Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

Who is asking to be spoon fed. You either have an opinion on reputable testing labs or you don't. At 56 years old I am fully aware of my ability to read and make up my own mind. My question is do members have testing labs they do recommend. Geez what's with all the hostility. Help me or ignore me; lectures aren't needed.
A good start would be taking a look at who the people who actually are testing stuff are using and their reviews in the Analytical subforum.

Once again, what does that have to do with sending stuff that can be tested?

Holy fuck you must be gay and retarded. No wonder no one is responding to you in any serious manner. Jesus fucking Christ, pull that cock out of your ass and read
hey, hey, hey there.

aren't you the opiate addict that claimed the my reports are fake because you couldn't wrap your mind around the fact that the European date format is a thing?


You attacking a man's character instead of addressing the legitimate content of his accusations (which have previously even been verified by yourself) is speaking rather loudly of your character and business etiquette. You've built a well regarded persona and a trusted business model, I'm intrigued, why display such poor character, when it's more damaging then just showing some back bone and staying honest?
You attacking a man's character instead of addressing the legitimate content of his accusations (which have previously even been verified by yourself) is speaking rather loudly of your character and business etiquette. You've built a well regarded persona and a trusted business model, I'm intrigued, why display such poor character, when it's more damaging then just showing some back bone and staying honest?
You attacking a man's character instead of addressing the legitimate content of his accusations (which have previously even been verified by yourself) is speaking rather loudly of your character and business etiquette. You've built a well regarded persona and a trusted business model, I'm intrigued, why display such poor character, when it's more damaging then just showing some back bone and staying honest?
The content had been addressed ad absurdum, do you really feel the need for an another repetition?

On the other hand, this particular dope fiend, @brutus79, is not around enough anymore to be regularly reminded who and what he is, so I have to do some public service here, before the benders take him forever.

Take a look at the claims of this junkie, @Dr JIM and @mands and look at who the time proved right and who figured it's better to get gone and quiet, as it should be.
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The content had been addressed ad absurdum, do you really feel the need for an another repetition?

On the other hand, this particular dope fiend, @brutus79, is not around enough anymore to be regularly reminded who and what he is, so I have to do some public service here, before the benders take him forever.

Take a look at the claims of this junkie, @Dr JIM and @mands and look at who the time proved right and who figured it's better to get gone and quiet, as it should be.
Wait…. You feel the facts about why you are not trustworthy are somehow not relevant because of repetition? You got caught with a five year old dick in your mouth. No matter how many times I call you a pedophile it will never lessen the accuracy of the statement. I’m glad you decided to stop screwing people over and lying, but when it comes to scams I am a one strike and you are out guy. The date thing was CBS , but that doesn’t lesson your fake test any more than anything else anyone says. I think it’s nice you have some dummy accounts here to pump yourself up, and find it even more satisfying you have to keep several accounts going to make up for your life being so empty you need to hustle a steroid board to make a living. Keep up the good work.
On the other hand, this particular dope fiend, @brutus79, is not around enough anymore to be regularly reminded who and what he is, so I have to do some public service here, before the benders take him forever.

Take a look at the claims of this junkie, @Dr JIM and @mands and look at who the time proved right and who figured it's better to get gone and quiet, as it should be.

Typical of you to throw out some shady lies. Your character never ceases to amaze me. You forget that there are still some old members here who remember all this clear as day. So Brutus is a junkie now? Time proved you right over these guys? That’s not how this works or how it played out. Members leave, sources take a bit longer to clear out since there is a vested interest. You should really learn when to stfu. You literally admitted to the scam but now look at you, and it’s been years. Grow up conman
Wait…. You feel the facts about why you are not trustworthy are somehow not relevant because of repetition? You got caught with a five year old dick in your mouth. No matter how many times I call you a pedophile it will never lessen the accuracy of the statement. I’m glad you decided to stop screwing people over and lying, but when it comes to scams I am a one strike and you are out guy. The date thing was CBS , but that doesn’t lesson your fake test any more than anything else anyone says. I think it’s nice you have some dummy accounts here to pump yourself up, and find it even more satisfying you have to keep several accounts going to make up for your life being so empty you need to hustle a steroid board to make a living. Keep up the good work.
Ouch, perfect burn that hits the mark. Welcome back and hope all's well with you brother!
The content had been addressed ad absurdum, do you really feel the need for an another repetition?

On the other hand, this particular dope fiend, @brutus79, is not around enough anymore to be regularly reminded who and what he is, so I have to do some public service here, before the benders take him forever.

Take a look at the claims of this junkie, @Dr JIM and @mands and look at who the time proved right and who figured it's better to get gone and quiet, as it should be.
You truly are a flaming fucking asshole. The fact that you're a vendor with member privileges fucking baffles me.
Wait…. You feel the facts about why you are not trustworthy are somehow not relevant because of repetition? You got caught with a five year old dick in your mouth. No matter how many times I call you a pedophile it will never lessen the accuracy of the statement. I’m glad you decided to stop screwing people over and lying, but when it comes to scams I am a one strike and you are out guy. The date thing was CBS , but that doesn’t lesson your fake test any more than anything else anyone says. I think it’s nice you have some dummy accounts here to pump yourself up, and find it even more satisfying you have to keep several accounts going to make up for your life being so empty you need to hustle a steroid board to make a living. Keep up the good work.
Please, behave yourself and talk to a professional about your fantasies involving kids, instead of us having to suffer your deviancy here.

