Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

Again you are assuming my mentality. What an ass. I manage several hundred individuals ( from engineers, tradesmen, MBAs and middle managers) and group consensus does and can exist. In fact consensus only happens in a group. If two or three out of three anonymous board members post that believe in the trustworthiness that would be a consensus of that three person comment string. Which still could be worthless or could be helpful.

Suggestions to me that I don’t understand or that I maybe dumped as a fool in no way was helpful nor did you intend it to be. You assumed since I just joined I must be a naive useful fool and instead of offering your vast experience you decided to chide. Now twice, still not offering a lab you trust.
Again you are assuming my mentality. What an ass. I manage several hundred individuals ( from engineers, tradesmen, MBAs and middle managers) and group consensus does and can exist. In fact consensus only happens in a group. If two or three out of three anonymous board members post that believe in the trustworthiness that would be a consensus of that three person comment string. Which still could be worthless or could be helpful.

Suggestions to me that I don’t understand or that I maybe dumped as a fool in no way was helpful nor did you intend it to be. You assumed since I just joined I must be a naive useful fool and instead of offering your vast experience you decided to chide. Now twice, still not offering a lab you trust.
Oh, I didn't know I was talking to a manager. Managers tend to be incredibly smart and accomplished people. Thank you for putting me in my place.

Naps gear is by far the finest choice you can make. I wouldn't suggest going anywhere else. Second to that is going to be eroids.com. just go on there and whoever has the best sale going order from them and it's a home run for sure. For all testing I highly suggest a home test kit. Extremely accurate, convenient, and stays in the privacy of your home.
It’s an analogy dipshit. Would you be more comfortable with your hand in the cookie jar? Unfortunately I look at scamming like I look at pedos- a worthless detriment to society, so they are interchangeable. Apparently one you find vile as I do, and the other is apparently just part of doing business.
I don't have a stake in this fight but I just want to say bro you can't just make up your own idioms and expect everyone else to understand it. I thought you meant jano was actually caught with a 5 year old's dick in his mouth. I thought it had to be well-known since nobody else seemed to be reacting to it. Then I started thinking maybe everyone else on this board is fucked in the head and just don't care about what jano did to a 5 year old. It was fucking with me all afternoon until I just logged back in and read the rest of the conversation. Thanks a lot, Brutus.
He said he wasn’t jano AND he isn’t a schill. The epitome of legit lol- and uncanny timing at that. Get all that bad PR buried and let this thread work its way back a few pages so daddy can eat again. I especially like the full disclosure that he doesn’t want to read through all the nonsense- he just wants to drop facts.
I don't really want to read through all the drivel/nonsense in this thread, so i'll just share my experience.

I used Jano for the first time a few weeks ago. Test no 35271. Never tested anything before with any lab.

I sent in a sample completely blind. No info on what it was, just a 1ml sample of oil. Email was different from that I used to order from the source, etc.

I got the result less than a week later. It came back to the specific test esters that it was sold as (sustanon.) The communication and help I had by email from them was very good.

Not a shill, not paid by jano, i'm not jano either. For me it was reliable and a decent business.

Tldr, didnt get scammed, jano/jakub were good.
I don't have a stake in this fight but I just want to say bro you can't just make up your own idioms and expect everyone else to understand it. I thought you meant jano was actually caught with a 5 year old's dick in his mouth. I thought it had to be well-known since nobody else seemed to be reacting to it. Then I started thinking maybe everyone else on this board is fucked in the head and just don't care about what jano did to a 5 year old. It was fucking with me all afternoon until I just logged back in and read the rest of the conversation. Thanks a lot, Brutus.
Has the average psyche really gotten this tender? Jesus.
I don't have a stake in this fight but I just want to say bro you can't just make up your own idioms and expect everyone else to understand it. I thought you meant jano was actually caught with a 5 year old's dick in his mouth. I thought it had to be well-known since nobody else seemed to be reacting to it. Then I started thinking maybe everyone else on this board is fucked in the head and just don't care about what jano did to a 5 year old. It was fucking with me all afternoon until I just logged back in and read the rest of the conversation. Thanks a lot, Brutus.
Side note- that last comma makes me think you use grammars for your meso posts. Strange to say the least
Has the average psyche really gotten this tender? Jesus.
Call me tender if it makes you feel better. Calling someone a pedophile when you really mean scammer is pretty fuckin dumb, to say the least. You think they're both 2 shitty kinds of people so that means they're basically the same thing...ok chief.

Side note- that last comma makes me think you use grammars for your meso posts. Strange to say the least
Ok this whole thing is starting to make a lot more sense now. You're an idiot, right? Now I get it.
Call me tender if it makes you feel better. Calling someone a pedophile when you really mean scammer is pretty fuckin dumb, to say the least. You think they're both 2 shitty kinds of people so that means they're basically the same thing...ok chief.

