Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

1. Blind Tests, silly. It's dumb to trust lab testing by sources unconditionally.

Now, could it please be named which testing lab over here enabled widespread blind testing?

2. If the best thing that people who do not hesitate to lie and concern troll to throw shade on me is something that happened 7 years ago, doesn't imply corruption in the slightest and there is no report to show for it, it's kind of telling, isn't it?

Just look at what those people have, why they have to keep repeating it ad nauseatum, how they behave, what kind of work they put towards betterment of the community and then have your interest piqued.

Now take a look at people who actually work for the betterment of the community, test stuff and actually use analytical testing and what they say.

What is your conclusion? Or do you need something more to make one?
I'm not badmouthing you at all, Jano. I'm talking to the guy who said this is a "silly" conversation. I'm sure you appreciate the position you hold and agree that your level of integrity isn't something we should just take for granted.
You don't have a reputation for being a scammer and I haven't read anything outside this thread that suggested you are corrupt, but I was listening to a podcast last night and they mentioned you by name and said that you might be getting paid off by some labs. I'm sure the podcasters visit meso and may have saw this exact thread, though. The timing just seems a bit too coincidental.
If you have nothing to worry about then we have nothing to worry about and it's all good. Like I said, I'm not accusing you of anything and i have no reason to badmouth you, but other people seem to be out to get you and they're making some pretty serious accusastions. I think I speak for the majority when I say we like to believe you're telling the truth.
I'm not badmouthing you at all, Jano. I'm talking to the guy who said this is a "silly" conversation. I'm sure you appreciate the position you hold and agree that your level of integrity isn't something we should just take for granted.
You don't have a reputation for being a scammer and I haven't read anything outside this thread that suggested you are corrupt, but I was listening to a podcast last night and they mentioned you by name and said that you might be getting paid off by some labs. I'm sure the podcasters visit meso and may have saw this exact thread, though. The timing just seems a bit too coincidental.
If you have nothing to worry about then we have nothing to worry about and it's all good. Like I said, I'm not accusing you of anything and i have no reason to badmouth you, but other people seem to be out to get you and they're making some pretty serious accusastions. I think I speak for the majority when I say we like to believe you're telling the truth.
Well why wouldn't you name the podcast?
Drugs n Stuff podcast by Think BIG Bodybuilding Media. Dave Crosland said it on episode #207.
“I’ve heard people say that their results can be bought. But I’ve never seen any evidence of that. Just the usual internet bollocks.”

“Only complaint I’ve heard it’s expensive and takes a while to deliver from US to Europe.”

"Janoshik was very professional and kept me updated and incredibly fast."

"I have no reason to doubt them."

Then they talk extensively about how it's neigh impossible for me to be paid off when I accept insane amonut of blind samples and how the only experiences with my business are good and legit.

I don't see how you managed to figure this out of it: "...(they) said that you might be getting paid off by some labs."
Jano has taken on the responsibility of testing the products that we pay for and inject into our bodies. We are putting our trust in them first before we trust a source. If jano's integrity has been compromised in the slightest, it's a major fucking problem. There's nothing silly about this conversation at all. It's worth it for you, me, and everyone else who trusts janoshik testing to discuss this and determine whether or not he might be getting fucking paid by certain labs to post fake results in order to trick us into buying from said lab. If there's ever a conversation that's fucking "silly" on this board, this one isn't it. The consensus is that Jano's testing is the safest. That's great. Is he corrupt? I'd kind of like to know. Wouldn't you? I'm not saying any of these accusations are true, but my interest is certainly piqued.
Your interest can be piqued, but that categorically does not mean this conversation isn’t silly. If this is the only thing ppl can point to and claim “jano’s corruption” than there isn’t any solid, compelling, or convincing information that he’s a scam. Most the claims against jano in this thread are made by some fucking moron screaming about children dicks, and that’s what you find compelling? Not to mention the initial claim is over 7 years ago. Sorry man. This isn’t just a silly conversation, it’s flat dumb one if this is the “info”. Also, your podcast vindicates jano Lmao.
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“I’ve heard people say that their results can be bought. But I’ve never seen any evidence of that. Just the usual internet bollocks.”

“Only complaint I’ve heard it’s expensive and takes a while to deliver from US to Europe.”

"Janoshik was very professional and kept me updated and incredibly fast."

