It's a long awesome way...

16/08/2023 PULL 1 (i ve added meadows row and obviosuly i need to try the right load weight, next week i ll increase top set to 60kg, i wont a 8/10 rep range but nice feeling for the first time ever i ve done this exercise, i ll keep it untile the end of the mesocycle and I will decide whether to keep it or not)

-meadows row 50kg11/+40kgx16
-dumbell row 48kg10/42kg13+6+3+2 rest pause (feeling rally awesome :D)
-pull ups 10/10/10+3+3 cluster set

-dumbell hammer curl 16kg12-12-12
-cable carl straight bar 60kg12/60kg10+drop45kg7+drop35kg8
-dumbell curl ran the rack to failure 8x/10x5/12x5/14x5/16x4+1/14x5/12x5/10x5/8x10

-stand ab-roller 10/8+7lying
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Damn dude, jelly of your leanness and that muscle maturity at the age of 25. Very impressive, once you hit 30's you gonna look insane if you keep it up!

In the mean time it wouldn't hurt to get strong as hell, I mean work on strength, you already have developed physique now become a beast. If you manage to look like this and also be very strong then that's fucking rare.
Damn dude, jelly of your leanness and that muscle maturity at the age of 25. Very impressive, once you hit 30's you gonna look insane if you keep it up!

In the mean time it wouldn't hurt to get strong as hell, I mean work on strength, you already have developed physique now become a beast. If you manage to look like this and also be very strong then that's fucking rare.
I Ve worked on strenght during bulk Winter 2022/2023
I Ve reached

130kg bench
180 squat
220 deadlift

Bodyweight 92kg
I Ve worked on strenght during bulk Winter 2022/2023
I Ve reached

130kg bench
180 squat
220 deadlift

Bodyweight 92kg
You could definitely improve your strength further. Not to discredit your physique, but more so back it up with being very strong, not just regular strong gym dude.
PUSH 2 17/08/2023 (not the best day for pump but really happy for the performance progression, for this week i ve added a rest pause for shoulder and a press movement "chest press" and removed 1 peck deck set in order to increase total volume during the mesocyle, another 4 weeks and i ll deload with a sardinia holiday :D, so i ll add something every week to increase total volumeuntil the deload)

-OHP 62,5kg7/50kg12+4 rest pause
-stricht bench press 100x8/90x10
-chest press 80x11/70x11
-peck deck 70x40"/65x38"
-single cable triceps extention 25x14/20x12
-french press barbell ez 17.5kg x side9/15kg x side10
a) cable lateral raise 15x14/12x15 + dumbell lateral rest pause 18kg13+7+6
b) push ups 21-17-17 slow negative 2 second on bottom
18/08/2023 LEG 2
(awesome day until hip trhust where I noticed that I was very tired and maybe I was just accumulating junk volume, next week I will decide whether to completely remove an exercise or replace hip trhust with hyperextention which is a less taxing exercise)

-lying leg curl 60kg9/55kg/9
-SLDL 140kg10/120kg13
-leg extention 40kg25-19
-smith machine bulgarian split squat 30kg x side9/25kg x side 10
-hip trhust 90kg x side9/70kg x side10

-stand calf machine 3x pump
-seated calf 40kg8-7-8
-stand calf smith machine cluster set 10kg x side 25+15+10

19/08/2023 PULL 2
-supinated lat pulldown 100kg9/90kg8 +drop 70kg9
-pendlay row 80kg9/70kg14
-straight arm pulldown 35kg12/30kg10+5+5+4 rest pause
-rear delt bent over cable 15kg13/12kg15

-dumbell curl incline bench 16kg11/14kg12
-curl barbell ez 20kx x side9/15kg x side 12+4+4 rest pause
-preacher curl machine 25kg21/20kg24


DIET 600/150/30 carbs/pro/fats
-120g oats
-170 greek yogurt or white eggs
-200g fruits

-150g cereals/cream rice
-200g milk rice
-1 banan
-20g proteins (25 whey/200g egg white/200g greek yogurt)

-220g rice
-150g chiken
-10g oil
-some veggies

-200g rice
-100g chiken/150g lean fish/something to have 20-25g proteins
-4g omega 3
-some veggies

-200mg test
-20mg mk 677 (before bed)
-from next monday 80mcg clen

-40mg telmisartan
-1,25mg nebivolol
-1g metformin (dinner)
-5mg dapagliflozin

-2g epa+dha
-200mcg vit k2
-2000 u.i vit d3
-300mg nattokinase
-5 creatine

PUSH 1 21/08/2023

-shoulder dumbell press 36kg9/34kg10
a) chest dumbel flies flat bench 22kg13/20kg11/18kg11
b) push down straight bar 70kg11-10-9
-push down rope 50kg15/45kg14
-lateral raise low cable 12kg50"/12kg45"
-lateral dumbell raise 20kg11drop16kg12drop10kg14
-dip focus triceps 24-19-16+4
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LEGS 1 22/08/2023