Ok this whole thing is starting to make a lot more sense now. You're an idiot, right? Now I get it.
I’m glad you had your faith restored in janoshik and the anonymous bodybuilding message board community as a whole, and I am truly sorry to have ruined the day you spent worrying about all of the potential pedophile apologists. I am also glad you “get it”. I would hate to have caused any more confusion on your part and compromise your evening after the havok I wrought upon your Sunday.
I’m glad you had your faith restored in janoshik and the anonymous bodybuilding message board community as a whole, and I am truly sorry to have ruined the day you spent worrying about all of the potential pedophile apologists. I am also glad you “get it”. I would hate to have caused any more confusion on your part and compromise your evening after the havok I wrought upon your Sunday.
You're forgiven.
I don't judge Brutus because he was an addict.

You don’t? Weird, you keep throwing around “junkie” “dope fiend” to try to discredit a member.

Your behavior shows that you are still the same guy that this thread was created about.

I don't really want to read through all the drivel/nonsense in this thread, so i'll just share my experience.

I used Jano for the first time a few weeks ago. Test no 35271. Never tested anything before with any lab.

I sent in a sample completely blind. No info on what it was, just a 1ml sample of oil. Email was different from that I used to order from the source, etc.

I got the result less than a week later. It came back to the specific test esters that it was sold as (sustanon.) The communication and help I had by email from them was very good.

Not a shill, not paid by jano, i'm not jano either. For me it was reliable and a decent business.

Tldr, didnt get scammed, jano/jakub were good.

If you don’t care to read a thread and topic at hand then refrain from posting in it. You look like an idiot. This isn’t the place to write a review. A member was scammed, thread created, a lot of bickering and lying on Janos part and eventually Jano made another thread where he came clean of the scam and offered Mands store credit and apologized.

Seeing that Jano’s behavior is still the same as the day he scammed Mands should be very concerning. For instance, a thread was created today asking how a particular source’s hgh tested so ridiculously well on Janos report. Ironically that same source just visited Jano and spent the day with him the other day. Point being that there will always be doubt when it comes to Jano as he did a very shady thing and lied about it for an exhausting amount of time before deciding to come clean.
For instance, a thread was created today asking how a particular source’s hgh tested so ridiculously well on Janos report. Ironically that same source just visited Jano and spent the day with him the other day.
This was being celebrated. But tbh, it concerns me. I can't be the only one.
Who is asking to be spoon fed. You either have an opinion on reputable testing labs or you don't. At 56 years old I am fully aware of my ability to read and make up my own mind. My question is do members have testing labs they do recommend. Geez what's with all the hostility. Help me or ignore me; lectures aren't needed.
Damn , if that was true you wouldn't have posted the go-to NPC question on a year old thread. Can't teach an old dog new tricks I suppose.
You don’t? Weird, you keep throwing around “junkie” “dope fiend” to try to discredit a member.

Your behavior shows that you are still the same guy that this thread was created about.

If you don’t care to read a thread and topic at hand then refrain from posting in it. You look like an idiot. This isn’t the place to write a review. A member was scammed, thread created, a lot of bickering and lying on Janos part and eventually Jano made another thread where he came clean of the scam and offered Mands store credit and apologized.

Seeing that Jano’s behavior is still the same as the day he scammed Mands should be very concerning. For instance, a thread was created today asking how a particular source’s hgh tested so ridiculously well on Janos report. Ironically that same source just visited Jano and spent the day with him the other day. Point being that there will always be doubt when it comes to Jano as he did a very shady thing and lied about it for an exhausting amount of time before deciding to come clean.
Why are you getting so stirred up by the fact people post good reviews of my service?

You have never ever tested anything and if people check your post history, all you do is talk about me. That's kind of telling, isn't it?

I’m glad you had your faith restored in janoshik and the anonymous bodybuilding message board community as a whole, and I am truly sorry to have ruined the day you spent worrying about all of the potential pedophile apologists. I am also glad you “get it”. I would hate to have caused any more confusion on your part and compromise your evening after the havok I wrought upon your Sunday.
If all you can talk about is accusing people of being my alt-accounts and abusing kids it makes people question whether you are on the dope again, or if you really are mentally ill.

Freud would have a thing or two to tell you about both of those.
I don't have a stake in this fight but I just want to say bro you can't just make up your own idioms and expect everyone else to understand it. I thought you meant jano was actually caught with a 5 year old's dick in his mouth. I thought it had to be well-known since nobody else seemed to be reacting to it. Then I started thinking maybe everyone else on this board is fucked in the head and just don't care about what jano did to a 5 year old. It was fucking with me all afternoon until I just logged back in and read the rest of the conversation. Thanks a lot, Brutus.
No, it's just his deviant fantasies and lies about my alt accounts etc.