"I have no reason to doubt them."

Then they talk extensively about how it's neigh impossible for me to be paid off when I accept insane amonut of blind samples and how the only experiences with my business are good and legit.

I don't see how you managed to figure this out of it: "...(they) said that you might be getting paid off by some labs."
Dude they mentioned you and specifically brought up the fact that people are accusing you of taking bribes. If you look at the situation really closely, I mean not through the lense of your very obvious narcisstic personality disorder, but as a consumer or basically anyone else listening to that podcast, you'll be able to discern how I managed to take that as "they said you might be getting paid off by some labs." Did they acuse you directly, the way I quoted it? No. It was a bad quote. Did they specifically mention the fact that you're being accused of it? Yeah. And why did they bring that up? The rest of the quotes you wrote about the blind test and excellent service weren't said by dave, they were said by someone else who had written into the show. Now you can stop fuckin talking to me right now because personally I think you're a cunt and not worth arguing with. Just do the fuckin tests and don't be corrupt. And stop attacking people who question whether or not it's true. Cunt.
Dude they mentioned you and specifically brought up the fact that people are accusing you of taking bribes. If you look at the situation really closely, I mean not through the lense of your very obvious narcisstic personality disorder, but as a consumer or basically anyone else listening to that podcast, you'll be able to discern how I managed to take that as "they said you might be getting paid off by some labs." Did they acuse you directly, the way I quoted it? No. It was a bad quote. Did they specifically mention the fact that you're being accused of it? Yeah. And why did they bring that up? The rest of the quotes you wrote about the blind test and excellent service weren't said by dave, they were said by someone else who had written into the show. Now you can stop fuckin talking to me right now because personally I think you're a cunt and not worth arguing with. Just do the fuckin tests and don't be corrupt. And stop attacking people who question whether or not it's true. Cunt
Oh gee. Why wouldn’t he be nice to someone acting like this? Lmao.
Your interest can be piqued, but that categorically does not mean this conversation isn’t silly. If this is the only thing ppl can point to and claim “jano’s corruption” than there isn’t any solid, compelling, or convincing information that he’s a scam. Most the claims against jano in this thread are made by some fucking moron screaming about children dicks, and that’s what you find compelling? Not to mention the initial claim is over 7 years ago. Sorry man. This isn’t just a silly conversation, it’s flat dumb one if this is the “info”. Also, your podcast vindicates jano Lmao.
Well the initial claim might be 7 years old but it definitely highlights the kind of "fuck you" attitude jano clearly has for people.
If I misunderstood the point of what the podcast was saying then that's great news. I was at work and was obviously not paying close enough attention to where they were going with the conversation when they mentioned it. But they still mentioned it and it jumped out at me because I was on this thread yesterday. That's why I mentioned it to jano. I wasn't trying to use it as "proof" of him being guilty. So you can both blow that out your asses.
I'm talking about why this conversation is worth having. If you'd rather just plug your ears and drop to your knees then that's up to you. I'd rather have/read a discussion about the validity of the rumours, preferably without involving the person who is actually being accused.
By the way, did jano actually admit to pulling the shit that the original poster of this thread accused him of or was that a lie too? The only reaction jano gave to the most recent inquiry was a laughing emoji...because, you know, not giving a fuck is a great look.
The conversation is not silly. The claims might be based on bullshit but we don't know that until we have the conversation. This thread is old, the topic may have been debunked already, and the internet may have moved past this but there are still a lot of us new to the forums who are coming across this information recently and are glad to see it being discussed.
It's not silly. I will die on this hill, bud.
You do realize you're spending a lot of time defending a person in a position of power. This is the exact opposite of what you should be doing.
Writing two comments is a lot of time?
You do realize you're spending a lot of time defending a person in a position of power. This is the exact opposite of what you should be doing.
How is this defending jano? I made one comment about how stupid the claims were that jano isn’t the consensus pick for a safe testing lab (cause they are considering the prolific use of their lab), and here I’m saying that jano has no need to be nice to people being dicks to him like the above poster. If this is how people “get at the truth” by sounding like illiterate weirdos ranting, raving, and swearing than I don’t know why y’all are surprised by getting laughed at in response instead of a serious retort…
Well the initial claim might be 7 years old but it definitely highlights the kind of "fuck you" attitude jano clearly has for people.
If I misunderstood the point of what the podcast was saying then that's great news. I was at work and was obviously not paying close enough attention to where they were going with the conversation when they mentioned it. But they still mentioned it and it jumped out at me because I was on this thread yesterday. That's why I mentioned it to jano. I wasn't trying to use it as "proof" of him being guilty. So you can both blow that out your asses.
I'm talking about why this conversation is worth having. If you'd rather just plug your ears and drop to your knees then that's up to you. I'd rather have/read a discussion about the validity of the rumours, preferably without involving the person who is actually being accused.
By the way, did jano actually admit to pulling the shit that the original poster of this thread accused him of or was that a lie too? The only reaction jano gave to the most recent inquiry was a laughing emoji...because, you know, not giving a fuck is a great look.
The conversation is not silly. The claims might be based on bullshit but we don't know that until we have the conversation. This thread is old, the topic may have been debunked already, and the internet may have moved past this but there are still a lot of us new to the forums who are coming across this information recently and are glad to see it being discussed.
It's not silly. I will die on this hill, bud.
You are ranting and swearing directly at jano and confused why the response back is being laughed at? Some of y’all need some serious therapy to help with y’all’s failed communication skills…
Writing two comments is a lot of time?
How is this defending jano? I made one comment about how stupid the claims were that jano isn’t the consensus pick for a safe testing lab (cause they are considering the prolific use of their lab), and here I’m saying that jano has no need to be nice to people being dicks to him like the above poster. If this is how people “get at the truth” by sounding like illiterate weirdos ranting, raving, and swearing than I don’t know why y’all are surprised by getting laughed at in response instead of a serious retort…
I mean, you don't have to take any of this personally but it looks like you've chosen to. It also looks like we're also going to disagree on your definition of someone ranting and raving like an illiterate weirdo. If you can't handle someone swearing at you after you say something ridiculous then you're in the wrong place. This isn't sunday school. I swore at you because you brushed the conversation off as "silly." That's a ridiculous thing to say.