-hip adductors machine 45kg15/40kg15
-seated leg curl 75kg10/65kg14
-squat 154kg7/140kg10
-leg Press 340kg10/310kg10
-lying leg curl 45kg13/40kg14
-single leg extension 40kg10/35kg11

-seated calf 3x pump
-stand calf machine 65kg x side13/12/11/11 + 50kg x side12
PULL 1 23/08/2023

-meadows row +60kg11/+50kg12
-dumbell row 50kg10/44kg13+5+5 rest pause
-pull UPS 10-11-10+3+3 cluster set

-Hammer dumbell curl 16kg14/14kg14/12kg15
-low cable straight bar curl 65kg11/65kg9+drop 50kg7+drop 40kg11
-run the rack to failure stand dumbell curl

-stand AB roller 10stand+5lying/8stand+7lying

PUSH 24/08/2023

-ohp 62,5kg7+1failure/50kg13+4+2 push press rest pause
-strict bench Press 100kg7/90kg10
-chest Press 90x11/80x11
-peck deck flies 70kg9(slow neg)/70kg8(peack contraction)
-single cable triceps pushdown 25kg14/20kg16
-french Press 17,5kg x side10/15kg x side11
a)low cable lateral raise 15x16/12x16
a) dumbell laterali raise 18kg14+8+8 rest pause
b)push UPS 20-17-17
Ciao caro

following your log. It’s interesting to see how you implement those “tempo” sets instead of rep count, going to try some today
LEGS 2 25/08/2023

-lying leg curl 60kg10/55kg10
-SLDL 150kg10/130kg14+4+1 rest pause
-leg extention45kg25/40kg22
-smith machine bulgarian 30kgxside10/25kgxside10
-seated leg curl 60kg15/55kg15

-stand calf machine 70kgxside15-12-11
-seated calf35kg7/30kg9-10
-smith machine calf 1 cluster set 10kgxside 30+15+15


-reverse lat pulldown 100kg10/90kg10drop70kg7
-row hammer strenght machine 45kgxside11/40kgxside14
-pull down straight arm 35kg12/30kg12+5+5+4 rest pause
-rear delt low cable bent over 15kg13/12kg15

-dumbell curl incline bench 16kg11/14kg12/12kg13
-curl barbell ez.20kgxside11/15kgxside15+6+5 rest pause
-preacher curl machine 20kg20/25kg20
29/08/2023 LEGS 1

-hip adductors 50kg12/45kg15
-leg curl seated 80kg11/70kg13drop60kg7
-squat 155kg9/140kg11
-press 180kg10/240kg10
-lying leg curl 45kg15/40kg14
-single leg ext 30kg15/25kg13

-seated calf 2x30kg + 1x30kg+drop20kg
-stand calf machine 60kgxside13/55kg13/50kg13drop354kg10drop15kg17

30/08/2023 PULL 1

-meadows row +60kg13/+50kg13
-dumbell row 50kg12/44kg13+5+5 rest pause
-pull ups 11-10-10+3+3 rest pause

-hammer dumbell curl 18kg14/16kg15/14kg15
-low cable curl straight bar 75kg8/70kg9drop50kg8drop40kg10

-stand ab roller 10+7 lying/5+6lying
pro. couple questions. what were your lowest kcals on your summer cut? how was the hunger? do you do anything for hunger managementr? tia
the lowest kcal were 2750 hunger was very high as well as nervousness, I don't take anything to suppress hunger, I resist in silence the worst thing is that my sleep gets messed up and I sleep 1 hour less per night on average and I wake up 3/4 times
the lowest kcal were 2750 hunger was very high as well as nervousness, I don't take anything to suppress hunger, I resist in silence the worst thing is that my sleep gets messed up and I sleep 1 hour less per night on average and I wake up 3/4 times
heard. the sleep disruption is a bitch. crazy fucking dreams too. i get that just from cutting kcals. just keep reminding myslef its the gh surging...
PUSH 2 31/08/2023

-OHP 62,5kg9/50kg13+5+3 rest pause
-strict bench press 100kg9/90kg10
-chest press 2" stop 90kg12/80kg11
-peck deck flies 60kg55"(slow neg)/60kg55"(3" peack contr)
-single cable triceps push down 25kg15/20kg15
-french press ez. 17,5kgxside10/15kgxside9
a)dumbell lateral 10kg10 slow neg+8normal/10kg10 3" isometric/18kg13+7+7 rest pause
b) push ups 3x22-20-18
i think mk-677 is already filling me up