Lots of folks asked my wife if I was ill (like, seriously, terminally ill) in the last month before competition.Thanks! Yes I just loved the challenge and seeing the progress. Not gonna lie last 3 weeks were pain cuz especially in clothes I just looked like a skeleton and you would say I was never training in my life. And the hunger was not nice either. The worst part is that my sleep gets totaly fucked up when I get hungry. tren doesn't give me insomnia and I sleep like baby but once I hit certain body fat % I cannot really sleep cuz of hunger.
My goal was to try the peak to learn from it for next year when I want to compete and to see if I have enough drive to go through the diet cuz I dont be wanna be fat on stage.
Also the leaner I get the more progress I am gonna make later on cuz body will be super hungry and I have nice starting point.
I am, like, "What kind of person is terminally ill weighing well over a couple hundred pounds???" But, yeah, in clothes it is not a good look. To be honest, it is not a good look in person, either. But on the stage, under the lights, with a spray tan and whatever that glaze is, you look awesome. Just for those few minutes.
But sleep again once you resume eating was nice. I could hardly sleep the last three weeks.
I craved ice cream, peanut butter, and beer, all in a bowl like cereal. (no, that is not what I ate after, at least not together in a bowl).