Issue with knees while doing leg work?


New Member
Whenever I do squats or anything involving a pressing movement with legs, when I get to the top/finish of the movement if I go a little too fast I feel a pain under my knee caps in the middle of my knee. Almost feels like it’s pulling the patellar tendon.
Anyone else ever have issues with brittle knees and patellar tendons?
Do I just need to focus on a lower weight until my knees/tendons strengthen ? I just feel like one of these days it’s not gonna be a pull… the mfs just gonna snap on me. I have no idea what’s causing this
I’m not going to try to play doctor but best I can do is to advise using a good knee sleeve or wrap, but doing a lot of stretching exercises before any leg work. Probably the worst thing to do is to completely stop working legs. I know first hand that age has a lot to do with it, plus inherited issues like osteoarthritis “thanks mom lol”. I don’t know what compounds you are running but “dry” compounds like stanazolol or primo will definitely make your joints creek. Deca definitely made my shoulders and elbows feel better but somehow did nothing for my knees. Hope this helps a little.
Edit; just popped in my mind is the possibility of your estrogen getting too low. Very low estrogen from dry compounds or running too much AI will definitely affect joints.
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