be also caused cuz I increased calories intake.
I am using it for 2 weeks only. When I do bloodwork my liver is always fine. Now I guess it would look kinda bad with winstrol+halo but for this short period of time it shouldn't cause any troubles. I eat very clean do not drink any alcohol and take liver protection so I guess I will survive these 2 toxic weeks.
Cannot report any sides cuz nothing bad occured yet for me. Strength went up very much but it might be also caused cuz I increased calories intake.
It would be great to follow your progress further. And how do you support the liver at such moments, what drugs do you take?
It would be great to follow your progress further. And how do you support the liver at such moments, what drugs do you take?
Don't worry I will post more photos in next week when I get more fuller. Eating around 2800kcal now, will go for 3000 soon.
I use basic vitamins and minerals + very strong liver support mix and I am not sure how these things are called in english but it has 3 different things in it for support.
Don't worry I will post more photos in next week when I get more fuller. Eating around 2800kcal now, will go for 3000 soon.
I use basic vitamins and minerals + very strong liver support mix and I am not sure how these things are called in english but it has 3 different things in it for support.
I'll read it with interest.
IMG_4625.jpgHere is actual photo of how it is looking right now on 250-300carbs daily. In total around 2800kcal. I do not wanna go very high with food and wanna slowly keep increasing my intake week by week. I had some cheat meals tho.
This one was taken from my right side where my bicep/tricep and delt is sadly weaker than my left side but I think I got better chest and abs from this side.
Strength is through the roof now. I am going to keep the same food intake for few days. Weight is not going up any fast I am like 1kg heavier than I was in week 12.
I will post more photos in next week. My blast is ending on sunday and then I will take some pictures.