Is this shredded? My final physique after the cut.

Thanks! Yes I just loved the challenge and seeing the progress. Not gonna lie last 3 weeks were pain cuz especially in clothes I just looked like a skeleton and you would say I was never training in my life. And the hunger was not nice either. The worst part is that my sleep gets totaly fucked up when I get hungry. tren doesn't give me insomnia and I sleep like baby but once I hit certain body fat % I cannot really sleep cuz of hunger.

My goal was to try the peak to learn from it for next year when I want to compete and to see if I have enough drive to go through the diet cuz I dont be wanna be fat on stage.
Also the leaner I get the more progress I am gonna make later on cuz body will be super hungry and I have nice starting point.
Lots of folks asked my wife if I was ill (like, seriously, terminally ill) in the last month before competition.

I am, like, "What kind of person is terminally ill weighing well over a couple hundred pounds???" But, yeah, in clothes it is not a good look. To be honest, it is not a good look in person, either. But on the stage, under the lights, with a spray tan and whatever that glaze is, you look awesome. Just for those few minutes.

But sleep again once you resume eating was nice. I could hardly sleep the last three weeks.

I craved ice cream, peanut butter, and beer, all in a bowl like cereal. (no, that is not what I ate after, at least not together in a bowl).
Thank you guys for this feedback. I didn’t expect it to be that good. My goal was to get under 8% BF which I hope I made.

My legs are small, they were always lacking eventho they are super strong and I can lift big numbers. When I dieted down my legs dissapeared totaly.
I am interested what is going to happen in next few days when I start eating and the muscles will fill up. Today is kinda big refeed day.

I have the opposite problem, my legs stay he even if I go nearly zero carbs on leg day (which I do not). I usually have the best legs on stage.

Here is what I recommend: You should be cycling carbs, go low carbs on your best body part days, and ramp your carbs up (I go up to 450 grams....550 when I was younger) on leg day.
Hello everyone,

little update here. 16 days after my peak, my weight is +4kgs (+-10lbs). Trying to keep it clean. Calories are up and I eat +- 3500-4000 kcal/day (400-500 carbs).
Cardio every day - empty stomach 20-30mins + 10k steps daily.
Training 5 days a week. Currently 300 tst e + 300 mast e.
Today I am leaving for 8 days vacation to all inclusive hotel so I will be eating more in these days and enjoy vacation with my wife.

Photos taken today before I leave.


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Thanks! Yes I just loved the challenge and seeing the progress. Not gonna lie last 3 weeks were pain cuz especially in clothes I just looked like a skeleton and you would say I was never training in my life. And the hunger was not nice either. The worst part is that my sleep gets totaly fucked up when I get hungry. tren doesn't give me insomnia and I sleep like baby but once I hit certain body fat % I cannot really sleep cuz of hunger.

My goal was to try the peak to learn from it for next year when I want to compete and to see if I have enough drive to go through the diet cuz I dont be wanna be fat on stage.
Also the leaner I get the more progress I am gonna make later on cuz body will be super hungry and I have nice starting point.
You are lucky with sleep on tren. The lack of sleep due to hunger alone made me drop tren weeks back.

How was your heart rate with clen and t3. I wanted to start fat loss agents but I'm having strange single strong heart beats and fast resting heart rate due to lack of sleep. Mine ranges from 80-95 resting. How is yours?
You are lucky with sleep on tren. The lack of sleep due to hunger alone made me drop tren weeks back.

How was your heart rate with clen and t3. I wanted to start fat loss agents but I'm having strange single strong heart beats and fast resting heart rate due to lack of sleep. Mine ranges from 80-95 resting. How is yours?
Gabapentin, totally allows for sleep on tren and takes away negative sides.

Also if you pin tren ED it mitigates sides tremendously
I do rentals and in the process of building a few cabins just a side note, how do you feel with the washer in the kitchen.

I've seen mini layouts like this but didn't think people would like.

Looking saucy as well, nice, successful cut. I'm glad I'm not on tren because I hear it make you gay..... jk

Edit just saw that joke was done. But the jk was that I'm actually on tren and hmu.
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You are lucky with sleep on tren. The lack of sleep due to hunger alone made me drop tren weeks back.

