Is this shredded? My final physique after the cut.

What's that going to look like?

I'd like to see what you could do on higher doses of testosterone and keeping growth hormone in there and maybe deca. With your dedication to diet and training, you are bound to have some awesome results.
Hello man nice to see you here and thanks for your comment.

After I am finished with this rebound phase I want to take around 6 weeks of just low dose cruise test only and clean up my body totaly. Will probably also lower calories a little bit just to give break to my stomach and keep maintenance calories (which might still be 4000+).

Push bulk phase should start 1.1.2024 if everything is going by the plan and I want to try to push the doses higher and try deca first time. I will also try high dose test first time in my life
Push phase will prolly look like this:

400 mast
300-450 deca
4iu hgh maybe 6iu later on
50mcg T4 + 500mg metformin

Maybe some orals on training days but if it fucks up my digestion I will just stay on injectables only. I will need to eat plenty of food and cannot afford to lose calories because of oral usage. I think I will need to go for 6000calories and more because my weight is already stuck on 4600 now and I am nowhere close where I want to be in the push phase.
Bulk phase update. I am currently 3 weeks into bulk where I try to push calories up and increased my cycle dosage.
Tried to use nandrolone but after 2 weeks I had terrible sides - my resting heart rate increased to 85 and I couldn't sleep well so I stopped using it. Seems like nandrolone is not for me.

Currently I am 3 weeks on:

800 test E
800 mast E
6iu HGH
500mg metformin + 50mct T4

I would like to bulk for around 16weeks if my body allows me to. I put little bit of size already. Since end of my cut I am up 26lbs+-.
Mast and Test don't give me any sides so I stick to it and maybe add bit of primo later.

Calories around 4500 - 5000 daily (300p, 650c, 80f) It is not exact same every day but mostly around this.
I definitely gained fat but I am trying to keep fat gains minimal which might be hard if I push calories 5000+.


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This is going to be my last week of bulk phase. I gained probably too much weight in last 6 months and I am having sleep issues in last month which is making me feel really bad and not functional through the day time. Maybe I got sleep apnea and have to deal with it. So I am ending this bulk earlier.

Recap of last 6 months rebound+bulk

I totaly gained 36lbs/16kg since the last day of my diet. I definitely gained fat but tried to keep it minimal and did my best. My weight is now around 87-90kg/198lbs+-.

I swapped my stack 4 weeks ago to:

630 test e/ week
540 primo e/week
8iu HGH
500mg metformin + 100mcg T4
Did some anavar around 20mg/day in last 4 weeks

Next week I am starting to cruise on 180mg/test + maybe 100mg/primo e + 2-4iu hgh probably for next 12-16 weeks (wanna fully recover and clean up) and then wanna start show prep slowly (16 weeks prep).

Some pics from my peak weight bulk. All pics are just in the morning 0 pump just out of bed.


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Januarys and todays lighting is a little different but definitely looks like arms, back and chest came up a lot! Congrats man!!

I’d say that was a successful blast!

If you could rewind back to the start of this gaining phase, what would you have done different?
Januarys and todays lighting is a little different but definitely looks like arms, back and chest came up a lot! Congrats man!!

I’d say that was a successful blast!

If you could rewind back to the start of this gaining phase, what would you have done different?
Thanks man.
Ye definitely. January post was pumped up right after tratining and today's is just flat in the morning on empty stomach.

Well if I went back I would stick just only to test + primo and gh and not push test over 700mg/week.
I was doing test + mast (800+800) but after few weeks I really felt bad and my libido almost died. Seems like my body doesn't like to go very high on dosages. Now I again feel good on test + primo.

Also I wouldn't push the food that fast up and kept myself more hungry.
I went for over 600 carbs daily (4500-5000kcal) relatively quick and it didn't make me fat or something but after few months I lost my apetite and eating is getting really hard now.
Wow, how do you afford that much primo? You robbing banks? Let's see some pics without the boxer briefs.
Maintain Robin Williams GIF
Honestly in these days you can get primo and even GH relatively quick if you know the right sources here. It is really not something that is expensive in today's world.
Everything I am using is UGL.
Looking good. Always impressed when someone can gain weight without getting at least a little fluffy.

Your legs are tiny. But to be fair to you, I think most of your problem is in your sweep. It's pretty much non existent. Any gains you make in that area are going to make your legs look exponentially larger.
Yea definitely my legs are issue. I am actually training them once a week right now and they get totaly destroyed like I can still feel em after 4 days since training. It takes around 2 hours my full leg training.
I made some progress but my sweep is not there I have some tear drop and big glutes but totaly missing size from the sweep and hamstrings. It was issue for me since I started.
Anyways planning to compete in mens physique but I don't wanna neglect anything I aim for balanced physique.
Bulk phase update. I am currently 3 weeks into bulk where I try to push calories up and increased my cycle dosage.
Tried to use nandrolone but after 2 weeks I had terrible sides - my resting heart rate increased to 85 and I couldn't sleep well so I stopped using it. Seems like nandrolone is not for me.

Currently I am 3 weeks on:

800 test E
800 mast E
6iu HGH
500mg metformin + 50mct T4

I would like to bulk for around 16weeks if my body allows me to. I put little bit of size already. Since end of my cut I am up 26lbs+-.
Mast and Test don't give me any sides so I stick to it and maybe add bit of primo later.

Calories around 4500 - 5000 daily (300p, 650c, 80f) It is not exact same every day but mostly around this.
I definitely gained fat but I am trying to keep fat gains minimal which might be hard if I push calories 5000+.
In 3 weeks you're up 26lb?
U need to start reading actually and go back into the topic. My diet ended in September. So now it is 6 months,
I did rebound where I gained most of the weight and then continued with the bulk cycle.
So my 12 weeks cruise is going to an end. So far I am very happy with the progress I made in last 9 months. In the end of this cruise I managed to hold most of the tissue I gained and I am still 12 kg heavier since end of the cut. I l lost like 4 kg since end of the bulk.

My cruise for these 12 weeks changed a bit so it was different than planned and I was cruising on:

180mg test e/week
120mg mast e/week
4iu hgh

Calories 4500 traning days, 3500-3800 not training days. 12k steps a day and 4 training days/week. Mostly focused on legs and arms. I was training adjusted PPL split for 4x week.

On Monday I am gonna start blasting and going for 8-10 weeks cut. Wanna get really shredded again and then start new bulk phase for 6-9 months to add new muscle.


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