Anybody else posting disgusting perversions, especially related to kids, like that would get banned long ago, but for some reason, @brutus79, despite breaking the rules of this site on the regular ( I think the keyword is "woodchipper" or "chainsaw" ) is not.
No, it's just his deviant fantasies and lies about my alt accounts etc.

Anybody else posting disgusting perversions, especially related to kids, like that would get banned long ago, but for some reason, @brutus79, despite breaking the rules of this site on the regular ( I think the keyword is "woodchipper" or "chainsaw" ) is not.
Just for the record- are you saying @mands lied, or are you admitting you provided results for a test you never did? Pretty simple question.
Again you are assuming my mentality. What an ass. I manage several hundred individuals ( from engineers, tradesmen, MBAs and middle managers) and group consensus does and can exist. In fact consensus only happens in a group. If two or three out of three anonymous board members post that believe in the trustworthiness that would be a consensus of that three person comment string. Which still could be worthless or could be helpful.

Suggestions to me that I don’t understand or that I maybe dumped as a fool in no way was helpful nor did you intend it to be. You assumed since I just joined I must be a naive useful fool and instead of offering your vast experience you decided to chide. Now twice, still not offering a lab you trust.
Jano is 100% the community consensus on best lab for testing. It’s straight laughable that people are claiming otherwise by dragging up some 7 year old controversy. Is it potential jano could be on the take to give vendors good reviews? Sure. But that doesn’t change the fact that many here would straight up refuse to use a vendor without jano test results because it’s the community consensus for safe testing. Virtually every hlpc test in the analytical lab testing forum is from jano. It’s the same on other forums. This conversation is honestly silly.
Jano is 100% the community consensus on best lab for testing. It’s straight laughable that people are claiming otherwise by dragging up some 7 year old controversy. Is it potential jano could be on the take to give vendors good reviews? Sure. But that doesn’t change the fact that many here would straight up refuse to use a vendor without jano test results because it’s the community consensus for safe testing. Virtually every hlpc test in the analytical lab testing forum is from jano. It’s the same on other forums. This conversation is honestly silly.
Jano has taken on the responsibility of testing the products that we pay for and inject into our bodies. We are putting our trust in them first before we trust a source. If jano's integrity has been compromised in the slightest, it's a major fucking problem. There's nothing silly about this conversation at all. It's worth it for you, me, and everyone else who trusts janoshik testing to discuss this and determine whether or not he might be getting fucking paid by certain labs to post fake results in order to trick us into buying from said lab. If there's ever a conversation that's fucking "silly" on this board, this one isn't it. The consensus is that Jano's testing is the safest. That's great. Is he corrupt? I'd kind of like to know. Wouldn't you? I'm not saying any of these accusations are true, but my interest is certainly piqued.
Jano has taken on the responsibility of testing the products that we pay for and inject into our bodies. We are putting our trust in them first before we trust a source. If jano's integrity has been compromised in the slightest, it's a major fucking problem. There's nothing silly about this conversation at all. It's worth it for you, me, and everyone else who trusts janoshik testing to discuss this and determine whether or not he might be getting fucking paid by certain labs to post fake results in order to trick us into buying from said lab. If there's ever a conversation that's fucking "silly" on this board, this one isn't it. The consensus is that Jano's testing is the safest. That's great. Is he corrupt? I'd kind of like to know. Wouldn't you? I'm not saying any of these accusations are true, but my interest is certainly piqued.
1. Blind Tests, silly. It's dumb to trust lab testing by sources unconditionally.

Now, could it please be named which testing lab over here enabled widespread blind testing?

2. If the best thing that people who do not hesitate to lie and concern troll to throw shade on me is something that happened 7 years ago, doesn't imply corruption in the slightest and there is no report to show for it, it's kind of telling, isn't it?

Just look at what those people have, why they have to keep repeating it ad nauseatum, how they behave, what kind of work they put towards betterment of the community and then have your interest piqued.

Now take a look at people who actually work for the betterment of the community, test stuff and actually use analytical testing and what they say.

What is your conclusion? Or do you need something more to make one?
It’s an analogy dipshit. Would you be more comfortable with your hand in the cookie jar? Unfortunately I look at scamming like I look at pedos- a worthless detriment to society, so they are interchangeable. Apparently one you find vile as I do, and the other is apparently just part of doing business.
I'm a little confused here. So you're saying that you calling janoshik a pedophile was something you made up as an analogy?