How was your heart rate with clen and t3. I wanted to start fat loss agents but I'm having strange single strong heart beats and fast resting heart rate due to lack of sleep. Mine ranges from 80-95 resting. How is yours?
Ye I basicaly get 0 sides from tren (obviously the sides I can feel cuz inside it is destroying my hdl ldl etc. and I don't wanna go high on tren eventho I feel great on it).
My heart rate always bumped up when I added t3 or clen or upped the dose. It was around like 60-65 resting and when I added something it went to around 70-75 for like 3 days and then went back down to +-65. I think I had nice heart rate on fat burners cuz I was eating really clean, doing cardio every day and my weight was just really low overall.
My hearth rate rapidly went up after I finished dieting and when I binge ate for 3 days and added lot of bodyweight and then it was like 80-85 resting and when I cleaned up my food again it went back to my normal.
So for me heart rate is about diet and bodyweight not about fat burners mostly.
I do rentals and in the process of building a few cabins just a side note, how do you feel with the washer in the kitchen.

I've seen mini layouts like this but didn't think people would like.

Looking saucy as well, nice, successful cut. I'm glad I'm not on tren because I hear it make you gay..... jk

Edit just saw that joke was done. But the jk was that I'm actually on tren and hmu.
Washer in kitchen was fine for me cuz I was living in small flat 1+1 now we moved into big house so I have special room for washer but there is really no issue having it in kitchen I know many ppl who live like that.
Thanks for the comment tho :D
Update after 6 weeks into the rebound phase.

300 test/week
300 primo/week
4iu HGH

Food is high I started upping calories slowly each week. Right now eating in average on:

Training day: 4600 kcal (300P, 650C, 70F)
Non Training day: 3500 kcal (258P, 380C, 110F)
Cheat meal like 1-2times per week ( I don't really need to cheat because I feel satisfied from the amount of clean food I am eating) On cheat meal days calories are around 5500-6000.

Training 5 days a week.
Cardio 20mins in the morning empty stomach 5 times a week. 10k steps per day total.

Weight is up 10kgs since end of the cut (22-23lbs).

I wanna keep the gains clean and don't wanna get too fat.
Last 5 weeks of the rebound phase left then I will go into the cruise 200-250mg/tst week and fully recover before the push bulk phase.
Strength is going up each week and I am strongest I've ever been in my life.

Some pics included.


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Looking fantastic brother.

My advice when doing your lat spread would be to try stay wider and flatter, elbows not so far round. This will open your back up loads more.

Awesome for Dosages good to see physiques built well on less gear these days. Well done mate
Looking fantastic brother.

My advice when doing your lat spread would be to try stay wider and flatter, elbows not so far round. This will open your back up loads more.

Awesome for Dosages good to see physiques built well on less gear these days. Well done mate
Thanks man!
I will take any advice about posing because I really have no clue how to pose. I am just trying some random poses so any suggestion there helps.

About dosages I honestly think if you cut into really really low BF as I did then you pretty much don't need any PEDs or just TRT dose and you will still grow if you add food in. Body is hungry and sensitive to everything so it is best period to gain muscle.

Anyways I wanted to take a little advantage so after my cutting blast I didn't really go into trt dose but tried this mild cycle of test and primo to even help a bit more to grow. I did bloodwork last week and everything is fine except my LDL and HDL which is still screwed because of the tren and orals use from the cutting cycle I think.
I eat the same things all the time. When dieting just smaller portion but still same food as when bulking. It is nothing special.

Protein sources: Chicken breast, salmon, eggs, cottage cheese, protein powder, low fat cheese
Carb sources: Rice, oats, cream of rice, bread, sometimes potatoes,fruit
Fat sources: Eggs, salmon and fat in cheat meals when I do them.
Your skin looks like a penis and you’ve kept all your hair. Being jealous is an understatement
That's great to have penis skin I guess.
My wife making fun of me that my hair is slowly going away tho. Still decent I hope. I've never taken any hair support tho.
Embrace the bald!!!
Ye I mean I don't really care about hair. If I lose it then I lose it and go bald whatever.
But I have some decent hair genetics in my family because nobody got bald.
Anyways I can tell I lost decent amount after this year's cut (test tren mast did the job).
the push bulk phase.
What's that going to look like?

I'd like to see what you could do on higher doses of testosterone and keeping growth hormone in there and maybe deca. With your dedication to diet and training, you are bound to have some awesome results.