Is this shredded? My final physique after the cut.

I do 45 mins every morning empy stomach and then 45 mins in the middle of the day but trying to be separate from training. Before and after training I just try to rest.
In last 7 days of the cut I will cut the cardio out for my peak week.
Wow. That is a lot of cardio. With lifting, that is a lot of time spent in the gym.

Peak week? Do you have a competition approaching (sorry if I missed it, I have been absent from here for a while)?
Wow. That is a lot of cardio. With lifting, that is a lot of time spent in the gym.

Peak week? Do you have a competition approaching (sorry if I missed it, I have been absent from here for a while)?
Yea kinda lot of time but I wake up very early - around 5 AM because of the hunger so I have enough time for everything :D
Nop I am not competing I am trying to peak for myself to see how I react and I just wanna experiment. I wanna compete in around 15 months from now. Need to pack on more muscle in the next year.
10days left. Trying to deplete muscles now I am feeling super tiny atm. Curious how it's gonna look when I carb up the last 3 days and muscles get full look.


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I am back from vacation. Enjoyed all food I could - was eating around 5000-5500 kcal daily (just my guess) for 6 days. Most of it was junk - like 80%.
I took this like a little break before my last 5 weeks of diet push.

First pic is empty stomach and flat before vacation.
All the other pictures are taken today after my first training session - did whole upper body.
Adding winstrol 30mg/day and gonna be cutting for 5 more weeks. I will probably post next pictures at the end of the cut to let you see my final form (in 5 weeks) then I will cruise into the rebound phase.
Curious where I can get from this in next 5 weeks. My calories will be around 2000-2500 daily.
What a physique
Depleted on 100-150 carbs daily and drinking 8L of water a day - 3 more days and then carb up starts + I will slowly cut down water. Not manipulating sodium - don't have any idea how and don't wanna fuck it up.
Will see how it looks when the carbs come in.


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So as I promised I will update with photos from my peak.
I was carbing up for 2 days - around 800-1000g carbs daily. Third day I ate 3 small meals but in total of 280g carbs total and went to get pump + pose. Was dehydrated and was doing this as my try peak so I know for future. Here is how I looked.
After this I drank like 5 litres of water and ate everything - around 6000kcal in junk. Burgers, fries, candies - just everything you can think of.
In the evening I went for more photos after all this junk food eating I was breathing heavy cuz I was eating a lot. My stomach was hard to flex but I felt so much fuller like I added atleast 4 kgs.

What do you think is better look? I am prolly more watery but I felt really full maybe if I waited few hours to digest all the food and then went pose it would be the best look.

Gonna enjoy 3-4 days with wife and eat some off the plan and then transition into my rebound phase and add as much clean muscle as possible.
You look great. For me this is what I am trying to achieve for the past 10 years (unsuccessfully). Although you already achieved my dream physique, for even more greatness, I would recommend you to train not just traps, but your neck directly. It would really make a huge difference for you!
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You are going to do well at competing, just because you know how to cut. If you haven't been to an amateur contest before, you'd be shocked at how many guys come in still fat and puffy looking. All of their friends on Facebook told them how lean they were getting and "Great job!" and they wonder why they cannot win when they step on stage. Most of them are afraid of not being "big" and "losing their size" so they just come in looking 6 weeks out. I do not think you are going to have that problem.

Just out of curiosity:

What do you weigh, and how tall are you?

What did you weigh prior to starting your cut?
You look great. For me this is what I am trying to achieve for the past 10 years (unsuccessfully). Although you already achieved my dream physique, for even more greatness, I would recommend you to train not just traps, but your neck directly. It would really make a huge difference for you!
Thanks man! Yep I noticed and some other ppl also told me about training neck or traps more. Think I will definitely add it in for my bulk season.
You are going to do well at competing, just because you know how to cut. If you haven't been to an amateur contest before, you'd be shocked at how many guys come in still fat and puffy looking. All of their friends on Facebook told them how lean they were getting and "Great job!" and they wonder why they cannot win when they step on stage. Most of them are afraid of not being "big" and "losing their size" so they just come in looking 6 weeks out. I do not think you are going to have that problem.