If you have a belief I have dummy accounts, you ought to list them to get me banned.

Why don't you?
Are they in the room with us right now?

You don't get the privilege of pushing your delusions without getting stomped anymore, fiend.

Typical of you to throw out some shady lies. Your character never ceases to amaze me. You forget that there are still some old members here who remember all this clear as day. So Brutus is a junkie now? Time proved you right over these guys? That’s not how this works or how it played out. Members leave, sources take a bit longer to clear out since there is a vested interest. You should really learn when to stfu. You literally admitted to the scam but now look at you, and it’s been years. Grow up conman
Haha, why don't you ask him?

If you climbed out of the sewers you might as well show some effort.
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The content had been addressed ad absurdum, do you really feel the need for an another repetition?

On the other hand, this particular dope fiend, @brutus79, is not around enough anymore to be regularly reminded who and what he is, so I have to do some public service here, before the benders take him forever.

Take a look at the claims of this junkie, @Dr JIM and @mands and look at who the time proved right and who figured it's better to get gone and quiet, as it should be.

I do understand your frustration, but your response failed to limit and opened the doors, to a lot of oppositional decoding (Hall) - to which you are privy now. It structurally portrays your character as low in conscientiousness and a fragile ego. A much better and simpler reply would simply be in the lines: "Yep, fucked up that one ... Also, you're a junky, f you." The insulting of his character - without acknowledging the content of his message - is just bad PR, nothing else.

It's your game, play it how you wanna play it, I'm just looking at your communication through the eyes of a media professional ...
I do understand your frustration, but your response failed to limit and opened the doors, to a lot of oppositional decoding (Hall) - to which you are privy now. It structurally portrays your character as low in conscientiousness and a fragile ego. A much better and simpler reply would simply be in the lines: "Yep, fucked up that one ... Also, you're a junky, f you." The insulting of his character - without acknowledging the content of his message - is just bad PR, nothing else.

It's your game, play it how you wanna play it, I'm just looking at your communication through the eyes of a media professional ...
You are 100% right.
I treat myself to a guilty pleasure here and there.

But I know when to stop and these people do not deserve anymore of my attention.

The best way to throw it all back to their face is to keep doing my business as always.
Exquisite and helping people.
Unlike their existence.

Please, behave yourself and talk to a professional about your fantasies involving kids, instead of us having to suffer you here.

If you have a belief I have dummy accounts, you ought to list them to get me banned.

Why don't you?
Are they in the room with us right now?

C'mon, fiend.

Haha, why don't you ask him?

If you climbed out of the sewers you might as well show some effort.

All these years on the boards and you still don’t know your audience and customer base. Brutus, myself and most on these boards are recovering addicts/alcoholics. Once we got clean we made the decision to be the best version of ourselves and joined the boards to do just that. Pretty shady to try to discredit a member because they were a drug addict more than a decade ago. Wouldn’t expect anything less from you though.

The rooms of recovery taught us admit our wrongs, make amends and work on our character defects. How refreshing it would be if you could follow suit instead of carrying on for 5 years now like you have.
All these years on the boards and you still don’t know your audience and customer base. Brutus, myself and most on these boards are recovering addicts/alcoholics. Once we got clean we made the decision to be the best version of ourselves and joined the boards to do just that. Pretty shady to try to discredit a member because they were a drug addict more than a decade ago. Wouldn’t expect anything less from you though.

The rooms of recovery taught us admit our wrongs, make amends and work on our character defects. How refreshing it would be if you could follow suit instead of carrying on for 5 years now like you have.
I don't judge Brutus because he was an addict.

I judge him because if this is the best version of himself that made amends, admitted his wrongs and worked on his character defects and he still can't help but project vile fantasies regarding kids, spread lies and discontent... maybe he deserves to be discredited.
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I don't judge Brutus because he was an addict.

I judge him because if this is the best version of himself that made amends, admitted his wrongs and worked on his character defects and he still can't help but project vile fantasies regarding kids, spread lies and discontent... maybe he deserves to be discredited.
It’s an analogy dipshit. Would you be more comfortable with your hand in the cookie jar? Unfortunately I look at scamming like I look at pedos- a worthless detriment to society, so they are interchangeable. Apparently one you find vile as I do, and the other is apparently just part of doing business.
I don't really want to read through all the drivel/nonsense in this thread, so i'll just share my experience.

I used Jano for the first time a few weeks ago. Test no 35271. Never tested anything before with any lab.

I sent in a sample completely blind. No info on what it was, just a 1ml sample of oil. Email was different from that I used to order from the source, etc.

I got the result less than a week later. It came back to the specific test esters that it was sold as (sustanon.) The communication and help I had by email from them was very good.

Not a shill, not paid by jano, i'm not jano either. For me it was reliable and a decent business.

Tldr, didnt get scammed, jano/jakub were good.
Who is asking to be spoon fed. You either have an opinion on reputable testing labs or you don't. At 56 years old I am fully aware of my ability to read and make up my own mind. My question is do members have testing labs they do recommend. Geez what's with all the hostility. Help me or ignore me; lectures aren't needed.
I don't think my post was hostile but to each their own. You specifically asked about group consensus. No such thing exists. I honestly wrote that not to try and flex on you but to steer you away from the mentality you were displaying in your questions. In line with my original post, obviously those are just my opinions which if you decide are worthless then to you they are.

Good luck to you sir and I hope you achieve success with your goals.