I wasn't being a dick to jano at all until he started in on me when I wasn't accusing him of anything at all. I'm not putting up with that shit. Not me, bud. He can fuck right off with that pretentious shit. I have no time for it.

For some reason you've taken what I said personally and you're standing by it regardless of what I say, and you've doubled down by weighing in on how I'm choosing to speak to jano, which is none of your fuckin business. Why you're going the extra mile to defend him is beyond me. Are you a shill? Is that why the idea of a highly trusted tester being corrupted doesn't seem to bother you much?

I'm glad you brought up reading and communication skills, because you didn't read my comment properly. I said the last response to the questions about the OP topic was responded to with a laughing emoji. I wasn't talking about the comment I had just made. You would know that if your reading and communication skills were up to par.
I mean, you don't have to take any of this personally but it looks like you've chosen to. It also looks like we're also going to disagree on your definition of someone ranting and raving like an illiterate weirdo. If you can't handle someone swearing at you after you say something ridiculous then you're in the wrong place. This isn't sunday school. I swore at you because you brushed the conversation off as "silly." That's a ridiculous thing to say.

I wasn't being a dick to jano at all until he started in on me when I wasn't accusing him of anything at all. I'm not putting up with that shit. Not me, bud. He can fuck right off with that pretentious shit. I have no time for it.

For some reason you've taken what I said personally and you're standing by it regardless of what I say, and you've doubled down by weighing in on how I'm choosing to speak to jano, which is none of your fuckin business. Why you're going the extra mile to defend him is beyond me. Are you a shill? Is that why the idea of a highly trusted tester being corrupted doesn't seem to bother you much?