Just out of curiosity:

What do you weigh, and how tall are you?

What did you weigh prior to starting your cut?
Hey man, thank you and I hope I can do well next year competing.
I am 176cm tall it is 5,10 I think?
My weight in my lowest day when I was full depleted was 72kg which is around 160lbs I believe. When I filled up for the photos I had 74kg -> 164lbs.
Before the cut I even uploaded my starting point photo here - few pages back and I think I was weighing 80kg which is like 176lbs.
Just for curiousity. Last 3 days I enjoyed little holiday with my wife and I just ate everything I wanted (was kinda junk only) and I got 80kgs now - 176lbs so I gained like 16lbs in 3-4 days and I full as fuck.
Tommorrow I am back on track and clean food only - gonna be eating around 3500-4000kcal daily and slowly add tissue. My rebound phase starts.
You look fantastic: what’s your 2 week out protocol look like
Hey man thank you very much first of all.
My 2 weeks out protocol. I stopped using HGH (I was 4iu/day before) and I lowered my TEST E from 450mg/week to 250mg/week
So my PEDs stack 2 weeks out:

TEST E 250mg/week
MAST E 600mg/week
TREN E 300mg/week
Winstrol 40mg/day
Clen 20-60mcg/day - I slowly increased the dose from 20 to 40 to 60 I was using 60mcg/day for last 5 days.
T3 - 25mcg/day
T4 - 50mcg/day

My food was in average around 2400-2500kcal/day (240p/300c/20-30f). I had like 1 high day/week. My last cheat meal was 10 days out. I had around 4500kcal that day with around 500g carbs.
Last 7 days I did 4 very low carb days -> 2100kcal only(270p/140-150c/40f)
I felt like a zombie in these last 4 days. 150carbs daily for me is the point where I cannot really function.
Next 2 days I was carbing up - clean food only - rice, oats, cream of rice 5500-6000kcal daily with 900-1050g carbs daily. After these 2 days on my last day I ate 3 small meals with like 300carbs in them (clean carbs) and went for photos but I felt I was still very flat and I really filled up in the evening when I ate all the junk. So my 2-3 days carbing up with 800-1000carbs per day is not maybe enough and i need even more or just junk food to fill up idk really.

Maybe I fucked up with my water or something cuz I tried to drop the water for last day. I was drinking 8l/day for 3 days then 6l, 4l,2l and last day only sips.
Yep definitely. Untill people gonna be interested I can document my full year road to my first competition.
Right now I am starting rebound phase and I think I can make really good progress if I get on track and eat clean. I will need lot of food tho I think I will go atleast above 4000-4500kcal daily later on to add some mass.
I will keep my morning cardio right now at 40mins to get rid of all the junk I just ate in last 3 days.
Looking great. I think it’s dope that you don’t compete but challenge yourself this much with the cut. Shows a lot of drive and self-discipline. Nice work.
Looking great. I think it’s dope that you don’t compete but challenge yourself this much with the cut. Shows a lot of drive and self-discipline. Nice work.
Thanks! Yes I just loved the challenge and seeing the progress. Not gonna lie last 3 weeks were pain cuz especially in clothes I just looked like a skeleton and you would say I was never training in my life. And the hunger was not nice either. The worst part is that my sleep gets totaly fucked up when I get hungry. tren doesn't give me insomnia and I sleep like baby but once I hit certain body fat % I cannot really sleep cuz of hunger.

My goal was to try the peak to learn from it for next year when I want to compete and to see if I have enough drive to go through the diet cuz I dont be wanna be fat on stage.
Also the leaner I get the more progress I am gonna make later on cuz body will be super hungry and I have nice starting point.