I'm glad you brought up reading and communication skills, because you didn't read my comment properly. I said the last response to the questions about the OP topic was responded to with a laughing emoji. I wasn't talking about the comment I had just made. You would know that if your reading and communication skills were up to par.
Unfortunately I have read your rants. There is a reason your poor communication is being met with ridicule and being ignored.
Unfortunately I have read your rants. There is a reason your poor communication is being met with ridicule and being ignored.
We already know that you don't even care if janoshik is "on the take" with certain labs. You don't care about this subject at all. That's been made crystal clear. For some reason you're just willing to accept his corruption if it is true, so your defense of him means absolutely nothing to anyone. I can't expect you to care what I'm saying about it anyways. For some strange reason you're running to jano's rescue with your big red nose, polkadot pants and giant shoes on.
We already know that you don't even care if janoshik is "on the take" with certain labs. You don't care about this subject at all. That's been made crystal clear. For some reason you're just willing to accept his corruption if it is true, so your defense of him means absolutely nothing to anyone. I can't expect you to care what I'm saying about it anyways. For some strange reason you're running to jano's rescue with your big red nose, polkadot pants and giant shoes on.
The only clown here is you. I’m sorry this conversation has made you so sore. I hope everything is going ok in your life. I’m not running to anyone’s rescue, just pointing out that you ranting like an angry moron is obviously not illiciting the type of response you were hoping for. Maybe a calm collected discussion where you’re not calling the person you’re looking for a response from a cunt might help you? Either way, seems like your estrogen is hella high or something and I hope you get that worked out.
The only clown here is you. I’m sorry this conversation has made you so sore. I hope everything is going ok in your life. I’m not running to anyone’s rescue, just pointing out that you ranting like an angry moron is obviously not illiciting the type of response you were hoping for. Maybe a calm collected discussion where you’re not calling the person you’re looking for a response from a cunt might help you. Either way, seems like your estrogen is hella high or something and I hope you get that worked out.
You seem like someone who has their people skills dialed right in too there, bud. You were running to Jano's rescue. That's what your original comment was. You called the conversation laughable because yes he might be "on the take" but the consensus is that it's the safest lab.
Now, because it's clear that you're lost right now, go back and read the conversation we've had again starting with your post about this topic being laughable. Then you'll notice that I didn't say anything rude to jano until he hit me with the "well why wont you post the podcast then," as if to accuse ME of making shit up now. The only person I was rude to was your idiotic ass for acknowledging the possibility of corruption and then dismissing it in the same breath.
I'm finished discussing this with you. We've both made our points over and over again, and we're getting nowhere.
I'm out.
You seem like someone who has their people skills dialed right in too there, bud. You were running to Jano's rescue. That's what your original comment was. You called the conversation laughable because yes he might be "on the take" but the consensus is that it's the safest lab.
Now, because it's clear that you're lost right now, go back and read the conversation we've had again starting with your post about this topic being laughable. Then you'll notice that I didn't say anything rude to jano until he hit me with the "well why wont you post the podcast then," as if to accuse ME of making shit up now. The only person I was rude to was your idiotic ass for acknowledging the possibility of corruption and then dismissing it in the same breath.
I'm finished discussing this with you. We've both made our points over and over again, and we're getting nowhere.
I'm out.
I’m not running to anyone’s rescue, I’m saying flat you sound like an angry pouty child unworthy of a serious response. Welcome to reality snowflake.
We already know that you don't even care if janoshik is "on the take" with certain labs. You don't care about this subject at all. That's been made crystal clear. For some reason you're just willing to accept his corruption if it is true, so your defense of him means absolutely nothing to anyone. I can't expect you to care what I'm saying about it anyways. For some strange reason you're running to jano's rescue with your big red nose, polkadot pants and giant shoes on.
The problem here is all your statements are accusations with no factual basis or evidence. You're basically just spouting off things you heard that may or may not have any merit to them.

If you really want to build a case for public opinion you should come with some facts. This thread is complete bullshit until that happens.

The only thing that carries some weight in my opinion was the OP's account of a weird and unlikely situation that happened between Jano and him.

So that's one odd thing in 7 years. If you wanna tear someone down you're going to have to do a better job than this. Just move on and stop running your mouth like a teenage girl.
1. Blind Tests, silly. It's dumb to trust lab testing by sources unconditionally.

Now, could it please be named which testing lab over here enabled widespread blind testing?

2. If the best thing that people who do not hesitate to lie and concern troll to throw shade on me is something that happened 7 years ago, doesn't imply corruption in the slightest and there is no report to show for it, it's kind of telling, isn't it?

Just look at what those people have, why they have to keep repeating it ad nauseatum, how they behave, what kind of work they put towards betterment of the community and then have your interest piqued.

Now take a look at people who actually work for the betterment of the community, test stuff and actually use analytical testing and what they say.

What is your conclusion? Or do you need something more to make one?
Work for the betterment of the community while enriching themselves financially you mean?